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Discussion Stubborn Fat


Aug 2, 2024
I've recently decided that I want to get as lean as I've ever been, and I know that it is going to take some work because my metabolism is on the slower side. The problem is that even at my very leanest, I still have areas of stubborn fat on the lower belly area that hide most of my ab visibility. I am not fat, sub 20% body fat, and my goal is around 14% in the near future. Does anyone have useful advice on how to go about this, or tips that could help me lean down?
I've recently decided that I want to get as lean as I've ever been, and I know that it is going to take some work because my metabolism is on the slower side. The problem is that even at my very leanest, I still have areas of stubborn fat on the lower belly area that hide most of my ab visibility. I am not fat, sub 20% body fat, and my goal is around 14% in the near future. Does anyone have useful advice on how to go about this, or tips that could help me lean down?
Bro get your body fat lower than 12 %

I am 9%🗿
I've recently decided that I want to get as lean as I've ever been, and I know that it is going to take some work because my metabolism is on the slower side. The problem is that even at my very leanest, I still have areas of stubborn fat on the lower belly area that hide most of my ab visibility. I am not fat, sub 20% body fat, and my goal is around 14% in the near future. Does anyone have useful advice on how to go about this, or tips that could help me lean down?
Either move more or eat natural
run forest run🙏🙏start running/walking fr i eat like shit but still manage to have a flat stomach and keep off the pounds by walking often consistently every day. I want from being skinny fat and flabby to lean and toned just by running. idk if this is good advice bc im not a gymnut but its what works for me🤷‍♀️
eventually u will have to up ur cardio, steps, or lower your calories to continue losing body fat. honestly my biggest tip is just to do more cardio, it’s always best to be getting all the essential nutrients and being in a high deficit makes that harder. make sure to take some maintenance breaks from time to time bc binge eating is definitely a thing that happens to people.
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  • #9
I definitely need to implement some sort of cardio more often, preferably walking as it is natural and not stressful for the body.
I eat natural when I can, but it isn't sustainable for my lifestyle. I am also 17 and live with my parents who have the brainwashed ideas about raw meat.
Then sorry bhai you gotta walk a fuck ton and try to eat as many whole foods as possible. For raw meat you could try buying sushi, im sure your parents would be fine with that. Just live similar to the Japanese
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  • #13
Then sorry bhai you gotta walk a fuck ton and try to eat as many whole foods as possible. For raw meat you could try buying sushi, im sure your parents would be fine with that. Just live similar to the Japanese
I do love sushi. My parents are fine with raw fish, and I try my best to eat naturally as often as I can, but when it comes to red meat they don't believe I should eat it raw. I will have to start walking a lot, or occasionally implement some stressful cardio for the efficiency.
I do love sushi. My parents are fine with raw fish, and I try my best to eat naturally as often as I can, but when it comes to red meat they don't believe I should eat it raw. I will have to start walking a lot, or occasionally implement some stressful cardio for the efficiency.
Use @Dandelions method of 10k+ steps /day
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  • #15
I do love sushi. My parents are fine with raw fish, and I try my best to eat naturally as often as I can, but when it comes to red meat they don't believe I should eat it raw. I will have to start walking a lot, or occasionally implement some stressful cardio for the efficiency.
The best I do when it comes to red meat is eat rare steaks, which is better than nothing.
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