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Guide The best way to fix Upper Eyelid Exposure

  • Thread starter Deleted member 42181
  • Start date

Deleted member 42181

We are usually told fillers last 6 months in the place they where injected, resting in the tissue between the cells. After this they migrate to another part of your face until they are finally abosorbed by human body within 3-4 years

however the duration of the effect of filler injection depends on the place it was injected, for example on the upper nose, fillers last up to 12 month.1000056999.png

Upper eyelid fillers last 2 years on average! Considering a filler injection costs 400 $/euros this means you can fix upper eyelid exposure with 200 dollars a year.

Fat Graft for UEE

Fat grafting to get hooded eyes is possible and also forum users underwent it.
The requirement of fat grafting is being at least above 22% bodyfat otherwise docts will not dispose of donor fat areas.
Once the fat grafting is done, provided that a decent amout of grafter fat survives, one can lose weight again and the grafted fat will not shrink.
I will report my specific experience. While I was doing fat grafting for my tear though, I asked the doctor if he could inject some fat to get hooded eyes. He answered that because of my upper orbital shape, fat grafting was not possible. This implies that fat grafting for hooded eyes is not suitable for all patients.

Implant to fix UEE
The third strategy to obtain hooded eyes, is getting a supraorbital (below the browridge) implant. The implant is lifetime permanent (unless it triggers an infection).
The downside of the implant are the very long recovey time (because the insertion is an invasive surgery), and the huge cost.
For example Dr. Eppley's prices are around 30k nowadays
this implant of Dr. Eppley is a combination of:
- infraorbital rim implant to improve under eye support
- lateral rim implant
- Supraorbital rim implant to fix UEE

i am high cortisol bc of u monkey
i thought i could trust u

i am high cortisol bc of u monkey
i thought i could trust u
@Flame_Falcon @Clone @fable @n9wiff @osteochondromyxoma this gremlin stole a thread from org
I understand that he did not clarify that the posts he does are not his own, and maybe all the booing and hate is deserved. But my man took the initiative, time and patience to actually post some guides. They may be water, uninventive, and stolen from org, but that's not the point. We should appreciate the effort he put into trying to build a solid base of guides on this forum.

Please just properly credit your sources, e.g., [1], use APA 7 if ur a big nerd, or just link the threads you've taken from other users
I understand that he did not clarify that the posts he does are not his own, and maybe all the booing and hate is deserved. But my man took the initiative, time and patience to actually post some guides. They may be water, uninventive, and stolen from org, but that's not the point. We should appreciate the effort he put into trying to build a solid base of guides on this forum.

Please just properly credit your sources, e.g., [1], use APA 7 if ur a big nerd, or just link the threads you've taken from other users
Literally word for word, we don’t need useless guides that are blatantly plagiarized with 0 effort
Literally word for word, we don’t need useless guides that are blatantly plagiarized with 0 effort
Still better than literally nothing.

When I joined (and I'm sure many other normies join this forum first), I was looking for legit threads, but there were almost none. This forum is much friendlier, and there’s no reason not to be happy that someone is trying to develop it for the actual Looksmaxxing process.

The argument 'just go on .org for guides' is so stupid. Even though the advice is legit, .com has almost no useful guides that you can't find on .org. The ones I did find useful, like that male makeup guide by maria12 (which even .org doesn’t have, maybe this), just got skipped and wasn’t added to the must-reads. Now this guy is banned, and no one will bother moving posts from that dumpster fire of a site.

I get it, though, this forum isn’t really for actual Looksmaxxing, but for the community and the great internet friends it offers. And yeah, maybe it’s valid to say he was just trying to boost his ego or get validation by 'giving us the secrets of the blackpill' or whatever. Still, I’m kinda sad you bullied him into leaving.

If you dnr this I'll find you all, and make you my cumsluts.
I understand that he did not clarify that the posts he does are not his own, and maybe all the booing and hate is deserved. But my man took the initiative, time and patience to actually post some guides. They may be water, uninventive, and stolen from org, but that's not the point. We should appreciate the effort he put into trying to build a solid base of guides on this forum.

