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Want to grow a beard


New member
Feb 15, 2024
Help! I'm 28 years old and can't grow a beard at all. I get a tiny bit on my chin but that's it. What can I do? Maybe it'll appear in my 30's? I've heard about minoxidil. Shall I use this and how much shall I use? Any help will be really appreciated thanks
Do some bloodwork to find you total test, free test and sex hormone binding globulin as well as other important things like minerals and vitamins and estrogen levels will be on there.

If you have low test then focus on increasing test through anaerobic exercise. Also dht (dihydrotestosterone) is a more potent form of testosterone that can’t be aromatised (can’t be converted to estrogen through fat cells) and if you increase your total testosterone it should increase not only free and SHBG but also DHT as around 10% of Test is converted to dht.

Also you should aim to do exercises that both build muscle and reduce fat as you are aiming for 10-12% bf for optimal test results.

Consider taking supplements like creatine which can boost dht levels through 5 alpha predicate enzymes, and other supplements like Tongkat Ali and fadogia agrestis which can potently increase HGH which helps to burn fat levels.

Dht is responsible for the growth of your genitalia and your secondary male sex characteristics development, which includes facial hair.

To summarise my recommendation is to get bloodwork to know your hormone and steroid levels, then to do exercises including anaerobic and aerobic (also cardio has been shown to decrease serum dht levels) , try reduce bf to 10-12% which is optimal range for testosterone, and possibly consider taking supplements like creatine monohydrate (which has been shown to increase Dht levels by 50% after the loading phase, I personally take 20 g every day for six day for the loading phase then reduce to 3 g everyday.) , maybe also other supplements like Tongkat Ali, Fadogia agrestis, Asian ginseng, and much more. If you want to know more info about supplements DM me.
Also make sure you are getting enough sleep and consuming adequate amounts of high quality protein. Also do NoFap as at least for myself I have seen an increase in testosterone since I have started, I think most likely due to the upregulation of prolactin and GnRH receptors which somehow have an effect on testosterone indirectly.
Aim to go above the lactic threshold for 15 minutes as that should illicit a great response in increasing hgh, and hgh has been shown to directly correlate to testosterone by acting as a gonadatrophin to stimulate the secretion of testosterone and also estrogen through leydig cells.
Help! I'm 28 years old and can't grow a beard at all. I get a tiny bit on my chin but that's it. What can I do? Maybe it'll appear in my 30's? I've heard about minoxidil. Shall I use this and how much shall I use? Any help will be really appreciated thanks
what's your lower third like? do you think having a beard will improve your appearance?
Probably needs surgery ngl
@n9wiff is this good advice I am giving or not?
Good advice yeah but more of an explanation. When trying to increase test as a natural it comes down to these very important things :

Circadian rhythm regulation
what's your lower third like? do you think having a beard will improve your appearance?
If it fits you, then go for it but most guys that are lean benefit from being clean-shaven. Beard is a good way to fraud your lower third or add masculinity if you have a baby face.

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