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Thumbpulling: how the hell do u pop my sutures


Jul 10, 2019
Everyone is saying they hear a poping sound. I dont hear anything.

How hard and in what motion do i have to massage my pallet? Is it like a circle motion or what. And where exactly do i push my pallate outwards
How is it any diffrent then pushing with your tounge?
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if u can prove it's more effective then try it
So you think putting pressure with your tounge works.. but with your thumbs not? U can push waaayy harder with your thumbs than with your tounge. Im trying it i just need to figure out how its done exactly. Waiting for astros video 😁 and then i will do both. Mewing and thumb pulling. Or maybe buy a expander. But i have to figure out where to get one in germany
So you think putting pressure with your tounge works.. but with your thumbs not? U can push waaayy harder with your thumbs than with your tounge. Im trying it i just need to figure out how its done exactly. Waiting for astros video 😁 and then i will do both. Mewing and thumb pulling. Or maybe buy a expander. But i have to figure out where to get one in germany
just think logically about thumbpulling... all you are doing is pushing on the alveolar ridge for a couple minutes a day. you think that will really achieve anything? at best you will probably just tip the teeth.
just think logically about thumbpulling... all you are doing is pushing on the alveolar ridge for a couple minutes a day. you think that will really achieve anything? at best you will probably just tip the teeth.
Isnt it pushing pressure on the pallet? And yes. If u replace the pressure u do with your tounge its the same just way more pressure. I believe at least. But people report results from thumbpulling
Isnt it pushing pressure on the pallet? And yes. If u replace the pressure u do with your tounge its the same just way more pressure. I believe at least. But people report results from thumbpulling
still you need to be applying consistent force. a few minutes every now and then will do literally nothing. you need some sort of appliance to exert consistent force
still you need to be applying consistent force. a few minutes every now and then will do literally nothing. you need some sort of appliance to exert consistent force
Yea thumbpull first then hardmew until the next thumbpull session. Thats your constant force
Yea thumbpull first then hardmew until the next thumbpull session. Thats your constant force
after 2 hour of tremendous thumb pulling, i can feel pain in palate for days, idk for me works better than mewing 100 times, pulling sides