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Discussion Surgeries? Something seems unnatural abt this guy.

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  • #4
Looks naturally achievable with good genetics
Mb to me he just has a strange appeal and appearance. seems to me like jaw/chin filler, mb a genioplasti, male rhinoplasty like the one ryan gosling got, hyaluronic acid fillers in the midface, and cheekbone filler/botox or implants
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  • #5
Mb to me he just has a strange appeal and appearance. seems to me like jaw/chin filler, mb a genioplasti, male rhinoplasty like the one ryan gosling got, hyaluronic acid fillers in the midface, and cheekbone filler/botox or implants
mb hes just squintmaxxing 🤷🏼‍♂️
Mb to me he just has a strange appeal and appearance. seems to me like jaw/chin filler, mb a genioplasti, male rhinoplasty like the one ryan gosling got, hyaluronic acid fillers in the midface, and cheekbone filler/botox or implants
It does not take all of that lol
I think for the most part he’s natural

The truth is 95% of celebs and models have had work done in some regard, it’s just most of them don’t go overboard so it’s never unnatural looking

If he was to have gotten anything my guess would be maybe some implants in his cheekbones
He doesn't have any implants he is the bone god

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