Please just properly credit your sources, e.g., [1], use APA 7 if ur a big nerd, or just link the threads you've taken from other users
no he stole or ai generated every single guide thread from here, org, word for word
he DID not take time and patienece
the only time was searching for good threads to copy and paste
Still better than literally nothing.

When I joined (and I'm sure many other normies join this forum first), I was looking for legit threads, but there were almost none. This forum is much friendlier, and there’s no reason not to be happy that someone is trying to develop it for the actual Looksmaxxing process.

The argument 'just go on .org for guides' is so stupid. Even though the advice is legit, .com has almost no useful guides that you can't find on .org. The ones I did find useful, like that male makeup guide by maria12 (which even .org doesn’t have, maybe this), just got skipped and wasn’t added to the must-reads. Now this guy is banned, and no one will bother moving posts from that dumpster fire of a site.

I get it, though, this forum isn’t really for actual Looksmaxxing, but for the community and the great internet friends it offers. And yeah, maybe it’s valid to say he was just trying to boost his ego or get validation by 'giving us the secrets of the blackpill' or whatever. Still, I’m kinda sad you bullied him into leaving.

If you dnr this I'll find you all, and make you my cumsluts.
some of it was stolen from our site
and you can find the threads he stole on BOTB they arent hidden or buried you can just google org botb
Still better than literally nothing.

When I joined (and I'm sure many other normies join this forum first), I was looking for legit threads, but there were almost none. This forum is much friendlier, and there’s no reason not to be happy that someone is trying to develop it for the actual Looksmaxxing process.

The argument 'just go on .org for guides' is so stupid. Even though the advice is legit, .com has almost no useful guides that you can't find on .org. The ones I did find useful, like that male makeup guide by maria12 (which even .org doesn’t have, maybe this), just got skipped and wasn’t added to the must-reads. Now this guy is banned, and no one will bother moving posts from that dumpster fire of a site.

I get it, though, this forum isn’t really for actual Looksmaxxing, but for the community and the great internet friends it offers. And yeah, maybe it’s valid to say he was just trying to boost his ego or get validation by 'giving us the secrets of the blackpill' or whatever. Still, I’m kinda sad you bullied him into leaving.

If you dnr this I'll find you all, and make you my cumsluts.
Not a single molecule
Just defend greycels who don’t know how to use google theory
some of it was stolen from our site
and you can find the threads he stole on BOTB they arent hidden or buried you can just google org botb
no he stole or ai generated every single guide thread from here, org, word for word
he DID not take time and patienece
the only time was searching for good threads to copy and paste
The only mistake he did is not crediting anyone.
some of it was stolen from our site
and you can find the threads he stole on BOTB they arent hidden or buried you can just google org botb
Yeah, I've recognized half the threads he posted, but I still stand by my opinion. Oh well, rest in peace
Just defend greycels who don’t know how to use google theory
Many people are very uneducated in that matter. And not many are willing to join/use .org. Might just get them on a watchlist.
Not a single molecule
You asked for it :mad::mad:
Many people are very uneducated in that matter. And not many are willing to join/use .org. Might just get them on a watchlist.
you do not need to sign up to use org, you can google and read threads for free
The only mistake he did is not crediting anyone.
not only that, he lied. he was asking me for knowledgeable badge and must reads and stickies in PMs, and telling me that he is going to work hard and do lots of research. he lied.
and its not fair.
also, credit is a VERY important thing.
You asked for it :mad::mad:
The only mistake he did is not crediting anyone.

Yeah, I've recognized half the threads he posted, but I still stand by my opinion. Oh well, rest in peace

Many people are very uneducated in that matter. And not many are willing to join/use .org. Might just get them on a watchlist.

You asked for it :mad::mad:
The watchlist isn’t real it’s a psyop

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