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Discussion Sub5s cold approach vs psl god 🥶

if u have to explain a joke then its not as funny

imagine if seth mcfarlane put those disclaimers in every episode of family guy

the incels have a cringey unappealing sound and mannerisms

if they voicemaxxed they probably would still get rejected, but less coldly and brutally

there was a chadlite who had a voice equally as cringey as them, but did not get rejected because of looks

the incels have a cringey unappealing sound and mannerisms

if they voicemaxxed they probably would still get rejected, but less coldly and brutally

there was a chadlite who had a voice equally as cringey as them, but did not get rejected because of looks
Voice is important asf
That’s why I stopped beating my meat as often so I would have deeper voice
That’s why I stopped beating my meat as often so I would have deeper voice
very much so, most compliments i get are on my voice

try meditation techniques using deep nasal breathing, one or two times i tried them they worked for like a day or two so i guess it works
beating your meat => prolactin, prolactin => testosterone inhibition, testosterone inhibition => twinkification
probably is psuedoscience. While prolactin does inhibit testosterone, the effect is probably only temporary. Why after masturbation you lose sex drive is probably from that. You are suggesting that abstinence will boost your testosterone. Abstinence=low sex drive=low t

snopes is a cabalic subdivision, jewish
no its just some guy and his wife shitpostin
sexless stop trying to get people to goon
probably is psuedoscience. While prolactin does inhibit testosterone, the effect is probably only temporary. Why after masturbation you lose sex drive is probably from that. You are suggesting that abstinence will boost your testosterone. Abstinence=low sex drive=low t

no its just some guy and his wife shitpostin
probably is psuedoscience. While prolactin does inhibit testosterone, the effect is probably only temporary. Why after masturbation you lose sex drive is probably from that. You are suggesting that abstinence will boost your testosterone. Abstinence=low sex drive=low t

no its just some guy and his wife shitpostin
What if youre still horny a lot but dont jack off, you still have the drive just dont act on it
your body will adapt becoming less and less horny over time
hmmm. i can think about sex a lot and sometimes not get horny at all, more like i am observing an event in my brain. this happens a lot more now since i have stopped fapping. i look at things with a neutral perspective but still i think about sex a lot. and i get boners the same amount as when i was a fapping addict but im not as horny now
hmmm. i can think about sex a lot and sometimes not get horny at all, more like i am observing an event in my brain. this happens a lot more now since i have stopped fapping. i look at things with a neutral perspective but still i think about sex a lot. and i get boners the same amount as when i was a fapping addict but im not as horny now
yep its happening. this is your body adapting to your new sexual routine. And boner can be non sexual, sometimes i get those when i dont feel horny, its like i have to stretch my legs or something
yep its happening. this is your body adapting to your new sexual routine. And boner can be non sexual, sometimes i get those when i dont feel horny, its like i have to stretch my legs or something
well, in my opinion it is for the better, my mental health has improved
well, in my opinion it is for the better, my mental health has improved
i noticed reducing testosterone has increased my calmness yes, as well as helping me better cope with inceldom

there are some effects of testosterone i like though, such as the competitiveness as well as the hubris it can provide
i noticed reducing testosterone has increased my calmness yes, as well as helping me better cope with inceldom

there are some effects of testosterone i like though, such as the competitiveness as well as the hubris it can provide
i think there should be some kind of balance, both have important effects
If you have high enough test it won’t matter tbh
Does this actually work? I know testosterone makes voices deeper but testosterone levels are only temporarily lowered right?
Testosterone changes everything for you as a man. Before test my voice was much higher. Now my voice is extremely low and nice tone. Always get compliments on it. If you have good genetics already it will just make you even better too
Does this actually work? I know testosterone makes voices deeper but testosterone levels are only temporarily lowered right?
It’s better off not doing it anyways for confidence and smoothness
Testosterone changes everything for you as a man. Before test my voice was much higher. Now my voice is extremely low and nice tone. Always get compliments on it. If you have good genetics already it will just make you even better too
I knew this but I was referring to beating your meat less can make your voice deeper, because i’ve always heard that nutting only temporarily lowers test
I knew this but I was referring to beating your meat less can make your voice deeper, because i’ve always heard that nutting only temporarily lowers test
If it's chronic then yes it can effect things
