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Discussion The quest for maximum muscles


Dec 30, 2023
Muh steroids is great and all but I'd like to use other naturally occurring stuff to premote more muscle growth.

Iv done some research and apparently Ecdysterone is the closest thing we got that's derived from plants but has been proven to give a big boost in muscle growth the issue is you can't just eat spinach and quinoa in big enough quantity to get the effect you want. You must buy the raw supplements. The issue there is lots of people scam you and cut it with other stuff. My goal right now is to find a raw supplier of the powder itself so I'm sure i can get a big enough quantity to actually test with and cycle with. It's none suppressing. Its effective and boosts strength a good bit too. Unfortunately most suppliers are overseas in the first place and China. I'm not worried about China produced chemicals as nearly everything in America even the supplements are made in China anyways. Just trusting one to take my money is the issue

Anyone use it before? You need to take 500mg min to get any effects and lots of america supplements splice it with turk and filler which is Hella scammy.

I hate greed and I hate being scammed and I'm always looking to DIY everything to avoid being the clown from capitalism.

Give opinions and experiences. If you got sources for raws and other shit dm me. I found a few and even the whole looksmax based China source but that shit is jewing with their prices for min quantity.
I recently saw a video of a doctor explaining a training method that was developed by a bodybuilder named Mike Mentzer (he is very well known) you can "search for muscle development experiments University of Colorado".

This training method consisted of doing super serious of all major muscle groups focusing on compound exercises and give much emphasis - to stress metabolism - with heavy workouts training the eccentric part of the exercise, ie the negative phase, when we lower the weight but did so in a slow and controlled manner. Something like the super slow exercises
Shit copypasta

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