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Surgeries for jaw asymmetry?


Well-known member
May 11, 2024
I have a crooked jaw and pretty sure everything people say besides surgery is cope. I wanna get into modeling but the jaw asymmetry will affect how good I look in pictures.
I have a crooked jaw and pretty sure everything people say besides surgery is cope. I wanna get into modeling but the jaw asymmetry will affect how good I look in pictures.
most important is ur age tbh, try fixing ur jaw muscle maybe they are imbalanced, unsure tho but yeah u dont really need perfect symmetry to look good unless ur alr ugly. Try fixing a imbalance of muscle if u have it and train ur neck to a thicker neck. That might help balance out ur jaw as when u train ur neck u also train parts of ur face which is also parts of ur jaw believe it or not.
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most important is ur age tbh, try fixing ur jaw muscle maybe they are imbalanced, unsure tho but yeah u dont really need perfect symmetry to look good unless ur alr ugly. Try fixing an imbalance of muscle if u have it and train ur neck to a thicker neck. That might help balance out ur jaw as when u train ur neck u also train parts of ur face which is also parts of ur jaw believe it or not.
I do have uneven masseter muscles actually I just thought it was more of a bone thing.
No dude ur muscles on ur jaw make a HUGE inpact on symmetry, try chewing on the side ur muscle is not as big/strong and chew on that side when u first eat basically when ur breaking the food down in ur mouth, its gonne help you out after a while. Hope i helped you dude, many people have uneven muscles in the face/jaw that cause uneven symmetry.
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No dude ur muscles on ur jaw make a HUGE inpact on symmetry, try chewing on the side ur muscle is not as big/strong and chew on that side when u first eat basically when ur breaking the food down in ur mouth, its gonne help you out after a while. Hope i helped you dude, many people have uneven muscles in the face/jaw that cause uneven symmetry.
Damn…. Everything makes sense now. I didn’t know how much of an impact it had thank you man. My left jaw is ridiculously stronger than my right.

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