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Teen Cycle


New member
Jan 6, 2025
I'm 17 and wanted to improve my maculine features, looks, gain weight, and potentially height, I was thinking of doing...

400 MG testosterone tri blend (cypionate, enanthate, propionate)
25 MG Mk677 daily
2mg Cjc1295 weekly
Aromasin 12.5mg every other day

Thoughts? Any recommendations for sources? I'm thinking of getting test from Osgear, Mk677 from Chemyo, CJC1295 looking for a source, and the Aromasin from Amino Asylum. These reliable sources??
Awesome brother. Alot of it will be trial and error at first. But your going to get a massive advantage over the competition

I would keep it hush hush from your family and loved ones. Alot of normies tard out when you mention this stuff lmao even tho running test is getting more and more popular. Good Luck
I'm 17 and wanted to improve my maculine features, looks, gain weight, and potentially height, I was thinking of doing...

400 MG testosterone tri blend (cypionate, enanthate, propionate)
25 MG Mk677 daily
2mg Cjc1295 weekly
Aromasin 12.5mg every other day

Thoughts? Any recommendations for sources? I'm thinking of getting test from Osgear, Mk677 from Chemyo, CJC1295 looking for a source, and the Aromasin from Amino Asylum. These reliable sources??
Hey overall I see the idea here but the cycle is pretty stupid, your 17 and you can still grow taller, this cycle will halt your height growth no doubt. I'd be happy to go over it and revise it message me on telegram @ barnmatrix
Awesome brother. Alot of it will be trial and error at first. But your going to get a massive advantage over the competition

I would keep it hush hush from your family and loved ones. Alot of normies tard out when you mention this stuff lmao even tho running test is getting more and more popular. Good Luck
Oh yeah I'm telling no one.
Hey overall I see the idea here but the cycle is pretty stupid, your 17 and you can still grow taller, this cycle will halt your height growth no doubt. I'd be happy to go over it and revise it message me on telegram @ barnmatrix
Can we just pm?
literally have common knowledge and everything here just go for it also remove mk677
I'm 17 and wanted to improve my maculine features, looks, gain weight, and potentially height, I was thinking of doing...

400 MG testosterone tri blend (cypionate, enanthate, propionate)
25 MG Mk677 daily
2mg Cjc1295 weekly
Aromasin 12.5mg every other day

Thoughts? Any recommendations for sources? I'm thinking of getting test from Osgear, Mk677 from Chemyo, CJC1295 looking for a source, and the Aromasin from Amino Asylum. These reliable sources??
remove mk not worth