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The thing i like the most about this forum

just accept them and let them deal with the consequences, this is the plight of all social medias lol

women being harassed or chased by men, i wouldnt expect it to be different here

i deisagre if org allows women org fags will cry ab it too, we need a male only lookism space so pussys can stop complaining ab it
@sportsmogger on lookism one time I paid a girl 50 bucks to send me pics and voice messages to larp as her and i had tons of guys messaging me begging for rates and shit
some guy sent me his whole life story
i had her make some turbo bluepilled voice message talking about being yourself and being nice and called myself emma❤️
@sportsmogger on lookism one time I paid a girl 50 bucks to send me pics and voice messages to larp as her and i had tons of guys messaging me begging for rates and shit
some guy sent me his whole life story
i had her make some turbo bluepilled voice message talking about being yourself and being nice and called myself emma❤️
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bro im actually dying
@sportsmogger on lookism one time I paid a girl 50 bucks to send me pics and voice messages to larp as her and i had tons of guys messaging me begging for rates and shit
some guy sent me his whole life story
i had her make some turbo bluepilled voice message talking about being yourself and being nice and called myself emma❤️
theres a whole thread about some dude larping as a mtb asian girl and the amount of dudes who pmed her and shit was laughable
@glamourpursuer is one

then we got rea, exipreess,

i thought imretarded? was one but he showed me his face

these are just speculations, dont ban them

althought a goldcel ended up being a female apparently, according to preston, tell me who
You mean goldpilled
@sportsmogger on lookism one time I paid a girl 50 bucks to send me pics and voice messages to larp as her and i had tons of guys messaging me begging for rates and shit
some guy sent me his whole life story
i had her make some turbo bluepilled voice message talking about being yourself and being nice and called myself emma❤️
Might of saved him from roping ngl. U might be one of the few good incels jfl
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #89
I said what I said, sis!
Your view of the world is just self centred and biased. You can’t see beyond the scape of your own perspective and there’s no point in debating someone like you who relies on their emotions and personal feelings about women
Your view of the world is just self centred and biased. You can’t see beyond the scape of your own perspective and there’s no point in debating someone like you who relies on their emotions and personal feelings about women
No no he's just based
Your view of the world is just self centred and biased. You can’t see beyond the scape of your own perspective and there’s no point in debating someone like you who relies on their emotions and personal feelings about women
I will Never consider others perspectives and Opiniones Fuck that shit

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