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Experience The Rotting Experiment day 7 results (weekly milestone)


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
the penitentiary
Day 7:
Today has been marked officially as the first week completed out of the whole experiment. That is 1/4 days completed in the experiment. Around 3 more weeks left. Covid has only gotten worse but I have had the ability to make it die down a little but chances are, I won't be in for work tomorrow. Since I have to get up at my usual early time (for me) on monday's, I have become increasingly tired again. That's all I got.

@Whitepill, @Clone , @alurmo , @pompompurino , @97baHater , @Lebronjamesauntneice , @n9wiff , @osteochondromyxoma , @d6rk.knight , @RAJ GHRANDHICK , @qotav , @Jova , @OverthinkingHooper . @Wilk @N30N , @Harvey929, @sigma.
Day 7:
Today has been marked officially as the first week completed out of the whole experiment. That is 1/4 days completed in the experiment. Around 3 more weeks left. Covid has only gotten worse but I have had the ability to make it die down a little but chances are, I won't be in for work tomorrow. Since I have to get up at my usual early time (for me) on monday's, I have become increasingly tired again. That's all I got.

@Whitepill, @Clone , @alurmo , @pompompurino , @97baHater , @Lebronjamesauntneice , @n9wiff , @osteochondromyxoma , @d6rk.knight , @RAJ GHRANDHICK , @qotav , @Jova , @OverthinkingHooper . @Wilk @N30N , @Harvey929, @sigma.
Ok this sickness and shit has been going on for a hot minute now. Here is my advice. You need to get some bone broth, bone marrow, and liver. Some fatty meat and some eggs as well. This will help your immune system more than anything you are doing probably right now. Focus on fats though this will help you heal
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Ok this sickness and shit has been going on for a hot minute now. Here is my advice. You need to get some bone broth, bone marrow, and liver. Some fatty meat and some eggs as well. This will help your immune system more than anything you are doing probably right now. Focus on fats though this will help you heal
W mans for this. Thanks dawg.

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