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Guide The Art Of Strategy, Edition 1, Part 1.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
Part The Power Of Strategy:
strategy proves to be the only path that the weak have to achieve victory. It is the way in which the weak become the strong and strong opponents become weak opponents.
There are two types of powerful people: brutes and strategists. Brutes are naturally stronger in a quality that is decisive for victory, he directly respects the role he should assume; it would be, for example, a warrior who wins a fight because he is stronger and faster. While the strategist would be a warrior who wins in indirect ways by taking advantage of external elements that have influence on the battle, these being either a well or the gravity of the place where he will duel against the brute or even more external issues such as diplomacy, economy and logistics behind that battle. Both types can be made up of naturally strong people, but the same cannot be said about those naturally weaker who cannot overcome the brute strength of the stronger one, leaving only the strength of strategy.

Part The Three Paths to Victory:
When an obstacle has the advantage of brute force, one should deviate from the method of the same nature. If he's good with the sword, use a bow. If he is good at every fight, don't fight: use more indirect means such as diplomacy or trade. If even that is not possible, abandon the obstacle and go where you can accumulate power long enough until you are able to overcome it directly or indirectly.
The 3 paths, therefore, are these:
1. Direct (brute force).
2. Indirect.
3. Strengthening.
In brute force, the strongest wins. In the other forces, the most conspiratorial.
If one follows these paths, every goal is achievable with time and the right strategies.
Your disadvantages such as below average intelligence, ugliness, inexperience, poverty, emotional weakness..., can prevent you from initially achieving your goal. When this happens, move to the path of empowerment where your weaknesses will be remedied: the lack of intelligence will be overcome by the accumulation of knowledge and biohacking; the ugliness with cosmetics, surgeries, accessories and clothes; lack of athletic performance with training and biohacking procedures, emotional weakness with psychological wisdom, poverty with patience in humiliating attempts to pass exams for middle class positions (in the absence of wealth, upper middle class exams and investments throughout term bring gigantic riches).
Your income, performance and time may be inferior to others because you are dumber, inexperienced, ugly..., but persistence in the various means of strengthening will bring results until you win.
It is in this sense that there is the following maxim: the only absolute defeat is in death. No one lives as a failure, and the dead do not live, so there are no failures. Here is the glory.

Part A Mandatory Proportion.
Experienced ones sleep the night before, while newbies suffer from afflictions.
Every professional understands that the action must last a short time and be intense: if the fight goes on for too long, your resources will be exhausted. If resources are exhausted, you weaken and your vulnerability appears. If there is vulnerability and weakness in you, there is no useful defense or attack you can make. If there are no useful attacks or defenses and it is necessary to defend or attack in order to win, there will be no victory. The abuse of effort produces ruin.
Impetus always uses up more resources in less time than rest creates.
In such a way that the ideal rate of rest will always be greater than the rate of action.
For example, investors who do not leave the stock market accumulate stress that makes them psychologically damaged. It is common for this type to deal with stress with food, luxury and drugs but, despite the money spent, their cognition remains impaired, which leads them to make dangerous mistakes that further reduce their earnings. Meanwhile, the other investor who abandons the stock market does not need to have extra expenses on food, luxury, etc., he cultivates a good cognitive condition when it comes to judging his investments, accumulating more money by spending less and investing better. Living in peace, acting in moments enough to give you prosperity while the other only sabotages itself.
The rapid and exhausting rush of action is balanced with the long and strengthening rest.
This is the mandatory proportion.

Part The Rest.
There are many forms of tiredness and tension: physical, emotional, mental... Rest is as vast as these types, so a game can alleviate the presence of work but still tire the mind.
You could do nothing, but if there is noise from the street or a chaotic view from the room, there would still be so-called sensory fatigue.
You could relax quietly in bed, but if there is extreme temperature or pollution in the air, you would become physically tired.
A meditation could be done, but only with effort and mental fatigue.
What we do? We take action.
We play, but anyway
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  • #4
Part The Power Of Strategy:
strategy proves to be the only path that the weak have to achieve victory. It is the way in which the weak become the strong and strong opponents become weak opponents.
There are two types of powerful people: brutes and strategists. Brutes are naturally stronger in a quality that is decisive for victory, he directly respects the role he should assume; it would be, for example, a warrior who wins a fight because he is stronger and faster. While the strategist would be a warrior who wins in indirect ways by taking advantage of external elements that have influence on the battle, these being either a well or the gravity of the place where he will duel against the brute or even more external issues such as diplomacy, economy and logistics behind that battle. Both types can be made up of naturally strong people, but the same cannot be said about those naturally weaker who cannot overcome the brute strength of the stronger one, leaving only the strength of strategy.

