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JFL Ugliest Jesus Believer

Christianity on top. John 14:6 Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ
Christianity on top. John 14:6 Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ
but what does jesus have to do with looksmaxxing
this guy is asserting that jesus believers are more beautiful than others, with the ugliest jesus believer title
its just using his name in vain, and being prideful and arrogant
jesus' teaching were not about beauty but love
but what does jesus have to do with looksmaxxing
this guy is asserting that jesus believers are more beautiful than others, with the ugliest jesus believer title
its just using his name in vain, and being prideful and arrogant
jesus' teaching were not about beauty but love
I agree, his point makes absolutely no sense. I just took an opportunity to say that because the topic of Jesus was already brought up.

The interesting thing, is that Jesus when he was on the earth was not even good looking. Isaiah 53:2 "For grew up before Him like a tender shoot, And like a root out of dry ground; He has no stately form or majesty That we would look at Him, Nor an appearance that we would take pleasure in Him."
I agree, his point makes absolutely no sense. I just took an opportunity to say that because the topic of Jesus was already brought up.

The interesting thing, is that Jesus when he was on the earth was not even good looking. Isaiah 53:2 "For grew up before Him like a tender shoot, And like a root out of dry ground; He has no stately form or majesty That we would look at Him, Nor an appearance that we would take pleasure in Him."
Yup. I feel as though many people try to use their religion to assert superiority over others, like x religion has chads and stacies, etc., when religion is not even about that, and it is prideful and in vain, like theyre half assing their religion, wearing it like a shirt
Yup. I feel as though many people try to use their religion to assert superiority over others, like x religion has chads and stacies, etc., when religion is not even about that, and it is prideful and in vain, like theyre half assing their religion, wearing it like a shirt
Agreed. Those who say such things clearly do not know the Bible or whatever religion they are in. The whole point of the Bible is that we are sinners who will be judged, but God sent his Son Jesus who died on the cross for us, that if we repent and have faith in him we will be saved. But yeah, it's weird when people use religion as like a status symbol
Agreed. Those who say such things clearly do not know the Bible or whatever religion they are in. The whole point of the Bible is that we are sinners who will be judged, but God sent his Son Jesus who died on the cross for us, that if we repent and have faith in him we will be saved. But yeah, it's weird when people use religion as like a status symbol
I feel as though they do so because they've been living since birth like that. Since childhood, they go to a worhsip place, pray, and are told how to think. Peer pressure, or some religious hype about the figures being "cool". There is no honor behind this, only brainwash.
What is respectable, is someone who is not pressured, and does their research and comes to the conclusion that this religion is the lifestyle they choose to follow. That they understand the religion and what they choose, and the world as a whole.
I feel as though they do so because they've been living since birth like that. Since childhood, they go to a worhsip place, pray, and are told how to think. Peer pressure, or some religious hype about the figures being "cool". There is no honor behind this, only brainwash.
What is respectable, is someone who is not pressured, and does their research and comes to the conclusion that this religion is the lifestyle they choose to follow. That they understand the religion and what they choose, and the world as a whole.
I agree to an extent. I don't exactly like the way you view religion specifically Christianity. It's not merely a way of life that some people should choose because it makes your life better. No, it is the truth that if we do not trust on the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be judged. It's not a light matter like "well believe in it if you want to do, or don't if you don't want to." It's a very serious matter. But I agree that at some point someone has to truly come to the conclusion that the religion is true for themselves
I agree to an extent. I don't exactly like the way you view religion specifically Christianity. It's not merely a way of life that some people should choose because it makes your life better. No, it is the truth that if we do not trust on the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be judged. It's not a light matter like "well believe in it if you want to do, or don't if you don't want to." It's a very serious matter. But I agree that at some point someone has to truly come to the conclusion that the religion is true for themselves
I say it in this way as someone who is agnostic, and I apply this thought to all religions, even though they do have their own individual differences
I say it in this way as someone who is agnostic, and I apply this thought to all religions, even though they do have their own individual differences
Fair. What separates Christiantity from the rest of the religions is that it teaches that no amount of good works will get you to heaven and that it is only through the blood of Jesus that we are saved
Fair. What separates Christiantity from the rest of the religions is that it teaches that no amount of good works will get you to heaven and that it is only through the blood of Jesus that we are saved
I thought that in Christianity, people have to work hard to be good and free of sin to get into heaven. By blood of Jesus, I am assuming you are referring to the Holy Communion, so are you saying that all that one needs is to believe in the existence of God and go through with the communion/eucharist?
