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What’s a feature that can make or break someone’s appearance

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33028
  • Start date
Zero women care about your nose unless it's a massive beak which always indicates huge crainofacial recession.

Nose is a passable trait that can be big or small. For the most part I have found women see eyes first when looking at you. This means eyes are very important or top of the list. Then your jaw. Philltrum is also a trait that is passable even if long. Women do not focus on this irl as most "long" philtrms are not long at all like people claim but Instead hyped analyze faces and just nitpick. For women they do not care. Plus you have a beard or mustache for that anyways.
Nothing, literally nothing. There’s always gonna be attractive people with deformed individual features. Even before finding blackpill I always thought Chris Hemsworth had weird deformed eyes (his PFL), but I and everyone else still obviously knew he was attractive. That’s just one example, but you can pretty much find someone as an example for being good looking with a single bad feature.
Probably some giga short height. No recovering from that as a man

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