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Waist symmetry update

I made a post about my waist being asymmetrical before and since then I’ve tried multiple different things sooo here are the resultss

As u can see in the picture u could still see the asymmetry but it’s not as bad as before!! Anyways ill do another update once i can fully get that symmetrical waist

Nobody worries about or notices these things. You're looking a bit skinny though. Gain a few pounds in the right spots and you'll be a dime.
Why do you focus on such a minor thing? No one cares about how symmetrical your waist is. All that matters is that it is small.
Also hair goals
Why do you focus on such a minor thing? No one cares about how symmetrical your waist is. All that matters is that it is small.
Also hair goals
I have slight scoliosis and it was very obvious back then but everyone told me it isn’t but it really is especially in waist and hips n it js ruined my figure imo
I have slight scoliosis and it was very obvious back then but everyone told me it isn’t but it really is especially in waist and hips n it js ruined my figure imo
Probably I have it too due shit posture