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Discussion Style-maxing: why nerds who mog still get very little attention


Ϫ Sun Soaked Mogger Ϫ
Established Member
Dec 31, 2023
Order of Nihil
The honest truth is, unless you’re in the top 1% of looks you can’t pull off any style you want

This is where I think we as a community have made a mistake

The truth is your style is really more of a niche, it’s how big your net is gonna be cast in terms of female attention

For example
A goth chick might completely ignore a “basic” guy dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants, but will fawn over the same guy if he dressed like this


So that being said
Consider that casting a “wider net” by styling yourself to be more widely appealing depending on the trends of the time could help in making you less niche

Another great example is in the film 17 again
In which Chandler from friends (Rip) turns back into a 17 year old and goes back to high school, and even though he’s played by Zac Efron and is very gorgeous, what he shows up to school in at first makes girls laugh at him and call him a tool

But when he shows up again in a timeless and cool outfit, with his classic hairstyle, he’s f*****g obsessed over by the same girls who called him a tool


This is why things like hairstyle, clothing, glasses, having a tan, etc are so important to nail down

Alternately, one could say having a smaller visual niche style-wise could yield results less in quantity but higher in quality

What I mean is girls who are genuinely into actually nerdy guys go f*****g crazy for them (it’s honestly ridiculous) so while you may not get as much attention with a more specific niche such as the aforementioned nerdy or goth styles, you could definitely see a rise in the quality of attention you do get
just walk around naked and cold approach women theory

true. if i catch you lacking in neon or argyle clothes youre fried
That’s good knowledge. Niche and clothes are important, for both genders
so true, ur fit describes who u are.
The honest truth is, unless you’re in the top 1% of looks you can’t pull off any style you want
View attachment 30077

This is where I think we as a community have made a mistake

The truth is your style is really more of a niche, it’s how big your net is gonna be cast in terms of female attention

For example
A goth chick might completely ignore a “basic” guy dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants, but will fawn over the same guy if he dressed like this

View attachment 30078

So that being said
Consider that casting a “wider net” by styling yourself to be more widely appealing depending on the trends of the time could help in making you less niche

Another great example is in the film 17 again
In which Chandler from friends (Rip) turns back into a 17 year old and goes back to high school, and even though he’s played by Zac Efron and is very gorgeous, what he shows up to school in at first makes girls laugh at him and call him a tool

But when he shows up again in a timeless and cool outfit, with his classic hairstyle, he’s f*****g obsessed over by the same girls who called him a tool

View attachment 30080

This is why things like hairstyle, clothing, glasses, having a tan, etc are so important to nail down

Alternately, one could say having a smaller visual niche style-wise could yield results less in quantity but higher in quality

What I mean is girls who are genuinely into actually nerdy guys go f*****g crazy for them (it’s honestly ridiculous) so while you may not get as much attention with a more specific niche such as the aforementioned nerdy or goth styles, you could definitely see a rise in the quality of attention you do get
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