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The Future of Looksmaxxing is Female

The mainstream media focussed on make ups ans so on achieve billions of views, there are centures of woman debating how to look atractive or cute or pretty. As time passes, looksmaxxxing forums will be filled by woman instead of men
Women were the original looksmaxxers brah
That statement is correct though because lots of them follow makeup tutorials and stuff of that sort
btw @Wilk when i say this, I mean to other girls. to men they are terrible
depends, you havent seen how women get to eachother... we have an innate competitive nature that comes out subconsciously and it happens more commonly than you think. probably like every interaction you have with another girl you dont really know, theres a chance of this happening.
I’m 90% sure every girl is giga blackpilled
Unironically black pill shi has been in girl culture for a very long time,we just never knew it black pilled/didnt call it blackpilled/was just seen as the reality of life
The importance of beauty and if your not beautiful your basically nothing,and seeing the opposite sex as shallow, cruel creatures who will choose only the most attractive preferred gender if given the choice
@n9wiff it already is. The amount of females only increases
Both genders will rise

Because especially in American or other Western media, the culture of looking good and having rizz or hookups is increasing.

Both genders will feel the pressure and it will only get worse.
Both genders will rise

Because especially in American or other Western media, the culture of looking good and having rizz or hookups is increasing.

Both genders will feel the pressure and it will only get worse.
We can already see the effects

We are already calling men with lean natural physiques "skinny" and calling cute girls online "mid" just because they don't look like frauded unrealistic photos or the top 1 % irl
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  • #23
Both genders will rise

Because especially in American or other Western media, the culture of looking good and having rizz or hookups is increasing.

Both genders will feel the pressure and it will only get worse.
good point. Maybe, it would had been a more correct statement if i said that looksmaxxing community would drastically increase its female proportion. However, if we may look to the future, would you say that looksmaxxing would be 50/50 divided by woman and men? It is not a rhetorical question, since i do believe in some level of accelerationism (progressive movements become mainstream overtime and other things) that would mean looksmaxxing would become mainstream, but the nature of woman is such that their presence should far outnumber those of men, hence why they would become the future of looksmaxxing
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  • #29
Prolly never gonna get it
fillers need to be redone periodically, it partially go away as time passes. And thats why esthetic professionals prefer fillers: because you pay more over time. It is a better investment for them, but worse for you.
Unironically black pill shi has been in girl culture for a very long time,we just never knew it black pilled/didnt call it blackpilled/was just seen as the reality of life
They just called it “pretty privilege” and left it at that tbh
The importance of beauty and if your not beautiful your basically nothing,and seeing the opposite sex as shallow, cruel creatures who will choose only the most attractive preferred gender if given the choice
This is more accurate than my take tbh
Just looks. Y’all all want to be pretty n shit
Just looks. Y’all all want to be pretty n shit
yea i feel lke women are expected to be pretty more because there are so many couples where the guy is -300000 and the girl is stunning and its kind of a huge portion of how women's worth is perceived (which i think is wrong for both genders)
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  • #40
yea i feel lke women are expected to be pretty more because there are so many couples where the guy is -300000 and the girl is stunning and its kind of a huge portion of how women's worth is perceived (which i think is wrong for both genders)
Once the phenomena of relationship is rationalized, it becomes a negotiation where personality does not really metter, but rather your status in one of the ´´capitals`` pyramid (organizational capital, sexual capital, social capital..., see the sociologist Bordie i think).

At the end of the day, we are just products to be consumed

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