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Info Top 5 Mistakes looksmaxxers make.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 42181
  • Start date

Deleted member 42181

Most of it is common sense.

1. Overthinking / mental masturbation / just talking, no actions.

Obviously, you should inform yourself a bit before getting a procedure to prevent bad results.
But most people here tend to overthink things. As a general rule of thumb: reading and educating yourself about surgical options and understanding the basics of male aesthetics shouldn't take you more than 4 weeks. Just read the threads in the faq (on .me threads in the looksmaxing/best of the best section) and you should be fine.

2. Choosing a cosmetic procedure out of comfort but not out of necessity.


So, I’m currently reading this meme book "thinking, fast and slow" from Daniel Kahneman - I know, I know cringe.

Thinking, Fast and Slow - Wikipedia

Anyways there is an interesting part I stumbled over which talks about intuitive heuristics:

“This is the essence of intuitive heuristics: when faced with a difficult question, we often answer an easier one instead, usually without noticing the substitution,” says Kahneman.

Even though you can‘t transfer this 1 to 1, it reminded me of something that I read here very much. People who, for example - would actually need jaw surgery realize it often comes with a long time period of pretreatment/after treatment and expensive costs. They don't want to endure these. Therefore they start bargaining instead. Looking for procedures that are less expensive, less invasive, take shorter to heal. Suddenly, they start to think about their ears, their upper eyelids when the big elephant in the room is their maxilla. Simply, because the eyes and the upper eyelids are easier to fix. Albeit this attitude being very good for many things, it isn’t particularly good regarding facial aesthetics. When it comes to your face you can’t nor shouldn't really make compromises. It’s a very precise business. Surgeries that don't exactly address and solve the problem but rather focuse on camouflaging it often don’t lead to good results. In fact, they can make you look off and even worse than initially.


So, if you want to get a cosmetic procedure and you are not motivated by pure aesthetic gainz but also other factors like money or time, think again. If you ever catch yourself thinking "it’s not xxx but AT LEAST it's improving me a bit or I do something" think again. In many cases, you will save yourself future disappointment doing so.

3. Avoiding risks and false assessment of risks.


If you focus too much on what you can possibly lose instead of what you can possibly gain you won't come far in life in general and looksmaxxing in particular. You can’t stay always in your comfort zone. Every decision comes with consequences. Even if that decision is to do nothing. From an evolutionary viewpoint where every small accident like a broken leg could lead to death. Risk avoidance was somehow legit but since then the world has long since evolved. Today the definitive consequence of total risk avoidance is you rotting in your basement living from welfare money. You will survive but you won't truly live.

Connected to this is the false assessment of risks particularly the over- and underestimation of risks.

On the other hand, risks get overblown. finasteride - for example. Which for most people has no serious side effects - and if they do - then disappear in 99% of cases after discontinuing the drug gets harshly criticized by many. In reality, only a very small minority can get seriously fucked up but this normal for every drug including medication like ibuprofen, paracetamol, and all supplements out there. Some people discredit every study that shows finasteride is not particular dangerous (paid by pharmacy jews) but takes poor made studies and every anonymous internet report as valid as long as it reports horrible side effects in high and persistent numbers.

On the other hand, the side effects and risks of smoking, a sedative lifestyle, fast food, sitting in front of a smartphone/desktop nearly the WHOLE DAY are underestimated and neglected. While studd like benzos, SSRIs are taken without any second thoughts by many here.

Addressing another point: Yes, there are short term (and potentially long term) side effects with getting jaw surgery but what about the short/long term side effects of staying ugly? It sounds silly but its something you have to think about. Maybe not risking jaw surgery is actually more treacherous than to go through with it.

4. Working on your strengths instead of your weaknesses.


A beautiful face is an average face, meaning it has average proportions and features. Some people think they can equal failures out by enhancing certain features that are already quite strong or at least average. This won't work. Always concentrate on the things in your face that are below average looking (failos).

0 + 0 = 0 is better than -1 + 1 = 0.

5. Obsessing over little details and striving too much for perfection.


1. Know how and when to stop. Do not overdo fillers, implants or any cosmetic surgery, really. Improving your face while looking natural is key.

2. Do not obsess over small details nobody but you (and some other aspies here) care about. It’s quite frankly a waste of time.


  1. Overthinking/mental masturbation gets you nowhere. Actions do.
  2. Get procedures you actually need, regardless of them costing you more time, money or pain. It’s your face we’re talking about here. Choosing the wrong procedure because it’s cheaper or requires less healing will be counterproductive.
  3. Avoiding taking action and/or risks has it's consequences. Choosing to be idle has it's own after-effects. II The false assessment of risks will unnecessarily hinder progress towards your goal.
  4. Striving to improve features that are already average or above average instead of improving those below average (failos) isn't what you should be doing.
  5. Obsessing over neglible details and aspiring too much for the impossible is foolish and a waste of time
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this is what insecurities and body dismorphia do to a girl... sad af
fuck off. seriously? im looking up these titles and finding more and more. i am ashamed that i could ever have trusted you or thought you were a good part of our community.
like seriously.

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