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Discussion T3/T4


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
does anyone know about using T3/T4 for heightmaxxing (obviously used alongside an ai)

im thinking of either using t4 + zinc and selenium for conversion or just using straight t3, what are the pros and cons of both
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  • #4
Thyroid support correct? I think it could be good regardless of heightmaxx
yes, it supposedly promotes longitudinal bone growth and people on .org have gotten results from it, though I can’t find an in depth guide
risks: osteoperosis, heart problems, mood swings
no proof that it helps healthy people, only those with hypothyroidism (esp. children) (no proof at least from google, if you find a study pls send)
zinc and selenium convert T4 into T3, but it wont be too major
T3 is the active form of T4. T4 is produced in the thyroid and later converted to T3
using straight up T3 is riskier
T4 + zinc and selenium is safer
yes, it supposedly promotes longitudinal bone growth and people on .org have gotten results from it, though I can’t find an in depth guide
I think it’s worth a try then. what are the side effects
risks: osteoperosis, heart problems, mood swings
no proof that it helps healthy people, only those with hypothyroidism (esp. children) (no proof at least from google, if you find a study pls send)
zinc and selenium convert T4 into T3, but it wont be too major
T3 is the active form of T4. T4 is produced in the thyroid and later converted to T3
using straight up T3 is riskier
T4 + zinc and selenium is safer
I would send you sources on google but it’s all in Polish rn
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  • #8
I think it’s worth a try then. what are the side effects
what sigma said, and also it can cause weird or uncanny development if you use too much

also hyperthyroidism but from what I understand using T4 + zinc and selenium is fairly safe if done responsibly
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  • #9
what sigma said, and also it can cause weird or uncanny development if you use too much

also hyperthyroidism but from what I understand using T4 + zinc and selenium is fairly safe if done responsibly
i’ve heard people talk about the sides of t3 but they say that t4 + zinc and selenium is easier on your body, because you end up converting it into endogenous t3
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  • #10
now granted I only did a few quick google searches, but I couldn’t find any studies about thyroid hormones’ correlation with height
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  • #11

this doctor is based