I thought that in Christianity, people have to work hard to be good and free of sin to get into heaven. By blood of Jesus, I am assuming you are referring to the Holy Communion, so are you saying that all that one needs is to believe in the existence of God and go through with the communion/eucharist?
No, Christianity does not preach good works meriting God's favor. Roman Catholics often wrongly assert that good works have something to do with meriting eternal life, but true Christianity teaches this. Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, but the gift of God. NOT a result of works, lest any man should boast." No communion does merit God's favor. What I meant by blood of Christ is trusting the finished work Christ did on the cross, bearing the sins of the whole world.
We are not saved by a mere intellectual faith because James 1:19 "You believe that there is one God, you do well, even the demons believe that, and shudder."
We are saved by a true heart felt faith in Jesus, that believes he truly died for me. We then live in light of the fact that we ARE saved, not to GET saved.
No, Christianity does not preach good works meriting God's favor. Roman Catholics often wrongly assert that good works have something to do with meriting eternal life, but true Christianity teaches this. Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, but the gift of God. NOT a result of works, lest any man should boast." No communion does merit God's favor. What I meant by blood of Christ is trusting the finished work Christ did on the cross, bearing the sins of the whole world.
We are not saved by a mere intellectual faith because James 1:19 "You believe that there is one God, you do well, even the demons believe that, and shudder."
We are saved by a true heart felt faith in Jesus, that believes he truly died for me. We then live in light of the fact that we ARE saved, not to GET saved.
But why are Roman Catholics wrong? In the Bible and throughout Christianity there is a repeated theme of love and kindness, forgiving others even if they are sinners.
Why is there a lack of a meritocracy?
Will someone who dedicates their life to God and helping others be equal to the soul as someone who simply believed but did not practice, did not help others and lived for himself?
And what about someone who dedicates their life to helping others and being good, but does not believe in Christianity, is going to hell compared to someone who did not help others and simply believed in Christ.
And why? One cannot force themselves to think differently. While they can be open minded, not everyone will actually apply and incorporate these ideas into their life. What might be truth for some, might simply be a belief that another does not practice or believe. And why will they go to hell for this?
Do they not lead a good life, and not hurt others? Why does this one shift towards God change the whole thing.
I had this discussion with someone who was Christian, he told me I will go to hell even if I'm a good person throughout my life, because I did not worship God. And that makes me confused.
He says that I and everyone else believe this Abrahamic God and know 100%, just that we are lying and denying it. I'm not saying God does not exist, I just don't see the hard proof, the evidence that drives me onto this life in the footsteps of Christ. And now I will go to hell because I cannot see this path, I can only try to force myself to imagine, and that in itself is shallow.
If I truly deep inside in my heart believed that this type of God existed, then why would I choose hell, amongst millions of others? People of non-Christian religions are able to good, the one thing that separates them from hell is their apparent belief in this specific deity. Why would they choose to live and devote themselves to a good life and then go to hell? It does not make sense.
And thank you for having this conversation with me, I enjoy learning and discussing these topics : )
But why are Roman Catholics wrong? In the Bible and throughout Christianity there is a repeated theme of love and kindness, forgiving others even if they are sinners.
Why is there a lack of a meritocracy?
Will someone who dedicates their life to God and helping others be equal to the soul as someone who simply believed but did not practice, did not help others and lived for himself?
And what about someone who dedicates their life to helping others and being good, but does not believe in Christianity, is going to hell compared to someone who did not help others and simply believed in Christ.
And why? One cannot force themselves to think differently. While they can be open minded, not everyone will actually apply and incorporate these ideas into their life. What might be truth for some, might simply be a belief that another does not practice or believe. And why will they go to hell for this?
Do they not lead a good life, and not hurt others? Why does this one shift towards God change the whole thing.
