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Guide The death hormone / The Coomer hormone


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires
Prolactin is a hormone very close to the DECO hormone which marks the decreasing consumption of oxygen and also even in the efficiency in the method.


"Prolactin's principal inhibitory regulators include dopamine, triiodothyronine (T3), and somatostatin. Hypoprolactinemia has been associated with menstrual disorders, delayed puberty, infertility, and subfertility, although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood."

Prolactin is a hormone that we should reduce as much as possible because this hormone:
  • Reduces testosterone
  • Makes your body break down its own bones
  • Makes you bald
  • Makes your penis shrink
  • Makes you age
Ejaculation tends to produce spikes in Prolactin, which is why people who have this hormone elevated over time are recognized by their physiognomy (sex is different since it produces spikes in dopamine):


Dopamine is sometimes described as a "prolactin inhibitor" i.e. it is an antagonist.

When prolactin is high, dopamine is low.

"Dopamine increases testosterone, stimulates growth hormone and suppresses prolactin."
Calcium consumption reduces prolactin:

So, playing with your stick (masturbating) kills you (spiritually castrates you)

Since ejaculating triggers this hormone


Prolactin stimulates bone resorption and increases blood calcium levels.

Prolactin increases PTH which is a hormone that also forces calcium to be stored in soft tissues (including the pineal gland), but it also inhibits cellular respiration, reducing ATP levels and ultimately Calcium ATPase (the ion pump that pumps calcium out of soft tissues, including the pineal gland).


Prolactin, which is a stress hormone, is also elevated by overtraining, which is why gym-obsessed guys often develop gynecomastia.



Prolactin = the Coomer hormone (lowers dopamine and testosterone)


Here are some steps to lower it:

- Vit B6
- Low doses of Zinc
- Gingko Biloba
- Red Ginseng
- Stop ejaculating so much
- Avoid stress
- Avoid antipsychotics and SSRIs (antidepressants)
- Consume more calcium

@Whitepill @choripan @sigma @Nihilus @fable @Donsa @Clone @Harvey929
this explains why I can't fucking sleep.... and why I'm always so fucking horny, angry, tense, paranoid and I've got the patience of a mass murderer. Everytime I leave my home I feel like everyone is about to get me, and I look everyone in the eyes with a murder stare and tense all my muscles... I do it unconsciously, someone made me aware of it.

But I don't know about testosterone, you guys say everything lowers test... from food, training, fapping, pretty much everything..... my test should 0 at this point.

I mean I'm getting stronger, like physically, every day and also hornier and angrier, I might actually have too much testosterone, like to a toxic level or something like that.

My brain be like: Can only think about sex, fighting and lifting heavier shit.
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Nice information, how much gym you would say it's too much to spike prolactin? Like to know the limit because I need to better my frame yes or yes
this explains why I can't fucking sleep.... and why I'm always so fucking horny, angry, tense, paranoid and I've got the patience of a mass murderer. Everytime I leave my home I feel like everyone is about to get me, and I look everyone in the eyes with a murder stare and tense all my muscles... I do it unconsciously, someone made me aware of it.

But I don't know about testosterone, you guys say everything lowers test... from food, training, fapping, pretty much everything..... my test should 0 at this point.

I mean I'm getting stronger, like physically, every day and also hornier and angrier, I might actually have too much testosterone, like to a toxic level or something like that.

My brain be like: Can only think about sex, fighting and lifting heavier shit.
That isn't prolactin lil bro + nice larp
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
Nice information, how much gym you would say it's too much to spike prolactin? Like to know the limit because I need to better my frame yes or yes
not to exceed 1 hour of training, that's what I would do.
Over if true

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