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What do i do with my jaw?


New member
Jun 20, 2024
I have a slight assymetry in my jaw. My left side is more pointy, my right side is more roundy and im trying to fix that. I thought it might be a masseter cause i found myself chewing on the left side more and i might have TMJ on it but it looks better than the right side anyways. What should i do? Chew more on the right side or it's bone and i can't do shit about it? Should i go to the doctor to check my tmj? Or i shouldn't train my masseters and use botox to slim them?
I have a slight assymetry in my jaw. My left side is more pointy, my right side is more roundy and im trying to fix that. I thought it might be a masseter cause i found myself chewing on the left side more and i might have TMJ on it but it looks better than the right side anyways. What should i do? Chew more on the right side or it's bone and i can't do shit about it? Should i go to the doctor to check my tmj? Or i shouldn't train my masseters and use botox to slim them?
Uhh can u throw that shit away

I guess no, so keep it
@Whitepill always some 2023 graycel posting about asymmetry 🤦‍♂️

I have a slight assymetry in my jaw. My left side is more pointy, my right side is more roundy and im trying to fix that. I thought it might be a masseter cause i found myself chewing on the left side more and i might have TMJ on it but it looks better than the right side anyways. What should i do? Chew more on the right side or it's bone and i can't do shit about it? Should i go to the doctor to check my tmj? Or i shouldn't train my masseters and use botox to slim them?
Unless it’s severely noticeable to the point where you look deformed, no it doesn’t matter. And it isn’t fixable with chewing, you probably just have a difference in ramus lengths or gonion eversion.
@Whitepill always some 2023 graycel posting about asymmetry 🤦‍♂️

Unless it’s severely noticeable to the point where you look deformed, no it doesn’t matter. And it isn’t fixable with chewing, you probably just have a difference in ramus lengths or gonion eversion.
Lmao yeah. They could be focusing on any other looksmax but focus on the most insignificant one that they can’t do anything about

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