I had this discussion with someone who was Christian, he told me I will go to hell even if I'm a good person throughout my life, because I did not worship God. And that makes me confused.
He says that I and everyone else believe this Abrahamic God and know 100%, just that we are lying and denying it. I'm not saying God does not exist, I just don't see the hard proof, the evidence that drives me onto this life in the footsteps of Christ. And now I will go to hell because I cannot see this path, I can only try to force myself to imagine, and that in itself is shallow.
If I truly deep inside in my heart believed that this type of God existed, then why would I choose hell, amongst millions of others? People of non-Christian religions are able to good, the one thing that separates them from hell is their apparent belief in this specific deity. Why would they choose to live and devote themselves to a good life and then go to hell? It does not make sense.
And thank you for having this conversation with me, I enjoy learning and discussing these topics : )
Good questions. I hope I can answer some, but I'm not gonna write anything huge. God is just and he cannot just sweep sin under the rug. Imagine you are in a courtroom guilty of murdering someone, and you just say "judge, I am sorry, please forgive me." If he's just he's gonna say that doesn't matter and he has to punish you. This is the same with God. We have all broken his commandments. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And God does not hold us guiltless when we sin against the very God that created all things. This is why you can not get to heaven by just being "a good person." Becsuse there is no such thing. The Bible says "No one is righteous, no not one." And "Our greatest works are as filthy rags." This is because if we are not saved, we are preforming good deeds for the wrong reasons and not under faith in God. This is why God had to send a substitute Jesus Christ that could take the punishment for us. He spent 6 hours on the cross enduring the wrath of God poured out on him to save us. So those who reject this gift are in effect saying "I do not care what you did for me, I am going to try and save myself through good works, which as already stated, cannot save because "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Also to your point about someone only being A hearer and not a doer of the word, there is a verse for that. James 1:22 "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." So someone who is truly saved will bear fruit.
And yes, it can be difficult for some to see the truth of God and Jesus, but this is because sin blinds our eyes and judgment. If you truly cry out to God to open your eyes, he will.
Good questions. I hope I can answer some, but I'm not gonna write anything huge.
That's alright, just so you know, I will always try to respond, even if its the next day or takes lots of time
Also to your point about someone only being A hearer and not a doer of the word, there is a verse for that. James 1:22 "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." So someone who is truly saved will bear fruit.
alright, i see, thanks for clearing that up.
Okay, so new scenario
Both people are great people. They do good, charity work, help others and love, protect the environment. The difference is one of them is a believer of Christ, and one is not (whatever they may believe, whether its another religion or atheism or agnosticism, etc.)
And yes, it can be difficult for some to see the truth of God and Jesus, but this is because sin blinds our eyes and judgment. If you truly cry out to God to open your eyes, he will.
What will lead to someone crying out to God? I don't imagine myself waking up in the morning and crying out to God and discovering his truth. I have made some attempts at religion, to try for myself, but I have not felt any connection, and it was moreso for investigation, perhaps seeing if emotional awakening will happen. I did my research but as I said, did not discover this truth.
Although I'd like to avoid using myself specifically as an example, and instead about others, how they do not feel this emotional drive and search for God.
And these people, who never feel this cry for God, they shall go to hell?
This is why you can not get to heaven by just being "a good person." Becsuse there is no such thing. The Bible says "No one is righteous, no not one."
You are right, there is no such thing as 100% perfection, and perfections and moralities are subjective. But lets say, to a person, with their morals and their own truth, that doing charity work is a good thing, and they devote their life to that. Sure, theres ups and downs and mistakes and he acknowledges that.
"Our greatest works are as filthy rags." This is because if we are not saved, we are preforming good deeds for the wrong reasons and not under faith in God. This is why God had to send a substitute Jesus Christ that could take the punishment for us. He spent 6 hours on the cross enduring the wrath of God poured out on him to save us. So those who reject this gift are in effect saying "I do not care what you did for me, I am going to try and save myself through good works, which as already stated, cannot save because "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
I will not deny Jesus' existence, nor will I deny his suffering. But I cannot prove nor deny that he is the embodiment of God in man.

