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The average height of people has increased by 10cm over the last 100 years. Will people be giants in the future?


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2024
In the USA, the average man is about 177cm (in the EU about the same), taller than anyone in the Netherlands (182.5cm), but there is an opinion that acceleration has already ended, is this so (and what can serve as a limiting point of growth?)
i doubt it though once we finally adjust to height
if everyone is tall then nobody is chad height
because women will also be tall and being say 6'5 in a certain year will be average
so now 7ft+ tall is ideal
still nobody is chad then
does 7ft+ even look good? 2124 manlets will become the chads
In the USA, the average man is about 177cm (in the EU about the same), taller than anyone in the Netherlands (182.5cm), but there is an opinion that acceleration has already ended, is this so (and what can serve as a limiting point of growth?)
Future technology and furthering social norms may cause the average height ot inflate due to easier access of technologies and methods of gaining height. LL and HGH during early years seems to be the only current methods that work, but in the future it's a possibility we can open growth plates or further intervention for children.
In the USA, the average man is about 177cm (in the EU about the same), taller than anyone in the Netherlands (182.5cm), but there is an opinion that acceleration has already ended, is this so (and what can serve as a limiting point of growth?)
There will be a limit obviously

This increase will be much faster in poorer countries
There will be a limit obviously

This increase will be much faster in poorer countries
quiet the opposite, the most superficial changes happen in the most economic safe places.

When you decrease one of the metrics of sexual reprodusion such as money, you make the others be more decisive. As if you made all the runners have the same food source, what defines they performance is their height, muscle dna and so on so on...

You can see, for example, photos of Russia prior to the economic stability of socialism and after..., they gone from shity looking peasants to quiet attractive people. The same happens between rich communities in poor countries as time passes. AND SO ON SO ON
quiet the opposite, the most superficial changes happen in the most economic safe places.

When you decrease one of the metrics of sexual reprodusion such as money, you make the others be more decisive. As if you made all the runners have the same food source, what defines they performance is their height, muscle dna and so on so on...

You can see, for example, photos of Russia prior to the economic stability of socialism and after..., they gone from shity looking peasants to quiet attractive people. The same happens between rich communities in poor countries as time passes. AND SO ON SO ON
Poorer countries get QOL increase faster such as mine

So height disparity between two generations is greater
Poorer countries get QOL increase faster such as mine

So height disparity between two generations is greater
Soo as their wealthy increases their genetic potential of height increases due to more nutrients. Makes sense
Soo as their wealthy increases their genetic potential of height increases due to more nutrients. Makes sense
And living conditions yes

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