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The thing i like the most about this forum

kys is good advice for 95% of men
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I will have to accept women on .org right?
Foids not being allowed on .org (with some undercover exceptions) I think is a good thing. You bring incels and femcels into the same space, you're going to get some degenerates and orbiters and overall just create a really weird dynamic between both parties.

We're already seeing this here (not gonna name anyone).
Foids not being allowed on .org (with some undercover exceptions) I think is a good thing. You bring incels and femcels into the same space, you're going to get some degenerates and orbiters and overall just create a really weird dynamic between both parties.

We're already seeing this here (not gonna name anyone).
.org should stay for men only .But y'all need to stop with the cope of " creating a weird dynamic" or I see other saying that it will turn the forum bluepill.Just admit that a good chunk of men will throw others under the bus for some pussy.

that forum is way different than this one
I was just joking. But honestly, I do feel some remorse for certain women who try to join and I need to reject them, their reasons are sometimes more valid than some males. Little do they know that if we accepted them, the users would turn into beasts.
I was just joking. But honestly, I do feel some remorse for certain women who try to join and I need to reject them, their reasons are sometimes more valid than some males. Little do they know that if we accepted them, the users would turn into beasts.
Do you have a lot of girls trying to join?
I was just joking. But honestly, I do feel some remorse for certain women who try to join and I need to reject them, their reasons are sometimes more valid than some males. Little do they know that if we accepted them, the users would turn into beasts.
just accept them and let them deal with the consequences, this is the plight of all social medias lol

women being harassed or chased by men, i wouldnt expect it to be different here

just accept them and let them deal with the consequences, this is the plight of all social medias lol

women being harassed or chased by men, i wouldnt expect it to be different here

I always get brutalized by other men when there are women involved. I cannot compete physically or socially and I just get mogged into the dirt.

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