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Discussion What are your thoughts on eating sugar for igf-1?


The mogging never stops
Established ★
Nov 5, 2024
Seen mixed opinions, supposedly white sugar spikes insulin levels which stimulates igf-1 levels.
However, there's the obvious takeback of sugar, that it's bad (in high amounts) for overall health and diseases such as diabetes.
And for the supposed effects of igf-1 to be apparent, you need to eat unhealthy amounts of sugar (200g+ daily)
Share your thoughts :monkahmm:

@notsocommonthumb @BimaxLaser @ey88 @delonisliterallyme @Sovvton
Seen mixed opinions, supposedly white sugar spikes insulin levels which stimulates igf-1 levels.
However, there's the obvious takeback of sugar, that it's bad (in high amounts) for overall health and diseases such as diabetes.
And for the supposed effects of igf-1 to be apparent, you need to eat unhealthy amounts of sugar (200g+ daily)
Share your thoughts :monkahmm:

@notsocommonthumb @BimaxLaser @ey88 @delonisliterallyme @Sovvton
youre 30, you wont grow anymore, and sugar is bad for u
all im saying is very chubby/fat kids are usually tall and grow to full potential...
youre 30, you wont grow anymore, and sugar is bad for u
I'm 30/2 (giving you some homework) and it does spike igf-1 levels which leads to growth
however there's the obvious drawbacks of the health concerns
Seen mixed opinions, supposedly white sugar spikes insulin levels which stimulates igf-1 levels.
However, there's the obvious takeback of sugar, that it's bad (in high amounts) for overall health and diseases such as diabetes.
And for the supposed effects of igf-1 to be apparent, you need to eat unhealthy amounts of sugar (200g+ daily)
Share your thoughts :monkahmm:

@notsocommonthumb @BimaxLaser @ey88 @delonisliterallyme @Sovvton
It works but it’s dumb
Seen mixed opinions, supposedly white sugar spikes insulin levels which stimulates igf-1 levels.
However, there's the obvious takeback of sugar, that it's bad (in high amounts) for overall health and diseases such as diabetes.
And for the supposed effects of igf-1 to be apparent, you need to eat unhealthy amounts of sugar (200g+ daily)
Share your thoughts :monkahmm:

@notsocommonthumb @BimaxLaser @ey88 @delonisliterallyme @Sovvton
as seen in this article it is common for hinter gatherers to consume around 2000cal a day of just pure honey, therefore it is feasible that a high sugar diet is optimal as hunter gatherers largely represent natural human behaviours. However i presume that if u eat such a high proportion of calories from sugar and live a sedentary lifestyle u will likely tank ur testosterone and get diabetes
Cope tbh.
The logic is real and it works in theory, not denying that.
But you have to trade off your health periodically and decend hard.
Not worth it for marginal gains