Part The Three Paths to Victory:
When an obstacle has the advantage of brute force, one should deviate from the method of the same nature. If he's good with the sword, use a bow. If he is good at every fight, don't fight: use more indirect means such as diplomacy or trade. If even that is not possible, abandon the obstacle and go where you can accumulate power long enough until you are able to overcome it directly or indirectly.
The 3 paths, therefore, are these:
1. Direct (brute force).
2. Indirect.
3. Strengthening.
In brute force, the strongest wins. In the other forces, the most conspiratorial.
If one follows these paths, every goal is achievable with time and the right strategies.
Your disadvantages such as below average intelligence, ugliness, inexperience, poverty, emotional weakness..., can prevent you from initially achieving your goal. When this happens, move to the path of empowerment where your weaknesses will be remedied: the lack of intelligence will be overcome by the accumulation of knowledge and biohacking; the ugliness with cosmetics, surgeries, accessories and clothes; lack of athletic performance with training and biohacking procedures, emotional weakness with psychological wisdom, poverty with patience in humiliating attempts to pass exams for middle class positions (in the absence of wealth, upper middle class exams and investments throughout term bring gigantic riches).
Your income, performance and time may be inferior to others because you are dumber, inexperienced, ugly..., but persistence in the various means of strengthening will bring results until you win.
It is in this sense that there is the following maxim: the only absolute defeat is in death. No one lives as a failure, and the dead do not live, so there are no failures. Here is the glory.

Part A Mandatory Proportion.
Experienced ones sleep the night before, while newbies suffer from afflictions.
Every professional understands that the action must last a short time and be intense: if the fight goes on for too long, your resources will be exhausted. If resources are exhausted, you weaken and your vulnerability appears. If there is vulnerability and weakness in you, there is no useful defense or attack you can make. If there are no useful attacks or defenses and it is necessary to defend or attack in order to win, there will be no victory. The abuse of effort produces ruin.
Impetus always uses up more resources in less time than rest creates.
In such a way that the ideal rate of rest will always be greater than the rate of action.
For example, investors who do not leave the stock market accumulate stress that makes them psychologically damaged. It is common for this type to deal with stress with food, luxury and drugs but, despite the money spent, their cognition remains impaired, which leads them to make dangerous mistakes that further reduce their earnings. Meanwhile, the other investor who abandons the stock market does not need to have extra expenses on food, luxury, etc., he cultivates a good cognitive condition when it comes to judging his investments, accumulating more money by spending less and investing better. Living in peace, acting in moments enough to give you prosperity while the other only sabotages itself.
The rapid and exhausting rush of action is balanced with the long and strengthening rest.
This is the mandatory proportion.

Part The Rest.
There are many forms of tiredness and tension: physical, emotional, mental... Rest is as vast as these types, so a game can alleviate the presence of work but still tire the mind.
You could do nothing, but if there is noise from the street or a chaotic view from the room, there would still be so-called sensory fatigue.
You could relax quietly in bed, but if there is extreme temperature or pollution in the air, you would become physically tired.
A meditation could be done, but only with effort and mental fatigue.
What we do? We take action.
We play, but anyway
We play, but in a non-competitive way so as not to get tired. We watch entertainment, but not the kind that irritates us. We have a clean, tidy and isolated room to avoid bad smells, visual pollution and social concerns. We remember to relax our muscles. We avoid extreme heat sources. If there is anger, exercise until it passes and meditation of the type that tries to ignore or transcend the causes of anger. If there is a lot of mental worry and you can't get rid of it, drink alcohol. If a diet requires extra stressful efforts, then adopt another that is comfortable but as healthy as possible.
Live in such a way that it is not necessary to travel for a long time and use a lot of expenses such as energy and money between your home and other necessary places such as your work and food source.
Don't worry so much about anxious thoughts like the possibility of someone breaking into your home or robbing you while you're moving. Take action or learn what to do next to ease your worry. Even so, solitude is cultivated, because human beings also attract attention, they are mental pollution.
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