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Info Theoretical height increase methods


more loans more bones
Jun 21, 2024
I've been looking at these other methods rather than just ai+hgh or a gh secretagogue and have looking into BMP-7, BMP-7 Is tricky to access and really expesnive not to mention the risks and difficulty to inject intra-articularly. I'm looking at these cheaper options, so here they are.

Theoretical Bone Longitudinal Growth methods:
1. BMP-2 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2)
Mechanism: BMP-2 enhances osteogenesis and bone formation by means of promoting osteoblast differentiation and stimulating matrix production.

Theoretical Growth: For instance, when active skeletal development takes place such as childhood, BMP-2 can be capable of accelerating bone formation and remodeling thereby enhancing it. Consequently, this would result to increased longitudinal growth of bones with possible implications on the height gained.

Research Evidence:
A study published from: Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews, 2016
Osteochondrogenesis by TGF-β3, BMP-2 and noggin growth factor combinations in an ex vivo muscle tissue model: Temporal function changes affecting tissue morphogenesis
Osteoblast Differentiation and Bone Matrix Formation In Vivo and In Vitro

2. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
Mechanism: FGFs regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and tissue repair, including bone growth and development.
Theoretical Growth: FGFs could influence skeletal growth by promoting chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, thereby supporting bone elongation during growth periods. However, clinical evidence demonstrating direct height increase in humans is lacking. FGFs are more recognized for their roles in tissue repair and maintenance rather than height augmentation.
Research Evidence:
Research published in Developmental Dynamics (2005) reviewed the role of FGFs, including FGF-2 and FGF-18, in skeletal development. It emphasized their roles in chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, critical processes for bone growth and development during embryonic and postnatal stages.

3. Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1 (SDF-1)
Mechanism: SDF-1 plays a role in stem cell recruitment and tissue regeneration, including bone repair and remodeling.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretical applications of SDF-1 in bone growth suggest it could enhance bone regeneration and potentially support bone elongation during growth phases.
Research Evidence:
Studies published in Bone (2009) and Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (2010) investigated SDF-1's role in bone marrow stromal cell recruitment and bone remodeling. They demonstrated SDF-1's ability to enhance bone regeneration and repair, promoting bone formation and remodeling processes.

4. Strontium Ranelate
Mechanism: Strontium ranelate modulates bone remodeling by increasing bone formation and decreasing bone resorption.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretically, strontium ranelate could enhance bone mineral density and strength, which may indirectly support skeletal growth and development.
Research Evidence:
The NEJM publication in 2004 provided a pivotal study on strontium ranelate's effects on bone mineral density and fracture risk reduction in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. It highlighted its dual action of promoting bone formation and inhibiting bone resorption.
While strontium ranelate has demonstrated efficacy in improving bone density and reducing fracture risk in adults, research specific to its impact on height increase through bone elongation or wider bone frames in children with open growth plates is limited.

5. GDF-5 (Growth Differentiation Factor 5) and GDF-6
Mechanism: GDF-5 and GDF-6 are BMP family members involved in joint and skeletal development.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretically, GDF-5 and GDF-6 could influence bone growth by promoting chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, which are essential processes for longitudinal bone growth.
Research Evidence:
Research published in Nature Genetics (1995) and subsequent studies have identified GDF-5 and GDF-6 as key regulators of joint and skeletal development. They play critical roles in cartilage formation and joint morphogenesis.

6. NELL-1 (Nel-like molecule-1)
Mechanism: NELL-1 regulates osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization, supporting bone formation.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretical applications suggest NELL-1 could enhance bone regeneration and repair, potentially supporting bone elongation during growth phases.
Research Evidence:
Studies published in Bone (2010) and Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (2014) investigated NELL-1's role in osteogenesis and bone regeneration. They highlighted its ability to enhance osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization, promoting bone formation and repair.

7. TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor Beta)
Mechanism: TGF-β regulates cell growth, differentiation, and tissue repair, including bone formation and remodeling.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretical applications of TGF-β in bone growth suggest it could influence osteoblast and osteoclast activity, affecting bone structure and density.
Research Evidence:
Research published in Bone (2006) and Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2012) reviewed TGF-β's role in bone metabolism, including its effects on osteoblast and osteoclast activity. It emphasized TGF-β's regulation of bone formation and remodeling processes.

Possible Results

0.5-8cm of height increase depending on various factors assuming everything goes well

I would just reccommend currently running HGH and AI's with open plates, but later on maybe science can advance and Genetic therapy like BMP-7 may allow for a safer and alternative option which may rival hgh, rather than risking Diabetes, cancer, and gyno.
Getting all of this stuff is incredibly hard though, the money and the risks is very high and all for what? For no difference in height practically. Good thread however.
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  • #3
Getting all of this stuff is incredibly hard though, the money and the risks is very high and all for what? For no difference in height practically. Good thread however.
I have pretty reputable sources for the stuff, but yea most of the results are not noticeable unless ran from early puberty or earlier. I just wish there's more research done for Genetic Therapy and easier accessibility.
I've been looking at these other methods rather than just ai+hgh or a gh secretagogue and have looking into BMP-7, BMP-7 Is tricky to access and really expesnive not to mention the risks and difficulty to inject intra-articularly. I'm looking at these cheaper options, so here they are.

Theoretical Bone Longitudinal Growth methods:
1. BMP-2 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2)
Mechanism: BMP-2 enhances osteogenesis and bone formation by means of promoting osteoblast differentiation and stimulating matrix production.

