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Guide ultimate hairmask guide


Apr 28, 2024
Alright n*****s let's begin,
So, one of my weakpoints is thin hair. Not only is my father bald due to having survived cancer twice (before i was born(not genetic but who knows tbh)) my mother also has androgenic alopecia. My hair falls out pretty easily and gets dry so fast. Also why i avoid hair dye. Hence this thread.
The hair mask is a triple mask.
Before putting it on use shampoo and then rinse it off.
For the first one. you make a mix of one big spoon of mayonnaise, then add ~1.5 of honey, 3 of olive oil and an egg yellow. Mix it and put it in your hair evenly.
Massage your hair well. Make sure it reaches everywhere. Wait 5 minutes
For the second:
-darker hair: espresso coffee. one cup (the non plastic one) evenly everywhere. massage your hair again.
a quick edit: the more damp the coffee the better.
-lighter hair: one lemon and a bit of lime juice. mix and put it in. Again, massage it. I do not have experience doing this so test the amount yourself to be sure.
Wait 5 minutes.
For the third: vaseline. Your own chosen amount. Believe it or not i got the idea from Big Momma's house.
Black people use vaseline to get shine in their hair so i figured me as someone with dry hair could benefit from it and I did.
Massage it in your hands first and then your hair.

Very important: Do not use anything besides very cold water to wash it afterwards. If you use warm water your hair will stink HARD.
Dont use warm water in the first place even. Bad for your hair (water). Your hair will be greasy as fuck even when washed thorougly.
This is why i chose to do this on a saturday so monday my hair is clean for sure. This is normal, the greasier the better it is.
The ideal is the same day cold water cleaned and the next day aswell. 2 days then. Depending on how you react to it ofcourse.
But dont wash it with shampoo the first two days. I never even use shampoo and that helps my hair too. (since it REALLY dry asfuck otherwise)

My hair now looks amazing.
My hair is thicker, darker, shinier and overall healthier and better. Did it's work amazingly.
@Cage @Org3 @PrimalPlasty @i_love_roosters @Narcissus🥀 @VisageVirtuoso√ @sigma @AstroSky sorry if i forgot you mb i dont know a lot of names here.
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  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Alright n*****s let's begin,
So, one of my weakpoints is thin hair. Not only is my father bald due to having survived cancer twice (before i was born(not genetic but who knows tbh)) my mother also has androgenic alopecia. My hair falls out pretty easily and gets dry so fast. Also why i avoid hair dye. Hence this thread.
The hair mask is a triple mask.
Before putting it on use shampoo and then rinse it off.
For the first one. you make a mix of one big spoon of mayonnaise, then add ~1.5 of honey, 3 of olive oil and an egg yellow. Mix it and put it in your hair evenly.
Massage your hair well. Make sure it reaches everywhere. Wait 5 minutes
For the second:
-darker hair: espresso coffee. one cup (the non plastic one) evenly everywhere. massage your hair again.
a quick edit: the more damp the coffee the better.
-lighter hair: one lemon and a bit of lime juice. mix and put it in. Again, massage it. I do not have experience doing this so test the amount yourself to be sure.
Wait 5 minutes.
For the third: vaseline. Your own chosen amount. Believe it or not i got the idea from Big Momma's house.
Black people use vaseline to get shine in their hair so i figured me as someone with dry hair could benefit from it and I did.
Massage it in your hands first and then your hair.

Very important: Do not use anything besides very cold water to wash it afterwards. If you use warm water your hair will stink HARD.
Dont use warm water in the first place even. Bad for your hair (water). Your hair will be greasy as fuck even when washed thorougly.
This is why i chose to do this on a saturday so monday my hair is clean for sure. This is normal, the greasier the better it is.
The ideal is the same day cold water cleaned and the next day aswell. 2 days then. Depending on how you react to it ofcourse.
But dont wash it with shampoo the first two days. I never even use shampoo and that helps my hair too. (since it REALLY dry asfuck otherwise)

My hair now looks amazing.
My hair is thicker, darker, shinier and overall healthier and better. Did it's work amazingly.
@Cage @Org3 @PrimalPlasty @i_love_roosters @Narcissus🥀 @VisageVirtuoso√ @sigma @AstroSky sorry if i forgot you mb i dont know a lot of names here.
damn @Whitepill sorry bru i completely forgot you
Alright n*****s let's begin,
So, one of my weakpoints is thin hair. Not only is my father bald due to having survived cancer twice (before i was born(not genetic but who knows tbh)) my mother also has androgenic alopecia. My hair falls out pretty easily and gets dry so fast. Also why i avoid hair dye. Hence this thread.
The hair mask is a triple mask.
Before putting it on use shampoo and then rinse it off.
For the first one. you make a mix of one big spoon of mayonnaise, then add ~1.5 of honey, 3 of olive oil and an egg yellow. Mix it and put it in your hair evenly.
Massage your hair well. Make sure it reaches everywhere. Wait 5 minutes
For the second:
-darker hair: espresso coffee. one cup (the non plastic one) evenly everywhere. massage your hair again.
a quick edit: the more damp the coffee the better.
-lighter hair: one lemon and a bit of lime juice. mix and put it in. Again, massage it. I do not have experience doing this so test the amount yourself to be sure.
Wait 5 minutes.
For the third: vaseline. Your own chosen amount. Believe it or not i got the idea from Big Momma's house.
Black people use vaseline to get shine in their hair so i figured me as someone with dry hair could benefit from it and I did.
Massage it in your hands first and then your hair.

