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Method Underrated anti acne pill


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
A supplement that isn’t talked about enough on PSL forums is pantothenic acid. This supplement is literally THE solution for mild to moderate acne, whether that be on your face or body.

What it is: pantothenic acid is a form of vitamin b5. It is necessary for life and is found in many foods, just in small amounts.

Why it helps cure acne: acne isn’t caused by a pantothenic acid deficiency. Pantothenic acid works to help the fatty acid metabolism of your skin, so instead of excess fatty acids being pushed out of your skin as sebum, it helps your body metabolize them, thus making your skin less oily. Pantothenic acid is also somewhat anti inflammatory, so it can help calm down inflamed acne lesions.

Why it’s so great: Pantothenic acid does not suppress your hormones, in fact, B vitamins are necessary for proper hormone levels. Pantothenic acid is water soluble, meaning you can take as much as you need and any excess will just get pissed out of you. You will not OD on pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid does not require a prescription. Pantothenic acid is affordable, on amazon you can find 360 500mg capsules for $20.

Side effects: gastrointestinal issues (diarrhea) if you take 10+ grams per day

other than that it’s super safe, everyone with acne should be on this IMO

How to use it: I would start out with around 1g every day, do this for at least 3 weeks to see results, then if you still are not satisfied raise the dosage. Like I said earlier, any excess will get pissed out, so don’t be afraid to go as high as you need. It is import to note that you may need to consume more biotin while on pantothenic acid.

The results: I personally have seen results from pantothenic acid, even at the lower dose I am on right now. My face and body have cleared up a lot, I still get some mild acne but it is a lot better than before, specifically on my back. Also, acne doesn’t stick around as long while on pantothenic acid. Pimples go away much quicker.
I unfortunately do not have before and afters of myself, but here are some from google:

DISCLAIMER: pantothenic acid is not a substitute for good diet, lifestyle, and hygiene. I saw these results while on a no sugar no processed food diet, taking showers and keeping a consistent skincare regimen.
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  • #2
I’m about to start permablasting it
lol ig it isnt well known but i thought at least looksmaxxers knew it
it is in fact true that panthonetic acid is great for acne
but you will usually use for skin, panthenol in the topical form. i have not heard of people taking supplements for the skin. usually ointments
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
lol ig it isnt well known but i thought at least looksmaxxers knew it
it is in fact true that panthonetic acid is great for acne
but you will usually use for skin, panthenol in the topical form. i have not heard of people taking supplements for the skin. usually ointments
panthenol is ok, I’ve used products that contain it

I saw the best results from taking it orally
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #5
lol ig it isnt well known but i thought at least looksmaxxers knew it
it is in fact true that panthonetic acid is great for acne
but you will usually use for skin, panthenol in the topical form. i have not heard of people taking supplements for the skin. usually ointments
so many looksmaxxers get on accutane when their acne isn’t even that bad

I haven’t seen many threads mentioning pantothenic acid at all
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  • #6
Medical research on pantothenic acid and its use case for acne:

You have to have a perscription here

I'll just buy it online though
U can buy without prescription

They give u a call and interrogate

If u pass then they validate ur order
A supplement that isn’t talked about enough on PSL forums is pantothenic acid. This supplement is literally THE solution for mild to moderate acne, whether that be on your face or body.

What it is: pantothenic acid is a form of vitamin b5. It is necessary for life and is found in many foods, just in small amounts.

Why it helps cure acne: acne isn’t caused by a pantothenic acid deficiency. Pantothenic acid works to help the fatty acid metabolism of your skin, so instead of excess fatty acids being pushed out of your skin as sebum, it helps your body metabolize them, thus making your skin less oily. Pantothenic acid is also somewhat anti inflammatory, so it can help calm down inflamed acne lesions.

Why it’s so great: Pantothenic acid does not suppress your hormones, in fact, B vitamins are necessary for proper hormone levels. Pantothenic acid is water soluble, meaning you can take as much as you need and any excess will just get pissed out of you. You will not OD on pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid does not require a prescription. Pantothenic acid is affordable, on amazon you can find 360 500mg capsules for $20.

Side effects: gastrointestinal issues (diarrhea) if you take 10+ grams per day

other than that it’s super safe, everyone with acne should be on this IMO

How to use it: I would start out with around 1g every day, do this for at least 3 weeks to see results, then if you still are not satisfied raise the dosage. Like I said earlier, any excess will get pissed out, so don’t be afraid to go as high as you need. It is import to note that you may need to consume more biotin while on pantothenic acid.

The results: I personally have seen results from pantothenic acid, even at the lower dose I am on right now. My face and body have cleared up a lot, I still get some mild acne but it is a lot better than before, specifically on my back. Also, acne doesn’t stick around as long while on pantothenic acid. Pimples go away much quicker.
I unfortunately do not have before and afters of myself, but here are some from google:
View attachment 33449View attachment 33450View attachment 33451View attachment 33452View attachment 33453

DISCLAIMER: pantothenic acid is not a substitute for good diet, lifestyle, and hygiene. I saw these results while on a no sugar no processed food diet, taking showers and keeping a consistent skincare regimen.
just ordered some today

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