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Virtually everyone in my life is jealous of me


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2024
nova scotia, canada
As per title.

I don't understand it, my whole life virtually everyone I've known has been jealous of me, I'm a very proud person and good at everything I do which might be the reason.

I recently started shopping on Temu, and they have events where you spend money and get credit back, practically giving the shit away, I have spent about 600.00 and gotten about 1500.00 in goods, the majority is still in the mail and I'm recieving orders everyday because I was placing orders everyday to take advantage of the special offers, promos and discounts being offered to me, I decided to stop buying for awhile until they offer me promos again, I tell people about the site and how I'm practically getting shit for free and they get jealous, their eyes narrow and they go silent.

This is just one example of jealousy, I literally open my mouth and I have people trying to bring me down or start fights with me.
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  • #4
we're even more jealous of your temu shit
These same people I direct to the site and tell them how the shit is better than walmart or amazon and even way cheaper and rather than take my advice they give me shit and channel negativity towards me, I don't try to peddle my referral code to them either, I legitamitely want people to use the site because its better than the alternatives, and they passive aggressively try to bring me down or get back at me rather than use the site.
Are you tetarded I hope your trolling and I typed ts for no reason 😭😭😭 congrats on your 1500 dollars worth of free gadgets!!!

Theese are all sale tactics to get you to buy garbage that you won’t use in 2 months yes they have some gems and great dupes. But unless you are looking for something in SPECIFIC

The wheel of fortune and games ect are designed to make you buy and think your getting a deal they don’t offer you this because you are special or different no one is jealous of you they can go on Temu and get the same exact deals sorry to break it to you your not special to Temu

Now lastly if you feel like your advice is so good stop forcing it on people yes your intentions are good but your wasting your energy. Keep it to yourself tbh unless directly asked
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  • #8
Are you tetarded I hope your trolling and I typed ts for no reason 😭😭😭 congrats on your 1500 dollars worth of free gadgets!!!

Theese are all sale tactics to get you to buy garbage that you won’t use in 2 months yes they have some gems and great dupes. But unless you are looking for something in SPECIFIC

The wheel of fortune and games ect are designed to make you buy and think your getting a deal they don’t offer you this because you are special or different no one is jealous of you they can go on Temu and get the same exact deals sorry to break it to you your not special to Temu

Now lastly if you feel like your advice is so good stop forcing it on people yes your intentions are good but your wasting your energy. Keep it to yourself tbh unless directly asked
Wow, you have a lot say for someone with little productive to say, lol you really don't know what you're talking about at all.

What "gadgets" do you think I bought? I didn't buy any fucking gadgets.

What is this wheel of fortune game you speak of? I'm talking about the offers that specifically say "spend xxx amount of dollars and get xxx amount of credit back, why would I turn down free shit?

Jealous people never admit to being jealous, nobody said I was "special" or "different", you know nothing about me or my personal life to state "nobody is jealous of me".
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  • #9
Use alibaba it mogs temu
I attempted to use alibaba and spoke to 5 people, none of them would respond to my questions, I even had a supervisor call me who barely spoke english and didn't seem to know anything at all, I gave alibaba a 1 star review on trustpilot, lol, I cant buy anything on alibaba if I inquire about a product and get half a response unfortunately.
As per title.

I don't understand it, my whole life virtually everyone I've known has been jealous of me, I'm a very proud person and good at everything I do which might be the reason.

I recently started shopping on Temu, and they have events where you spend money and get credit back, practically giving the shit away, I have spent about 600.00 and gotten about 1500.00 in goods, the majority is still in the mail and I'm recieving orders everyday because I was placing orders everyday to take advantage of the special offers, promos and discounts being offered to me, I decided to stop buying for awhile until they offer me promos again, I tell people about the site and how I'm practically getting shit for free and they get jealous, their eyes narrow and they go silent.

This is just one example of jealousy, I literally open my mouth and I have people trying to bring me down or start fights with me.
they think ur annoying and want u to shut up not jealous
Always compare with aliexpress for the prices and free delivery. Temu is more expensive sometimes.
i only buy parts to restore old tools (old flashlights, old ni-cd drills and gas chainsaws) and it saves money like crazy. I bought parts for my homegym too

Use alibaba it mogs temu
Alibaba are trash as fuck for buying like that. They can't even send a pair of dumbbells come on. Idk how they earn money by dodging customers like that, they probably only focus on pros and big buy, like you need to buy hundreds of items
As per title.

I don't understand it, my whole life virtually everyone I've known has been jealous of me, I'm a very proud person and good at everything I do which might be the reason.

I recently started shopping on Temu, and they have events where you spend money and get credit back, practically giving the shit away, I have spent about 600.00 and gotten about 1500.00 in goods, the majority is still in the mail and I'm recieving orders everyday because I was placing orders everyday to take advantage of the special offers, promos and discounts being offered to me, I decided to stop buying for awhile until they offer me promos again, I tell people about the site and how I'm practically getting shit for free and they get jealous, their eyes narrow and they go silent.

This is just one example of jealousy, I literally open my mouth and I have people trying to bring me down or start fights with me.
