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Guide take estrogen


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
its always the same thing... i always discover why more people should take estrogen, its always the same reason.

I am trying to get into computers more, but the computer work is brutal, be it programming, graphics, mathematics, its always brutal and as a man you are expected to climb these 10,000 foot walls and accomplish herculean feats. I could send youtube vids that would explain to you how draining computer work can be.

The point is as a man you are expected to accomplish these bizarre herculean gargantuan tasks, that's kinda always been the meme, like in 80s movies or halo its one man accomplishing some gigantic ridiculous feat against all odds. And this feeling that if you fail to succeed at the gargantuan task, then you will be alone, incel, because nobody wants a failed male.

So it starts like this, then I have a vision of some pick up artist man, usually with mediocre looks, something is unappealing about them. And mastering pick up game to pick up women, and something about it just doesn't feel right, and I get up and feel the need to post about it online. Something about the redpill just feels Machiavellian and unnatural, like these instructors teaching how to read her body language, say certain things, act a certain way, I had enough of it all. Any relationship from it wouldn't feel natural. And if you don't obey the redpill, you could get rejected.

So I can see the appeal of the blackpill or whitepill, changing ones appearance, looksmaxxing. Some way to get out of the redpill situation. If you want to take testosterone to increase your looks, I guess that's valid. On the other hand I think estrogen can be a powerful tool, not only can you become a girl with it, but by becoming a girl you make it easier for everyone else, since the higher ratio of girls in society the less hypergamy there is.
So I can see the appeal of the blackpill or whitepill, changing ones appearance, looksmaxxing. Some way to get out of the redpill situation. If you want to take testosterone to increase your looks, I guess that's valid. On the other hand I think estrogen can be a powerful tool, not only can you become a girl with it, but by becoming a girl you make it easier for everyone else, since the higher ratio of girls in society the less hypergamy there is.
higher ratios via transgender won't be the best solution to hypergamy because most men probably wouldnt date transgender
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higher ratios via transgender won't be the best solution to hypergamy because most men probably wouldnt date transgender
According to leftists only 3% of cis men will date transfolk. The number seems a bit low imo

Also, according to study showed that users in Republican states are the most responsible for the popularity of certain trans-related porn terms like "tranny" and "shemale." Texas was the "most obsessed" state with transgender porn.
So a lot of men might be closet.

One explanation could be that Gen Z has low testosterone. And a site called "OTF" categorized the word "femboy" as a slur, this is an example of low-t leftist/soyjack type opinions... which could explain why right-wingers fap to trans porn more than them.

Even if they don't date cis men they can date each other which will reduce hypergamy by 50% but not the 2x multiplier we'd get if they date cis men

And I think a lot of it is because of primitive technology, if we had better technology that creates a passable result I think a lot more people would transition
its always the same thing... i always discover why more people should take estrogen, its always the same reason.

I am trying to get into computers more, but the computer work is brutal, be it programming, graphics, mathematics, its always brutal and as a man you are expected to climb these 10,000 foot walls and accomplish herculean feats. I could send youtube vids that would explain to you how draining computer work can be.

The point is as a man you are expected to accomplish these bizarre herculean gargantuan tasks, that's kinda always been the meme, like in 80s movies or halo its one man accomplishing some gigantic ridiculous feat against all odds. And this feeling that if you fail to succeed at the gargantuan task, then you will be alone, incel, because nobody wants a failed male.

So it starts like this, then I have a vision of some pick up artist man, usually with mediocre looks, something is unappealing about them. And mastering pick up game to pick up women, and something about it just doesn't feel right, and I get up and feel the need to post about it online. Something about the redpill just feels Machiavellian and unnatural, like these instructors teaching how to read her body language, say certain things, act a certain way, I had enough of it all. Any relationship from it wouldn't feel natural. And if you don't obey the redpill, you could get rejected.