Very important: Do not use anything besides very cold water to wash it afterwards. If you use warm water your hair will stink HARD.
Dont use warm water in the first place even. Bad for your hair (water). Your hair will be greasy as fuck even when washed thorougly.
This is why i chose to do this on a saturday so monday my hair is clean for sure. This is normal, the greasier the better it is.
The ideal is the same day cold water cleaned and the next day aswell. 2 days then. Depending on how you react to it ofcourse.
But dont wash it with shampoo the first two days. I never even use shampoo and that helps my hair too. (since it REALLY dry asfuck otherwise)

My hair now looks amazing.
My hair is thicker, darker, shinier and overall healthier and better. Did it's work amazingly.
@Cage @Org3 @PrimalPlasty @i_love_roosters @Narcissus🥀 @VisageVirtuoso√ @sigma @AstroSky sorry if i forgot you mb i dont know a lot of names here.
Any explanations on why this works? Coffee is toxic, lime and lemons are acidic. Egg yellows and honey would be hypothetically good but you should just consume those.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
Any explanations on why this works? Coffee is toxic, lime and lemons are acidic. Egg yellows and honey would be hypothetically good but you should just consume those.
to be honest i dont know. Also salt water and sun combined can lighten eyes. Egg yellow has a lot of good proteins and your hair can also absorb them externally and not only internally. Honey has some explenation like that too i believe.
time to make this your new crib g.

thanks man!

i mean i gotta spread my name u know. get rep n shit.
how is this shit rep mogging my glorius thread n***a

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
how is this shit rep mogging my glorius thread n***a

n****r calling my thread shit
real as fuck
i remember that fat manlet guy from 90 day fiance put mayo in his hair and everybody clowned him
and i was screaming from the rooftops about how he's actually a genius
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #25
real as fuck
i remember that fat manlet guy from 90 day fiance put mayo in his hair and everybody clowned him
and i was screaming from the rooftops about how he's actually a genius
Yep, it really works. Weird I’m only seeing this now. Thx bud. ❤️
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #26
Alright n*****s let's begin,
So, one of my weakpoints is thin hair. Not only is my father bald due to having survived cancer twice (before i was born(not genetic but who knows tbh)) my mother also has androgenic alopecia. My hair falls out pretty easily and gets dry so fast. Also why i avoid hair dye. Hence this thread.
The hair mask is a triple mask.
Before putting it on use shampoo and then rinse it off.
For the first one. you make a mix of one big spoon of mayonnaise, then add ~1.5 of honey, 3 of olive oil and an egg yellow. Mix it and put it in your hair evenly.
Massage your hair well. Make sure it reaches everywhere. Wait 5 minutes
For the second:
-darker hair: espresso coffee. one cup (the non plastic one) evenly everywhere. massage your hair again.
a quick edit: the more damp the coffee the better.
-lighter hair: one lemon and a bit of lime juice. mix and put it in. Again, massage it. I do not have experience doing this so test the amount yourself to be sure.
Wait 5 minutes.
For the third: vaseline. Your own chosen amount. Believe it or not i got the idea from Big Momma's house.
Black people use vaseline to get shine in their hair so i figured me as someone with dry hair could benefit from it and I did.
Massage it in your hands first and then your hair.

Very important: Do not use anything besides very cold water to wash it afterwards. If you use warm water your hair will stink HARD.
Dont use warm water in the first place even. Bad for your hair (water). Your hair will be greasy as fuck even when washed thorougly.
This is why i chose to do this on a saturday so monday my hair is clean for sure. This is normal, the greasier the better it is.
The ideal is the same day cold water cleaned and the next day aswell. 2 days then. Depending on how you react to it ofcourse.
But dont wash it with shampoo the first two days. I never even use shampoo and that helps my hair too. (since it REALLY dry asfuck otherwise)

My hair now looks amazing.
My hair is thicker, darker, shinier and overall healthier and better. Did it's work amazingly.
@Cage @Org3 @PrimalPlasty @i_love_roosters @Narcissus🥀 @VisageVirtuoso√ @sigma @AstroSky sorry if i forgot you mb i dont know a lot of names here.
@Incognito also check org I tagged you there aswell.

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