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Turning 18 tomorrow and moving out!!


official rexxie
Feb 12, 2024
Kinda off-topic, but I am so excited. For context, I have horrible relationships with my parents(think hot and cold on m3/th). Today I got into it with my dad because he went through my room while I was at church, and he found my e.d. journal. so now both my parents know somewhat how mentally screwed I am. My dad has been trying to kick me out for a while, and he almost did today.
But on Wednesday(in 3 days) I am moving in with my boyfriend. and nobody in my family but my oldest brother(15) knows
I can st*rve in silence, I will finally have privacy, and I wont have to hide me sm/0/king "fun air" anymore. I know people will tell me that being an adult is hard, but they don't understand the kind of "hard" my childhood is and I'm looking so forward to this retirement from adolescence. I literally cant wait to pay my own bills and take care of myself if it means that I don't have to earn my parents' love. I can already sense the mental health shift that's gonna happen when I leave.

Feel free to comment how better your lives got when you moved out, please no negative stories. I cannot back out and need encouragement.
Kinda off-topic, but I am so excited. For context, I have horrible relationships with my parents(think hot and cold on m3/th). Today I got into it with my dad because he went through my room while I was at church, and he found my e.d. journal. so now both my parents know somewhat how mentally screwed I am. My dad has been trying to kick me out for a while, and he almost did today.
But on Wednesday(in 3 days) I am moving in with my boyfriend. and nobody in my family but my oldest brother(15) knows
I can st*rve in silence, I will finally have privacy, and I wont have to hide me sm/0/king "fun air" anymore. I know people will tell me that being an adult is hard, but they don't understand the kind of "hard" my childhood is and I'm looking so forward to this retirement from adolescence. I literally cant wait to pay my own bills and take care of myself if it means that I don't have to earn my parents' love. I can already sense the mental health shift that's gonna happen when I leave.

Feel free to comment how better your lives got when you moved out, please no negative stories. I cannot back out and need encouragement.
What is an e.d journal? If you are starving and have mental issue see a therpist. Are you sure that you're parents don't love you? Also smoking/vaping is bad for your mental and physically health. You seem to be going down a dark path.
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What is an e.d journal? If you are starving and have mental issue see a therpist. Are you sure that you're parents don't love you? Also smoking/vaping is bad for your mental and physically health. You seem to be going down a dark path.
the journal is where I keep track of my ed. I see a therapist and have been for the past 4 years. I know my parents love me, but they also resent me, especially my dad for reasons out of my control. And the "dark path" was caused by my parents, I developed my ed because my dad hated me for being fat(but he cant do that anymore). my "fun air" is w33d, the same thing my dad does. I know that my mental and physical health are shot, kinda the point of the ed. I cant get better mentally until I am out and safe, I've tried getting better and am still working on it while living with my parents, but my dad literally shoots down every leg up I get.
Kinda off-topic, but I am so excited. For context, I have horrible relationships with my parents(think hot and cold on m3/th). Today I got into it with my dad because he went through my room while I was at church, and he found my e.d. journal. so now both my parents know somewhat how mentally screwed I am. My dad has been trying to kick me out for a while, and he almost did today.
But on Wednesday(in 3 days) I am moving in with my boyfriend. and nobody in my family but my oldest brother(15) knows
I can st*rve in silence, I will finally have privacy, and I wont have to hide me sm/0/king "fun air" anymore. I know people will tell me that being an adult is hard, but they don't understand the kind of "hard" my childhood is and I'm looking so forward to this retirement from adolescence. I literally cant wait to pay my own bills and take care of myself if it means that I don't have to earn my parents' love. I can already sense the mental health shift that's gonna happen when I leave.

Feel free to comment how better your lives got when you moved out, please no negative stories. I cannot back out and need encouragement.
If I’m being honest, I have a dad like this also and I’m 15 years old. My dad is strict and is also and alcoholic. I know what if feels like because I had to go through hell also. I also wish to move out when I turn 18 so I can finally stop getting my stuff taken away from him for unnecessary reasons; he adds very unnecessary rules in our household also. Well I’m just gonna stop talking because I’m not tryna scream my head off like a turkey with no head. Hopefully you have the best adult life!
the journal is where I keep track of my ed. I see a therapist and have been for the past 4 years. I know my parents love me, but they also resent me, especially my dad for reasons out of my control. And the "dark path" was caused by my parents, I developed my ed because my dad hated me for being fat(but he cant do that anymore). my "fun air" is w33d, the same thing my dad does. I know that my mental and physical health are shot, kinda the point of the ed. I cant get better mentally until I am out and safe, I've tried getting better and am still working on it while living with my parents, but my dad literally shoots down every leg up I get.
Being honest with you weed will only make it worst. It is good that see that things are out of your control. But using drugs will only cause you're "dark path" to get worse.
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  • #6
If I’m being honest, I have a dad like this also and I’m 15 years old. My dad is strict and is also and alcoholic. I know what if feels like because I had to go through hell also. I also wish to move out when I turn 18 so I can finally stop getting my stuff taken away from him for unnecessary reasons; he adds very unnecessary rules in our household also. Well I’m just gonna stop talking because I’m not tryna scream my head off like a turkey with no head. Hopefully you have the best adult life!
thank you, and i wish you all the best of luck. you are going to get through this and will be so much happier. You don't owe your parents anything for doing their job(and doing a crappy job). And its so hard when you want to hate him, but cant because he is your dad
thank you, and i wish you all the best of luck. you are going to get through this and will be so much happier. You don't owe your parents anything for doing their job(and doing a crappy job). And its so hard when you want to hate him, but cant because he is your dad
Thank you, I appreciate it! :)
Kinda off-topic, but I am so excited. For context, I have horrible relationships with my parents(think hot and cold on m3/th). Today I got into it with my dad because he went through my room while I was at church, and he found my e.d. journal. so now both my parents know somewhat how mentally screwed I am. My dad has been trying to kick me out for a while, and he almost did today.
But on Wednesday(in 3 days) I am moving in with my boyfriend. and nobody in my family but my oldest brother(15) knows
I can st*rve in silence, I will finally have privacy, and I wont have to hide me sm/0/king "fun air" anymore. I know people will tell me that being an adult is hard, but they don't understand the kind of "hard" my childhood is and I'm looking so forward to this retirement from adolescence. I literally cant wait to pay my own bills and take care of myself if it means that I don't have to earn my parents' love. I can already sense the mental health shift that's gonna happen when I leave.

