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Experience The rotting experiment day 2 results


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
Day 2:
Today I was a little bit more use to it but I still had issues during the day with almost falling asleep. I ran a timed mile today but I lost 15 seconds off my average time. When I was going on my walk to cool off from the mile run, I wasn't paying attention and almost got hit by a fire truck. I didn't even notice it until like 3 seconds before it would've got to me. This is not a joke btw. Legit haven't stopped thinking about it all day. I might have fire truck ptsd now.

PS: this is more of an experience thing, the results in general should be obvious but I am adding in personal input and stories. Muh, "this fool about to die rotting." One month man, one month.

@Whitepill, @Clone , @alurmo , @pompompurino , @97baHater , @Lebronjamesauntneice , @n9wiff , @osteochondromyxoma , @d6rk.knight , @RAJ GHRANDHICK , @qotav , @Jova , @OverthinkingHooper . @Wilk, @N30N, @Harvey929
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I still don’t understand the purpose of the experiment but cool
The purpose is to show what COULD happen if you rot on a forum. At the end of the experiment, I will make a megathread with all threads combined with a new conclusion. This will include emotions, physical status, and social life etc. I'm yappin rn :(
Day 2:
Today I was a little bit more use to it but I still had issues during the day with almost falling asleep. I ran a timed mile today but I lost 15 seconds off my average time. When I was going on my walk to cool off from the mile run, I wasn't paying attention and almost got hit by a fire truck. I didn't even notice it until like 3 seconds before it would've got to me. This is not a joke btw. Legit haven't stopped thinking about it all day. I might have fire truck ptsd now.

PS: this is more of an experience thing, the results in general should be obvious but I am adding in personal input and stories. Muh, "this fool about to die rotting." One month man, one month.

@Whitepill, @Clone , @alurmo , @pompompurino , @97baHater , @Lebronjamesauntneice , @n9wiff , @osteochondromyxoma , @d6rk.knight , @RAJ GHRANDHICK , @qotav , @Jova , @OverthinkingHooper . @Wilk, @N30N
Mirin going got a run after this
The purpose is to show what COULD happen if you rot on a forum. At the end of the experiment, I will make a megathread with all threads combined with a new conclusion. This will include emotions, physical status, and social life etc. I'm yappin rn :(
You need a badge or something @Dean
The purpose is to show what COULD happen if you rot on a forum. At the end of the experiment, I will make a megathread with all threads combined with a new conclusion. This will include emotions, physical status, and social life etc. I'm yappin rn :(
ive been doing this the whole year brah
I'm NT asf trust me
Like you need a badge in your profile like a knowledgeable badge like whitepill has
knowledgeable is when you make high IQ posts
this is just a rotting experiment
maybe at the end when he posts a good megathread of his experiences he will get
knowledgeable is when you make high IQ posts
this is just a rotting experiment
maybe at the end when he posts a good megathread of his experiences he will get
Experiment badge

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