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Discussion What explains high neoteny in men?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
Heard evolutionary explanations about women, but not about men.

Maybe older mother's have an instinct to take care of child's and manlets with round faces looks more childish and, therefore, are better treated?

No fucking clue
Heard evolutionary explanations about women, but not about men.

Maybe older mother's have an instinct to take care of child's and manlets with round faces looks more childish and, therefore, are better treated?

No f*****g clue
High estrogen, videogames, and being raised by single mothers or in families where the wife is the boss.

You see that all the time in most relationships of the past 50 years. Fathers who claim to be the heads of their households but get visibly nervous and walk on eggshells when their wives aren't happy about something. Scurrying around like little mice to hide things from their wives to avoid arguments.

Also Western society conditioning boys from a very young age to grow up to be subjective sissies. That shit backfired big time with me. One time my wife tried nagging about me wasting too much water or something when brushing my teeth in the morning. I told her to shut up and quit nagging but she just didn't let it go. I then went and turned on every faucet in the house full blast and told her to sit her ass down and shut her mouth otherwise I'll smash everything in the apartment to bits. Never had that problem again. Another time she tried nagging about something, I can't remember what, and I whipped it out and pissed all over the floor. We've been married six years now. She's past trying to nag.
Maybe older mother's have an instinct to take care of child's and manlets with round faces looks more childish and, therefore, are better treated?
also there is a study where feminine men are seen as more appealing for ltr while masculine are str
also environment, people are lower t, have bad lifestyles
and birth control. birth control affects female attraction, they will change their preferences
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High estrogen, videogames, and being raised by single mothers or in families where the wife is the boss.

You see that all the time in most relationships of the past 50 years. Fathers who claim to be the heads of their households but get visibly nervous and walk on eggshells when their wives aren't happy about something. Scurrying around like little mice to hide things from their wives to avoid arguments.

Also Western society conditioning boys from a very young age to grow up to be subjective sissies. That shit backfired big time with me. One time my wife tried nagging about me wasting too much water or something when brushing my teeth in the morning. I told her to shut up and quit nagging but she just didn't let it go. I then went and turned on every faucet in the house full blast and told her to sit her ass down and shut her mouth otherwise I'll smash everything in the apartment to bits. Never had that problem again. Another time she tried nagging about something, I can't remember what, and I whipped it out and pissed all over the floor. We've been married six years now. She's past trying to nag.
You pissed on the floor? Wtf.

Dude, I am Joe Rogan haven't grow up playing video games and we did exercise. Pluss, my estrogen level is low. But I did grow with a single mother, however most people grow with single mothers and aren't neoteny.
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low t
also asian
Genes and hormones.
also there is a study where feminine men are seen as more appealing for ltr while masculine are str
also environment, people are lower t, have bad lifestyles
and birth control. birth control affects female attraction, they will change their preferences

No, that's not the question. The question is how to explain that in evolutionary point of view, not in bio chemical.
No, that's not the question. The question is how to explain that in evolutionary point of view, not in bio chemical.
Evolutionary point is non dimorphic traits being passed on due to monogamy imo
No, that's not the question. The question is how to explain that in evolutionary point of view, not in bio chemical.
natural selection is weaker bc we are advanced, so people dont die by being teared to shreds by tigers and lions everyday
people live more comfortable lives, and thus the weaker survive
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  • #14
low prenatal t people bred
natural selection is weaker bc we are advanced, so people dont die by being teared to shreds by tigers and lions everyday
people live more comfortable lives, and thus the weaker survive
Evolutionary point is non dimorphic traits being passed on due to monogamy imo

The height difference between males and females on specific countries is higher or lower, meaning that there are more sexual dismorphism in those places.

If I remember correctly, the most dismorphic height is between latin countries.

That have a connection, a reason to be. Evolution also tells the story of thousands of humans before. Theoretical Low T people didn't just survived, they are also the majority, in larger groups then the hight t male models.

If the past humans had more "hunter" features, and those are correlated with being better, then why did a new gene of weak low t got so much superior on procreating?
The height difference between males and females on specific countries is higher or lower, meaning that there are more sexual dismorphism in those places.

If I remember correctly, the most dismorphic height is between latin countries.

That have a connection, a reason to be. Evolution also tells the story of thousands of humans before. Theoretical Low T people didn't just survived, they are also the majority, in larger groups then the hight t male models.

If the past humans had more "hunter" features, and those are correlated with being better, then why did a new gene of weak low t got so much superior on procreating?
unattractive people have had children all the throughout history
The height difference between males and females on specific countries is higher or lower, meaning that there are more sexual dismorphism in those places.

If I remember correctly, the most dismorphic height is between latin countries.

That have a connection, a reason to be. Evolution also tells the story of thousands of humans before. Theoretical Low T people didn't just survived, they are also the majority, in larger groups then the hight t male models.

If the past humans had more "hunter" features, and those are correlated with being better, then why did a new gene of weak low t got so much superior on procreating?
have you ever heard of the side blotched lizards? the males disguise themselves as females and enter places with females and breed with them under the leader's nose. this also happens with cuttlefish.
there are also other reasons due to sexual selection

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