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Discussion Testosterone Natty, Testosterone Enanthate, Prenatal Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
How would you guys rank these in terms of how important they are for you ascending during puberty?

Natty Testosterone: High testosterone levels from having a good diet, being active, lifting weights, getting sunlight, etc. Practically anyone can do this, but it does take time consistency.
Testosterone Enanthate: 250mg dosage during puberty, this is by far higher than the dosage a doctor would give you, but also not high enough to completely fuck your hormones, cause acne, and lose hair. Let’s assume you cruise on it during puberty.

Prenatal Testosterone: The testosterone you are given at birth, you cannot change this at all. It’s measurable through finger ratios (index and ring I think) and the distance between your ass and your nutsack, or something like that. Like I said, you can’t control this and you’re given it at birth.
DHT: I don’t know too much about this, but from what i’ve seen it doesn’t matter after puberty and it’s quite genetic.

How would you guys rank these?
injecting T during puberty is not a good idea
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  • #5
deadass explain to me why you would

I have a feeling a lot of guys would inject before they do anything naturally or make any lifestyle changes
Get looks or die trying
Get looks or die trying
clavicular roided since 14 and didn’t see significant changes in facial structure

your endogenous T will shut off and be low for the rest of your life, why would you roid when your natural T is at an all time high

if you had said running HGH as a teen I would have agreed, because that would result in facial changes + height + frame + dick, and also doesn’t shut down natural GH production
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  • #7
clavicular roided since 14 and didn’t see significant changes in facial structure

your endogenous T will shut off and be low for the rest of your life, why would you roid when your natural T is at an all time high

if you had said running HGH as a teen I would have agreed, because that would result in a lot of facial changes + height + frame + dick, and also doesn’t shut down natural GH production
It’s worth a shot, like I said get looks or die trying.

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