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We should make this forum like the early days of ***********


Jul 12, 2019
Unfortunately it looks like this website has already gone down the drain, but we should still try to keep it more organized and focused on looksmaxing. If you look on the very first threads posted on *********** looksmaxing section you’ll see that those were the golden days when people actually posted valid questions, guides and links to studies before it turned into the mental asylum it is today. This means we need to work on structuring where threads are posted, so that there aren’t dozens of random threads made by the same person in the looksmaxing section. And it might be best to even have a separate section for looksmaxing tips and guides and megathreads than for random everyday questions
Unfortunately it looks like this website has already gone down the drain, but we should still try to keep it more organized and focused on looksmaxing. If you look on the very first threads posted on *********** looksmaxing section you’ll see that those were the golden days when people actually posted valid questions, guides and links to studies before it turned into the mental asylum it is today. This means we need to work on structuring where threads are posted, so that there aren’t dozens of random threads made by the same person in the looksmaxing section. And it might be best to even have a separate section for looksmaxing tips and guides and megathreads than for random everyday questions
We try to keep the Looksmaxxing/Self-Improvement section high quality. It sounds like a good idea to create a few mega threads.
Unfortunately it looks like this website has already gone down the drain, but we should still try to keep it more organized and focused on looksmaxing. If you look on the very first threads posted on *********** looksmaxing section you’ll see that those were the golden days when people actually posted valid questions, guides and links to studies before it turned into the mental asylum it is today. This means we need to work on structuring where threads are posted, so that there aren’t dozens of random threads made by the same person in the looksmaxing section. And it might be best to even have a separate section for looksmaxing tips and guides and megathreads than for random everyday questions

I agree tbh

If you have any more suggestions on how we could achieve this then I would like to hear it