So I can see the appeal of the blackpill or whitepill, changing ones appearance, looksmaxxing. Some way to get out of the redpill situation. If you want to take testosterone to increase your looks, I guess that's valid. On the other hand I think estrogen can be a powerful tool, not only can you become a girl with it, but by becoming a girl you make it easier for everyone else, since the higher ratio of girls in society the less hypergamy there is.
I actually am looking into estrogen creme for my skincare. It's very important to skin quality and health and it's not absorbed as hard as they say it is. It's actually pretty safe and helps skin keep It's youthfulness. Estrogen pill is not that bad of a theory.
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One more reason to take estrogen:

I was feeling crippling social anxiety and tired of rotting. What actually happened is I met a girl but she was giving me mixed messages, very difficult to tell IOI unless you are a chad. I find the Sherlock Holmes character intriguing because he is extremely autistic yet can read bodily language easily. While I struggle to determine if a woman has genuine IOI or if I am just in delusion...

So I was reading online ways to determine IOI... and found this.

This is your fate as a sub8 male:
So the routine I've devised to streamline the process is to go out three nights per week, and cold approach three attractive women per night. It does include alcohol, but only in moderation of 2 beers per night. You will take one beer with you and drink it outside the club. If you're leanmaxing one drink is enough to make you tipsy and lower your inhibition. Then walk into the club and go straight to the bar, order another beer. The reason I advise going straight to the bar is so that you're not feeling awkward and lost since you're alone, but waiting at the bar to order a drink looks NT. While waiting to order your beer and then sipping it you can cold approach one girl. Just a simple "Hey, how's it going?". You don't need elaborate pickup lines, all you need is to confidently and casually initiate and if she looks at you and likes your face she will reciprocate. Saying the same thing every time also prevents the stress of thinking what should I say.

Ok so now you've been rejected by the first girl. Slowly stroll through the club with the drink in your hand, while looking around to make it seem you're looking for someone. When you pass another attractive woman you say "Hey how's it going?". Boom rejected. Now finish one more lap around and get rejected the third time.

That's it. Now you can go home and sleep. The goal is to get rejected asap so you can be in and out of the club within 20 minutes. This also requires a shift in mindset, view the rejections as a success since you've completed your task like finishing sets at the gym. You'll be cold approaching nearly 40 women per month doing this routine, and even if your rejection rate is 99% it would take a few months to get an attractive girlfriend. It's an extremely minor time, effort and money investment for the potential payoff.

Take estrogen.

Every cell in my body wants to run the opposite direction instead of approaching women. Even reading threads about approaching women makes me feel the same way.
Get fat ur estrogen will increase and trust me it feels miserable 😣😖
One more reason to take estrogen:

I was feeling crippling social anxiety and tired of rotting. What actually happened is I met a girl but she was giving me mixed messages, very difficult to tell IOI unless you are a chad. I find the Sherlock Holmes character intriguing because he is extremely autistic yet can read bodily language easily. While I struggle to determine if a woman has genuine IOI or if I am just in delusion...

So I was reading online ways to determine IOI... and found this.

This is your fate as a sub8 male:

Take estrogen.

Every cell in my body wants to run the opposite direction instead of approaching women. Even reading threads about approaching women makes me feel the same way.
Even if you get a positive hint without any mixed messages, if you are ugly/manlet every single interaction is negative. For example, they may just want to see they could conquer you, or make you give them things..., it is all a game of manipulation that is completally negative for your healthy. Trust me, stay away, because even tall good looking dudes gets destroyed sometimes, but we will always
Dnrd that but
One of the best things in life is that I'm a man. Not even once in my life I thought being women is actually good in any era or anywhere in the world. We live in a man's world being a foid is a low IQ cuck shii, yeh ik women life mog us but if anything major happen everything will be returned to their natural state
And who cares if it's hard being man, all rewarding things in life are hard
Overall they are only living in the illusion of being a man so why would I erase my true self and chase a fabrication don't make sense to me

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