Theoretical Growth: For instance, when active skeletal development takes place such as childhood, BMP-2 can be capable of accelerating bone formation and remodeling thereby enhancing it. Consequently, this would result to increased longitudinal growth of bones with possible implications on the height gained.

Research Evidence:
A study published from: Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews, 2016
Osteochondrogenesis by TGF-β3, BMP-2 and noggin growth factor combinations in an ex vivo muscle tissue model: Temporal function changes affecting tissue morphogenesis
Osteoblast Differentiation and Bone Matrix Formation In Vivo and In Vitro

2. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
Mechanism: FGFs regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and tissue repair, including bone growth and development.
Theoretical Growth: FGFs could influence skeletal growth by promoting chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, thereby supporting bone elongation during growth periods. However, clinical evidence demonstrating direct height increase in humans is lacking. FGFs are more recognized for their roles in tissue repair and maintenance rather than height augmentation.
Research Evidence:
Research published in Developmental Dynamics (2005) reviewed the role of FGFs, including FGF-2 and FGF-18, in skeletal development. It emphasized their roles in chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, critical processes for bone growth and development during embryonic and postnatal stages.

3. Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1 (SDF-1)
Mechanism: SDF-1 plays a role in stem cell recruitment and tissue regeneration, including bone repair and remodeling.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretical applications of SDF-1 in bone growth suggest it could enhance bone regeneration and potentially support bone elongation during growth phases.
Research Evidence:
Studies published in Bone (2009) and Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (2010) investigated SDF-1's role in bone marrow stromal cell recruitment and bone remodeling. They demonstrated SDF-1's ability to enhance bone regeneration and repair, promoting bone formation and remodeling processes.

4. Strontium Ranelate
Mechanism: Strontium ranelate modulates bone remodeling by increasing bone formation and decreasing bone resorption.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretically, strontium ranelate could enhance bone mineral density and strength, which may indirectly support skeletal growth and development.
Research Evidence:
The NEJM publication in 2004 provided a pivotal study on strontium ranelate's effects on bone mineral density and fracture risk reduction in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. It highlighted its dual action of promoting bone formation and inhibiting bone resorption.
While strontium ranelate has demonstrated efficacy in improving bone density and reducing fracture risk in adults, research specific to its impact on height increase through bone elongation or wider bone frames in children with open growth plates is limited.

5. GDF-5 (Growth Differentiation Factor 5) and GDF-6
Mechanism: GDF-5 and GDF-6 are BMP family members involved in joint and skeletal development.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretically, GDF-5 and GDF-6 could influence bone growth by promoting chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, which are essential processes for longitudinal bone growth.
Research Evidence:
Research published in Nature Genetics (1995) and subsequent studies have identified GDF-5 and GDF-6 as key regulators of joint and skeletal development. They play critical roles in cartilage formation and joint morphogenesis.

6. NELL-1 (Nel-like molecule-1)
Mechanism: NELL-1 regulates osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization, supporting bone formation.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretical applications suggest NELL-1 could enhance bone regeneration and repair, potentially supporting bone elongation during growth phases.
Research Evidence:
Studies published in Bone (2010) and Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (2014) investigated NELL-1's role in osteogenesis and bone regeneration. They highlighted its ability to enhance osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization, promoting bone formation and repair.

7. TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor Beta)
Mechanism: TGF-β regulates cell growth, differentiation, and tissue repair, including bone formation and remodeling.
Theoretical Growth: Theoretical applications of TGF-β in bone growth suggest it could influence osteoblast and osteoclast activity, affecting bone structure and density.
Research Evidence:
Research published in Bone (2006) and Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2012) reviewed TGF-β's role in bone metabolism, including its effects on osteoblast and osteoclast activity. It emphasized TGF-β's regulation of bone formation and remodeling processes.

Possible Results

0.5-8cm of height increase depending on various factors assuming everything goes well

I would just reccommend currently running HGH and AI's with open plates, but later on maybe science can advance and Genetic therapy like BMP-7 may allow for a safer and alternative option which may rival hgh, rather than risking Diabetes, cancer, and gyno.
x-ray to see if you still have unfused growth plates + hgh very simple
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  • #6
The reward is too low for the risks
Without professionals to administer this therapy, yea. But let's say there were nurses that could help,
Potential Risks:

  • Risk of side effects such as joint pain, insulin resistance, increased risk of diabetes(especially for those genetically inclined), and potential for promoting cancer growth.
  • Requires careful monitoring and dosage adjustments.
  • Ethical and regulatory considerations in non-deficient individuals.
  • Sourcing
  • Inhibits natural hgh levels
Potential Risks:

  • Potential for overgrowth or inappropriate bone formation if not precisely administered.
  • Risk of immune reactions or inflammation at the injection site due to improper injections.
  • Scammers, Sourcing(Most yu have to buy in bulk which is $1000s of dollars.)
  • Requires more money

BMP-7 Is risky because it requires a professional that could administer it and that it's not really commonly replicated, but HGH also is very risky because of the lifelong health problems along with it. The underlying risk of HGHis actually a larger one than HGH Considering that BMP-7 Gene therapy used instead of GH therapy can have similar or slightly lower growth rates compared to growth hormone therapy(1-2 extra inches per year from adolescence). As for the other's it's a bit tricky and I'd have to dig around more but I'm sure it's similar to BMP-7 just more mild than 1-2 xtra inches. Although not much science or tests have been done just for height growth, it's to say that BMP-7 Can be a better pick than HGH with open plates considering you have a professional, and correctly sourced BMP-7.

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