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Tips for improving looks


worst anorexic ever
Sep 13, 2024
can you tell me how I could possibly improve how I look? I still like being alternative so I don't wanna hear "go natural " blah blah blah
be as harsh as you want, I think at this point I genuinely need to hear it



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Lose a little bit of weight
Get rid of piercings
Die hair natural color
Grow hair longer
Debloat through gua Sha, water intake, and increased potassium with less sodium intake.
can you tell me how I could possibly improve how I look? I still like being alternative so I don't wanna hear "go natural " blah blah blah
be as harsh as you want, I think at this point I genuinely need to hear it

Just let's you take out that nose ring. Makes you look like a gull darn steer. And that red hair makes ya look like Ronald Mai Dang Lao. Mai Dang Lao is a good place to eat from time to time but nobody wants to look like it's flippin mascot.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #11
Just let's you take out that nose ring. Makes you look like a gull darn steer. And that red hair makes ya look like Ronald Mai Dang Lao. Mai Dang Lao is a good place to eat from time to time but nobody wants to look like it's flippin mascot.
I might actually size up my ring out of spite :3 but I agree on the red hair thing , fuck Ronnie
I might actually size up my ring out of spite :3 but I agree on the red hair thing , fuck Ronnie
I don't feel spite over what other people do with their appearances. Actually, on second thought, I do. Especially can't stand to see women over 60 years old with blue hair. Seeing them I think to myself, "What kind of husband would allow that garbage. Probably lets her do yoga as well."
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13
I don't feel spite over what other people do with their appearances. Actually, on second thought, I do. Especially can't stand to see women over 60 years old with blue hair. Seeing them I think to myself, "What kind of husband would allow that garbage. Probably lets her do yoga as well."
ay nothing wrong with yoga (to an extent)
ay nothing wrong with yoga (to an extent)
Oh yes there is. Show me a couple where the woman is involved in stupid shit like yoga and I'll show you a couple where the man is a nervous little mouse whenever she's around. You can't make any sandwiches in a yoga studio.
emphasize hair health and volume over color, but also try to keep a color that is natural to humans. the bright red is not realistic and looks weird. maybe a dirty blonde or dark brown?
your nose ring does not look appealing, maybe a different type of nose piercing, if you are insistent on having them?
be healthy
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #16
emphasize hair health and volume over color, but also try to keep a color that is natural to humans. the bright red is not realistic and looks weird. maybe a dirty blonde or dark brown?
your nose ring does not look appealing, maybe a different type of nose piercing, if you are insistent on having them?
be healthy
yeah im planning on growing it out
agreed on the red
okay thx
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #17
Oh yes there is. Show me a couple where the woman is involved in stupid shit like yoga and I'll show you a couple where the man is a nervous little mouse whenever she's around. You can't make any sandwiches in a yoga studio.
ay maybe he's mouse like cuz shes leaner than him with that milf yoga bod

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