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Testosterone levels


Feb 17, 2024
Italy, florence
I'm currently worrying about having low testerone levels...
This is because of a video i watched explaining which are the signs of high or low test,

The low test signs are: index finger longer than ring, (currently) no morning woods

Honestly im pretty sure no morning woods are caused by maaturbating, i remember each time i didnt masturbate for a few days or more i probably did have morning woods

Other than those signs

i have very good muscle building capacity even though i have a fast methabolism,

i have dense facial bones aside of the facial fat on it which i think it'll go away with puberty,

i'm very competitive when its about someome being better than me at something,

i have an aggresive behaviour,

i grow good amounts of facial and body hair (aside of the chest),

if ive slept well i feel energized,

Basically all the good signs aside of low t ones ive told before, im honestly thinking of taking a test

What do you guys think?
I'm currently worrying about having low testerone levels...
This is because of a video i watched explaining which are the signs of high or low test,

The low test signs are: index finger longer than ring, (currently) no morning woods

Honestly im pretty sure no morning woods are caused by maaturbating, i remember each time i didnt masturbate for a few days or more i probably did have morning woods

Other than those signs

i have very good muscle building capacity even though i have a fast methabolism,

i have dense facial bones aside of the facial fat on it which i think it'll go away with puberty,

i'm very competitive when its about someome being better than me at something,

i have an aggresive behaviour,

i grow good amounts of facial and body hair (aside of the chest),

if ive slept well i feel energized,

Basically all the good signs aside of low t ones ive told before, im honestly thinking of taking a test

What do you guys think?
Just take one. Only way to know is with data.
Honestly im pretty sure no morning woods are caused by maaturbating, i remember each time i didnt masturbate for a few days or more i probably did have morning woods
No fap kills your libido

obviously you feel low T
are they like just common blood tests also done by pharmacies or do you need to buy one online?
Go to a clinic and get your full bloodwork done.

Testosterone isn't the only hormone you need anyways, you need good estrogen, SHBG, LH, levels etc.
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  • #8
Go to a clinic and get your full bloodwork done.

Testosterone isn't the only hormone you need anyways, you need good estrogen, SHBG, LH, levels etc.
Ive already done a bloodwork but it didnt say anything about testosterone and other hormones
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  • #11
Then you didn't do the right bloodwork eh?

There's like 1000 markers, you can't just "get a bloodwork", you have to ask for specific markers
just the bloodwork needed by the doctor, i didnt do it specifically to see my test levels
i mean no morning wood becuase of jerking off the evening before
I jerk off up to the minute I go to bed, jerking off don't affect t levels maybe like 5 minutes after but theres a reason you can go again after like 15. I still get morning wood even after I beat my shit for hours the night before
It depends tbh
Nah prolonged abstinence for most kills libido and is already proven to have bad effects to sperm DNA quality.

But short periods of abstinence was found to have opposite effect

So basically just don't be an addict and jerk off multiple times a day.

No porn is extremely legit though, everyone shoudl do that no matter what imo.

Nah prolonged abstinence for most kills libido and is already proven to have bad effects to sperm DNA quality.

But short periods of abstinence was found to have opposite effect

So basically just don't be an addict and jerk off multiple times a day.

No porn is extremely legit though, everyone shoudl do that no matter what imo.
Agree no porn is good. No fap might have some inhib benefits but besides that it’s pretty useless
Just be a lab hamster to test shit theory
Nah imo I think its just during sex your Erections will be full mast + very long duration, way more intense feeling of excitement, very strong physical activity vs masturbation.
Nah imo I think its just during sex your Erections will be full mast + very long duration, way more intense feeling of excitement, very strong physical activity vs masturbation.
I just want low inhib + lean maxx to talk to some baddies type shit
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  • #34
Agree no porn is good. No fap might have some inhib benefits but besides that it’s pretty useless

fapping itself is a healthy sexual activity which promotes using your dick, obviously must be done moderately and not 3 times a day

on the other hand porn is the worst mistake of human kind and causes brain damage by giving urrealistic expectations
i understand if people choose to fap once a week or sm

but i wont cuz it will make me relapse into addiction again
ive been thru that

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