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tiktokcel zeta

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  • #4
He didn't get any surgeries (probably), just debloated and squints like crazy. Look up his post history on org; he was good-looking already. He's a cutie, especially when he smiles, no homo. PSL 6-7 in my opinion.
Look at him, such a cutie 🥰🤤
ooo i thought he got surgeries bc made a tiktok ab hardmaxxing, he is a cutie tho i just hate tiktokcels💔
psl rating is 1-7 in which one is sub and 7 is perfect
PSL is form 0 to 8 . PSL 8 being perfection.
why are u guys reacting to this weirdly is it not 1-7😭😭
ooo i thought he got surgeries bc made a tiktok ab hardmaxxing, he is a cutie tho i just hate tiktokcels💔
Titktokcels are referred to those who joined the forum and e metered the BP sphere due to the Looksmaxxing trend on tiktok in 2023. Not those who post on tiktok

Please read the incel wiki glossary so you don't misuse the terms.
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  • #12
PSL is form 0 to 8 . PSL 8 being perfection.


Titktokcels are referred to those who joined the forum and e metered the BP sphere due to the Looksmaxxing trend on tiktok in 2023. Not those who post on tiktok

Please read the incel wiki glossary so you don't misuse the terms.
whoopsie😢 guys im true bp trust me i just forgor😍
what psl rating would you give this tiktokcel, id give him a psl 6 but he frauds with contacts and hardmaxxed
Zeta’s a solid guy, but I’m skeptical he didn’t have any surgeries. Still, having a good foundation is key, so he was already in a good spot to begin with.
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