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This mf better play a good richard ramirez💀

That doesn’t look like bro ☠️☠️
They should cast my friend he looks like him
Except he has green eyes brown hair, same hairstyle as Ramirez tho
They could just dye his hair and give contacts n shut
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
Hes like 5’7 but yeah. What are all the surgeries he got? Looks like a Bogdanoff kinda. just a dark triad version(still cant believe he got rid of his music.)
image.jpghow does bro suck his cheeks in that much 😭
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
Plus he’s way leaner than optimal
Thats why he was short. That and abusing random drugs +steroids. His mom regularly smoked meth and gave him some wich put him in psychosis
Thats why he was short. That and abusing random drugs +steroids. His mom regularly smoked meth and gave him some wich put him in psychosis
He had so much potential if he kept developing normally