Also, there is the thing of the test, you have probably heard of it (?) Where hardships are to test humans, if they will persevere and be good and remain faithful.
Why is it that some, are born Chads into rich families and have a comparatively easier life than abused dog incel? Where is the test in that? And since there is no struggle, and an easy life, while others suffer significantly more, is there not an assumption that God thus did not intervene to save others. Because now Chad is doomed to hell since he assumes an Abrahmic God does not exist.
That's alright, just so you know, I will always try to respond, even if its the next day or takes lots of time
I'll answer here but pm if you have any more questions. I'm happy to answer
alright, i see, thanks for clearing that up.
Okay, so new scenario
Both people are great people. They do good, charity work, help others and love, protect the environment. The difference is one of them is a believer of Christ, and one is not (whatever they may believe, whether its another religion or atheism or agnosticism, etc.)
You didn't finish your idea but I assume you mean which one is going to heaven? Well the believer is becsuse he has believed in the finished work of Christ on the cross, he's not saved because of his good works. The unbeliever is not saved because he has not trusted Jesus
What will lead to someone crying out to God? I don't imagine myself waking up in the morning and crying out to God and discovering his truth. I have made some attempts at religion, to try for myself, but I have not felt any connection, and it was moreso for investigation, perhaps seeing if emotional awakening will happen. I did my research but as I said, did not discover this truth.
Although I'd like to avoid using myself specifically as an example, and instead about others, how they do not feel this emotional drive and search for God.
And these people, who never feel this cry for God, they shall go to hell?
Well, I could get into theology rabbit trails like arminianism vs Calvinism, but at this point in time I believe a person will only cry out to God if he changes their heart because as Ephesians 2 says, "We are dead in our trespasses and sins." So because our hearts are so wicked, we will not trust God unless ge changes our heart. (To be fair some Christians disagree eith me on this specific point on why and when someone would cry to God). Yes those who do not trust in God go to hell.
You are right, there is no such thing as 100% perfection, and perfections and moralities are subjective. But lets say, to a person, with their morals and their own truth, that doing charity work is a good thing, and they devote their life to that. Sure, theres ups and downs and mistakes and he acknowledges that.
Morality is not subjective. God is the absolute arbitrater of morality and is in himself the absolute embodiment of perfection. Anything contrary to his perfect nature is sin.
I will not deny Jesus' existence, nor will I deny his suffering. But I cannot prove nor deny that he is the embodiment of God in man.
Read, "More than a carpenter" by Josh McDowell.
Also, there is the thing of the test, you have probably heard of it (?) Where hardships are to test humans, if they will persevere and be good and remain faithful.
Why is it that some, are born Chads into rich families and have a comparatively easier life than abused dog incel? Where is the test in that? And since there is no struggle, and an easy life, while others suffer significantly more, is there not an assumption that God thus did not intervene to save others. Because now Chad is doomed to hell since he assumes an Abrahmic God does not exist.
The fall of Adam and Even brought about sin in this world. Therefore, the consequences of the fall occur in different ways, to different people.
but what does jesus have to do with looksmaxxing
this guy is asserting that jesus believers are more beautiful than others, with the ugliest jesus believer title
its just using his name in vain, and being prideful and arrogant
jesus' teaching were not about beauty but love
facts i can see through this egotistical ahh post
Christianity on top. John 14:6 Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ
Jesus never existed
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  • #25
Im grateful for my Lord Jesus Christ for giving me this body, for it doesn't matter that much if my spirit is filled with sin
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  • #26
blurry ass pic
tf religion got to do with this?
just say you did hard work not blessed by god with good genes and to live an easy life
Without God my hard work wouldn't be possible
I mean ur not a subhuman, but you’re nothing special either, you look diced af which I can respect
blurry ass pic
tf religion got to do with this?
just say you did hard work not blessed by god with good genes and to live an easy life
Startin to think religion is cope ngl..
blurry ass pic
tf religion got to do with this?
just say you did hard work not blessed by god with good genes and to live an easy life
for sure it has 0% to do with it, hard work has nothing to do with it either, its blessed genetics from your par-rents

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