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Trying to get rid of acne


New member
Nov 23, 2023
I know that acne is something that comes because of puberty but I feel like if I really tried I could eliminate it which would make me much more attractive. I tried drinking lots of water and not having any dairy which seemed to help a bit but I feel like there is some secret or something that I’m missing.
I know that acne is something that comes because of puberty but I feel like if I really tried I could eliminate it which would make me much more attractive. I tried drinking lots of water and not having any dairy which seemed to help a bit but I feel like there is some secret or something that I’m missing.
Try visiting a dermatologist or local GP, they can prescribe you a medication depending on your skin type and what they recommend. it doesn't always have to be something like Accutane but you can voice your concerns and see what they think.
I don't believe in using all these cleaning products to help acne, just a simple facial cleanser, moisturizer and sunblock. Try not to over do it.
Eat clean, no sugar, low dairy, lots of water. 8+ hours sleep. Lower stress levels and so on. Its all pretty basic stuff but its good to get into a routine and strive to do the best.

However at the end of the day, acne is sometimes just purely hormonal and part of puberty and you cant always fix it 100% with cleaning products and medication. Its sometimes just time and patience. But I do highly reccommend sticking to those good habits anyway and trying to do the best you can. Anyway good luck bro
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Depending on what kind of acne you have, the solution is different. For me consuming dairy is what caused my acne so I try to avoid it, it has helped significantly. For skincare, you don't need a shit ton of stuff just a cleanser and moisturizer, if you go outside then sunscreen to prevent wrinkles and skin cancer. If you have hair covering your face either try to keep your hair clean or change your hairstyle, but there are many reasons why you may have acne sometimes it's just genetic or hormone because youre young like the other guy said. and also it may be your diet so if you consume lots of nuts for example it could be giving you acne though you know yourself more than people on the internet do
Yea I feel like dairy makes it worse for me too, also it’s not that severe but I’ll still try using a cleanser to see if it works.

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