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The case of Dream is so sad


Quick Mango CEO
Established Member
May 7, 2024
He face revealed and everyone started making fun of him. When he face revealed accusations against him also became bad. It literally ruined him and he’s like MTN not even bad looking but the expectations were so high. Shits crazy ngl
It’s just because of how high the standards for him were, people were low key expecting a blonde surfer pretty boy

Same shit happened with corpse husband, bro got his face leaked and he was a sub 5 😹

This is why if I ever became a YouTuber or streamer I ain’t going faceless, because there’s almost never a good one
jit sad
never face reveal if youre ugly

i remember after the covid pandemic ended and we didnt have to wear masks anymore, people were surprised at how i looked. some said im ugly jfl, others were nicer and said they were simply "surprised, you look different than expected"

key: different than expected. everyone expects that you look good whether it be behind a screen or mask. when those people are your friends or in this case, fans, their expectations will keep jumping, reverse halo effect will be happening and shi. then it all crumbles
jit sad
never face reveal if youre ugly

i remember after the covid pandemic ended and we didnt have to wear masks anymore, people were surprised at how i looked. some said im ugly jfl, others were nicer and said they were simply "surprised, you look different than expected"

key: different than expected. everyone expects that you look good whether it be behind a screen or mask. when those people are your friends or in this case, fans, their expectations will keep jumping, reverse halo effect will be happening and shi. then it all crumbles
Fo real bro, when masks were a thing people were straight up catfishing jfl
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It’s just because of how high the standards for him were, people were low key expecting a blonde surfer pretty boy

Same shit happened with corpse husband, bro got his face leaked and he was a sub 5 😹

This is why if I ever became a YouTuber or streamer I ain’t going faceless, because there’s almost never a good one
Voice haloed him so hard
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Most blackpilled shit ever jfl
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Really got a disstrack dropped on him for his face
He face revealed and everyone started making fun of him. When he face revealed accusations against him also became bad. It literally ruined him and he’s like MTN not even bad looking but the expectations were so high. Shits crazy ngl
He may be a mtn but the ones who critized him are sub 5
If you go a faceless youtuber it's best you stay like that. Regardless of you don't look that great or amazing. It ruins the mystery. That's just how I see it. He's not a bad looking guy either. People are just absolutely mean. If I was a faceless tuber. I would have never shown my face no matter how much I ascend.
He face revealed and everyone started making fun of him. When he face revealed accusations against him also became bad. It literally ruined him and he’s like MTN not even bad looking but the expectations were so high. Shits crazy ngl
Lookism example
jit sad
never face reveal if youre ugly

i remember after the covid pandemic ended and we didnt have to wear masks anymore, people were surprised at how i looked. some said im ugly jfl, others were nicer and said they were simply "surprised, you look different than expected"

key: different than expected. everyone expects that you look good whether it be behind a screen or mask. when those people are your friends or in this case, fans, their expectations will keep jumping, reverse halo effect will be happening and shi. then it all crumbles
What do you look like?
i remember reading an autobiography book in middle school
basically there was this guy in an airplane crash and he got blinded by it or something and now he was at the hospital. at the hospital, there was a nurse, he described her as having a pretty voice and gentle hands. he stayed at the hospital a long time to recover, and he kept trying to imagine what she looked like. he developed a crush and imagined she was beautiful. but when he recovered and could see again, he saw her and she was an average looking girl. all the excitement and thrill of imagining what she looked like went away.
now apply this to dream
i remember reading an autobiography book in middle school
basically there was this guy in an airplane crash and he got blinded by it or something and now he was at the hospital. at the hospital, there was a nurse, he described her as having a pretty voice and gentle hands. he stayed at the hospital a long time to recover, and he kept trying to imagine what she looked like. he developed a crush and imagined she was beautiful. but when he recovered and could see again, he saw her and she was an average looking girl. all the excitement and thrill of imagining what she looked like went away.
now apply this to dream
he was essentially leading ppl on,ppl r going to imagine a 10/10 and will b disappointed when the face reveal happens
