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This is my only pic where my face looks as bloated as it does right now

Also fuck the dark hair...I am switching to light. Picsart_25-02-07_15-23-14-880.jpg
Yeah brunette suits you more imo
Tbh black hair doesn't suit lots of people imo. I don't even love it on taylor even if it is her natural. It is not really black black but you get itScreenshot_20250207_152809_Instagram.jpg
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sign up to a modeling agency im being so fr
I am short😭
Only my proportions make me seem taller.
They also cause me to have all my jeans and sleeves too short
Usually get told I have good symmetry💁🏻‍♀️
You have that stereotypical Eastern European model face with some flaws. Downturned lips, nose is slightly assyemtrical but it doesnt take anything from your face tbf, SFS, and the right side in the pic (which is your left) looks wider. Idk if you have strabismus or if it's the angle. You look better here than some of your other pics where guys were rating you mtb.
You have that stereotypical Eastern European model face with some flaws. Downturned lips, nose is slightly assyemtrical but it doesnt take anything from your face tbf, SFS, and the right side in the pic (which is your left) looks wider. Idk if you have strabismus or if it's the angle. You look better here than some of your other pics where guys were rating you mtb.
My lips aren't really downturned usually.
I don t see the similarity with the slavic dolls tbh
First photo is from Reddit, second one is photoshopped with Picsart. Sharing your face on a forum with 3500 messages is a move that would suit a foid. +jerked
First photo is from Reddit, second one is photoshopped with Picsart. Sharing your face on a forum with 3500 messages is a move that would suit a foid. +jerked
I am from from reddit and yes I use picsart to save my pics, for collages or cutting the pic since my gallery settings ruin the quality if i cut. I don t photoshop tho. You can t even photoshop on picsart unless you pay.
Also my features look very natural, I don't see what I could be photoshopping.

I have posted both good and bad pics of me without shame. Why would I photoshop to change features/skin texture if my interest is to know how people actually perceive me?
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