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Tennis players have thicker bones in their dominant hand.

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  • #4
I saw a 2000 study on comparing the hand sizes of tennis players -

I don't know English, but it seems that the dominant hand of tennis players is thicker than the second hand. What do you say?
Fuck, I do not know English and therefore do not really understand what is written in the study I have given. Which of you can explain to me how significant the differences in the size of the bones of tennis players' hands are?

That's why I created this theme... .
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  • #7
Devon larrat left hand also grow vertically
His report is as follows: during 2 years of training one arm, the difference in the length of the right and left arms was almost an inch. Do you think Devon Larratt's arms could have grown even more significantly during the entire arm wrestling period for two reasons: 1 - because of constant regular training, and 2 - because of the need to adapt to unusual loads that never occur during your life before arm wrestling?
His report is as follows: during 2 years of training one arm, the difference in the length of the right and left arms was almost an inch. Do you think Devon Larratt's arms could have grown even more significantly during the entire arm wrestling period for two reasons: 1 - because of constant regular training, and 2 - because of the need to adapt to unusual loads that never occur during your life before arm wrestling?
Either way, it is evidence to sugest that heavy work in a vector who moves out of te body instead of pressuring against produces the increase in all dimensions of bones geometry increasing its overall whole instead of just one dimension.

The point now is to list exercises that follow both wolfs and hueter-volkmann laws.
It’s goodz
I saw a 2000 study on comparing the hand sizes of tennis players -

I don't know English, but it seems that the dominant hand of tennis players is thicker than the second hand. What do you say?
Yeah, i used to play tennis until i was 10-11

I went to the doctor and i got an xray and since my right arm had thick bones (thicker than the left one) it gave me a slight irregularity in the back

Im lucky that i started working out and doing calisthenics at 11 and i basically removed that problem from the posture
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  • #13
Is there scientific evidence of bone thickening in people of mature age? For example, tennis players who started playing sports at the age of 18.
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  • #23
From all accounts, every person who watched MLB back then claim the HGH and steroids grew his bones even in his 20s and 30s.
Among all the topics about growth hormone and its effect on bones, I saw only one statement that growth hormone actually had an effect on someone's bones. I don't remember exactly, but it seemed like it was a man who had been using growth hormone for more than ten years, as a result he grew less than 1 inch (if it wasn't the temporal muscles, which is more than quite possible). What you're writing about would be sensational!

Edited: I mean in the circumference of the head.
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  • #25

What do you think about this?

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