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Discussion Unpopular opinion: Chadlites and Chads are EVEN PICKIER than women, prefer LTRs and have LOWER body counts than high MTNs-HTNs who are gymmaxxed.


in general humans seem to be very complex people.

bateman's principle states that since reproduction on the male's end is very energetically efficient, his only limited resource is the amount of women he can be with. this tends to mean that men will have low standards and are willing to do STRs with any women, regardless of tier. women have high energy demands (egg, pregnancy, giving birth, raising child) and will struggle to support themselves in nature, so they want a high quality male to have their kid. for example a chad. but since chad does STRs, she will betabux a mtn and do sex with both. chadlite has lots of access to women.
now that was a biological perspective
humans are very intellgent and complex, and socially we can have different cases, although often we succumb to biological norms.
a chadlite can recognize his own value due to intelligence, and choose higher qyality women
then, he wants to secure this high quality woman for mutliple children.
also emotional preference, a attraction to maternal women. he needs to stay and help her
so what you say may be true sometimes
again humans are complex, it isnt black and white clear cut
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  • #14
What made you resonate with it?

in general humans seem to be very complex people.

bateman's principle states that since reproduction on the male's end is very energetically efficient, his only limited resource is the amount of women he can be with. this tends to mean that men will have low standards and are willing to do STRs with any women, regardless of tier. women have high energy demands (egg, pregnancy, giving birth, raising child) and will struggle to support themselves in nature, so they want a high quality male to have their kid. for example a chad. but since chad does STRs,
Stopped reading right there.
Pat pat

I spoke to @AstroSky about it
From experience I've seen many moggers LTRing MTBs because they're so picky emotionally
You will get shat one because no one wants to believe the higher attraction you become the more picky you become. Your the only high iq individual on the subject of lookism thus far. Keep speaking the truth. Let the dogs bark. Anyone who speaks the truth long enough will become outcasted. It's a tale as old as time
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  • #27
You will get shat one because no one wants to believe the higher attraction you become the more picky you become. Your the only high iq individual on the subject of lookism thus far. Keep speaking the truth. Let the dogs bark. Anyone who speaks the truth long enough will become outcasted. It's a tale as old as time
Thank you
HOWEVER, I have sometimes seen some prettyboymaxxed chads slaying like hell and some very very masculine looking guys
Otherwise robust prettyboys and aesthetics rarely so
Thank you
HOWEVER, I have sometimes seen some prettyboymaxxed chads slaying like hell and some very very masculine looking guys
Otherwise robust prettyboys and aesthetics rarely so
I have found the more sexual deviant and porn brained you are. The more you will try to slay Explains Jordan too. Being inclined towards homosexual behavior makes you more likely to need more dopamine hits. Aka. More experience.

Which I guess some of the kids here admire when really it's a by product of pornography and sin. Its not a sign of a slayer in my opinion.
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  • #29
I have found the more sexual deviant and porn brained you are. The more you will try to slay Explains Jordan too. Being inclined towards homosexual behavior makes you more likely to need more dopamine hits. Aka. More experience.
I noticed a lot of IG male model slayers opening only fans accounts (where they do homo things). However they're the minority of chads.
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  • #30
I have found the more sexual deviant and porn brained you are. The more you will try to slay Explains Jordan too. Being inclined towards homosexual behavior makes you more likely to need more dopamine hits. Aka. More experience.

Which I guess some of the kids here admire when really it's a by product of pornography and sin. Its not a sign of a slayer in my opinion.
Also I wonder what makes prettyboys more likely to be promiscuous than maesthetic chads?
Also I wonder what makes prettyboys more likely to be promiscuous than maesthetic chads?
Hormonal profile. Just my controversial opinion. High E. Medium T. = pretty boy. High E high T ogre. Good E and High T masthetic and morally good chads? Just my idea.

Your hormones determine so much even your sexual preferences and opinions it's insane.

The same can be said for women.
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  • #32
Hormonal profile. Just my controversial opinion. High E. Medium T. = pretty boy. High E high T ogre. Good E and High T masthetic and morally good chads? Just my idea.

Your hormones determine so much even your sexual preferences and opinions it's insane.
What have you personally noticed?
From experience girls think prettyboys look softer and more inclined for an LTR but end up complaining they're fuckboys. Meanwhile they're WAY too scared to ask the maesthetic/robust prettboy leaning maesthetic chad for LTR yet THEY'RE the ones who are almost always in LTRs

Prettyboys tend to be more Stacysexual
What have you personally noticed?
From experience girls think prettyboys look softer and more inclined for an LTR but end up complaining they're fuckboys. Meanwhile they're WAY too scared to ask the maesthetic/robust prettboy leaning maesthetic chad for LTR yet THEY'RE the ones who are almost always in LTRs

Prettyboys tend to be more Stacysexual
That's the thing. Another controversial opinion

Most women are getting on birth control. Guess what birthcontrol does? It makes them think their pregnant. Guess what pregnancy wants? Provider. Soft. Safe.

When your forced to take a pill that does this. It effects your hormones and then it effects your preferences. It never fails to see the correlation and you go on tiktok and see what women think they all agree. When they got off birthcontrol they stopped being attracted to their husband's. They said he started to look weak and defenseless. Zoom out. It's clear what the problem is. ( modern world and it's chemical castration)

It's not that masculine men are not desired. It's that masculine men can't be desired as long as the hormones of a women do not line up for it.

This is why when a girl ovulate she will likely slightly change her preferences compared to when she's on her period. This isn't me being a creep to say. Its just biological. Now we have a wrench into that with birthcontrol. It's not natural but it's unfortunately needed .
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  • #35
That's the thing. Another controversial opinion

Most women are getting on birth control. Guess what birthcontrol does? It makes them think their pregnant. Guess what pregnancy wants? Provider. Soft. Safe.

When your forced to take a pill that does this. It effects your hormones and then it effects your preferences. It never fails to see the correlation and you go on tiktok and see what women think they all agree. When they got off birthcontrol they stopped being attracted to their husband's. They said he started to look weak and defenseless. Zoom out. It's clear what the problem is. ( modern world and it's chemical castration)

It's not that masculine men are not desired. It's that masculine men can't be desired as long as the hormones of a women do not line up for it.

This is why when a girl ovulate she will likely slightly change her preferences compared to when she's on her period. This isn't me being a creep to say. Its just biological. Now we have a wrench into that with birthcontrol. It's not natural but it's unfortunately needed .
Not that but the sexual behaviours of such men. Independent of women choosing.
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  • #36
high t chad would fuck anything
What have you personally noticed?
From experience girls think prettyboys look softer and more inclined for an LTR but end up complaining they're fuckboys. Meanwhile they're WAY too scared to ask the maesthetic/robust prettboy leaning maesthetic chad for LTR yet THEY'RE the ones who are almost always in LTRs

Prettyboys tend to be more Stacysexual
i agree why wouldn’t they be picky when they look like that
That would make sense

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