Feel free to comment how better your lives got when you moved out, please no negative stories. I cannot back out and need encouragement.
sorry to hear about your struggles with your parents

I never experienced anything like that, but moving away from my parents was one of the best things I did in terms of being able to live life on my own terms and figuring out who I wanted to be

keen to hear how it goes when you make the move 🚗
Kinda off-topic, but I am so excited. For context, I have horrible relationships with my parents(think hot and cold on m3/th). Today I got into it with my dad because he went through my room while I was at church, and he found my e.d. journal. so now both my parents know somewhat how mentally screwed I am. My dad has been trying to kick me out for a while, and he almost did today.
But on Wednesday(in 3 days) I am moving in with my boyfriend. and nobody in my family but my oldest brother(15) knows
I can st*rve in silence, I will finally have privacy, and I wont have to hide me sm/0/king "fun air" anymore. I know people will tell me that being an adult is hard, but they don't understand the kind of "hard" my childhood is and I'm looking so forward to this retirement from adolescence. I literally cant wait to pay my own bills and take care of myself if it means that I don't have to earn my parents' love. I can already sense the mental health shift that's gonna happen when I leave.

Feel free to comment how better your lives got when you moved out, please no negative stories. I cannot back out and need encouragement.
I don't know how difficult ED is to overcome, but I had the beginning of anorexia when I was 16 (I'm now 20) but thanks to my family and friends, I managed to overcome it before ED took hold completely.

As a piece of advice, if your boyfriend is of legal age, I think you should go, but find a way to live if it doesn't work out with him.
If you don't mind, I'll tell you something I experienced in my 19 years. I moved from my parents' house to study at a college in another city, in that city I met a girl, and after a few months of living together we started dating and I moved to her house so we could share the rent, but The most likely thing happened, and we broke up, so I spent 3 days living in the house of an acquaintance, until he couldn't shelter me any longer and asked me to leave, so I slept in a square close to my college and relatively close to my work for another 2 days, until I managed to find a house to rent at a reasonable price and moved into it, where I still live today.

I just want to advise you so that you don't make the same mistake I did, have a plan B so that, even if things don't work out with your boyfriend, you don't have to sleep on the street or in favor with someone
Kinda off-topic, but I am so excited. For context, I have horrible relationships with my parents(think hot and cold on m3/th). Today I got into it with my dad because he went through my room while I was at church, and he found my e.d. journal. so now both my parents know somewhat how mentally screwed I am. My dad has been trying to kick me out for a while, and he almost did today.
But on Wednesday(in 3 days) I am moving in with my boyfriend. and nobody in my family but my oldest brother(15) knows
I can st*rve in silence, I will finally have privacy, and I wont have to hide me sm/0/king "fun air" anymore. I know people will tell me that being an adult is hard, but they don't understand the kind of "hard" my childhood is and I'm looking so forward to this retirement from adolescence. I literally cant wait to pay my own bills and take care of myself if it means that I don't have to earn my parents' love. I can already sense the mental health shift that's gonna happen when I leave.

Feel free to comment how better your lives got when you moved out, please no negative stories. I cannot back out and need encouragement.
i hope you do well and feel better after you leave your parents. the sudden freedom might be liberating but also a bit rough and difficult. i wish you happiness and good health, both mental and physical, and that your boyfriend treats you right. 🫶🤑🤑🤑🗿
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  • #11
i hope you do well and feel better after you leave your parents. the sudden freedom might be liberating but also a bit rough and difficult. i wish you happiness and good health, both mental and physical, and that your boyfriend treats you right. 🫶🤑🤑🤑🗿
Very happy for you sounds like your life is getting better and you’re onwards and upwards. I’ve been fortunate enough to have great parents and it sucks that you’ve been through all that; I just hope you have a good support system, not just your boyfriend, friends you can count on. Give us updates we’re rooting for you
Ey I'm 18 also moved out of my parents soon moving to my girlfriend's house (F18) it surely is a good feeling, most parents nowadays can't parent.
Im turning 18 in 9 months and I also want to move out but im mad scared. Like I dont even know how to cook or basic life skills. I was supposed to move in with my ex but we broke up so yeah idk anymore. But im really happy you got the opportunity to leave your toxic parents. I truly hope your boyfriend treats you well and everything goes well for you :). I have toxic ass parents so I get it, the best thing you did for yourself is move out cuz tbh atleast you can find mental peace now. Parents nowadays are so shitty tbh. You go girl
