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What facial features do you think makes a woman a gigstacy?


Aug 22, 2024
Louisiana, United States
On the internet, I see a lot of different facial features being treated as "attractive" in women. It generally confuses me because there are some men who prefer protruding, round eyes on women and others who prefer deep-set, almond/hooded-shaped eyes. Additionally, there seems to be a split opinion on how defined a woman's face is; a lot of men who likes younger women would find a girl with youthful, rounded features as beautiful, but some men likes women with sharper, masculine features.

What are, in your personal opinion, facial features that can be universally seen as "attractive," on a woman and are most commonly seen in gigastacies.
its simply a difference of masculine vs feminine features
people prefer differently

universally attractive facial features is clear skin

all other features have good range of attractiveness
like you can have a small forehead or a small lower third and it would be seen as feminine and cute
or you can have sharp features and good bones and it would be seen as "sexy" aka masculine and appealing

also men have a wider range of standards for women than women do men, due to bateman's principle and loneliness
depends if its with the correct facial structure tbh
harmony mogs>>>
the reason why i dont like button noses is because from the side it looks unreal and plastic like, alien, and from the front usually the nostrils are very shown because the nose is upturned
There is definitely some subjectivity to this, but what has been stated in this thread already is a good base. Clear skin, jaw, eyes, harmony, dimorphism, hair health, and a youthful appearance.
On the internet, I see a lot of different facial features being treated as "attractive" in women. It generally confuses me because there are some men who prefer protruding, round eyes on women and others who prefer deep-set, almond/hooded-shaped eyes. Additionally, there seems to be a split opinion on how defined a woman's face is; a lot of men who likes younger women would find a girl with youthful, rounded features as beautiful, but some men likes women with sharper, masculine features.

What are, in your personal opinion, facial features that can be universally seen as "attractive," on a woman and are most commonly seen in gigastacies.
  • Facial symmetry
  • Golden ratio proportions
  • Large eyes
  • Full lips
  • High cheekbones
  • Small nose
  • Defined jawline
  • Clear skin
  • Straight teeth
  • Even skin tone
  • Almond-shaped eyes
  • Long eyelashes
  • Defined Cupid's bow
  • Proportional forehead height
  • Rounded chin
  • Soft jawline
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Narrow nose bridge
  • Well-defined eyebrows
  • Slightly arched eyebrows
  • Visible eyelid crease
  • Symmetrical eyebrows
  • Narrow face shape
  • High brow bone
  • Short philtrum
  • Short nose
  • Upturned nose tip
  • Balanced facial thirds
  • Small chin
  • Proportional nose width
  • Full lower lip
  • Balanced upper and lower lips
  • Prominent maxilla
  • Short midface
  • Moderate facial width
  • Balanced eye spacing
  • Low orbital width
  • Rounded cheekbones
  • Slightly protruding lower lip
  • Slightly downturned eyes
  • Minimal nasolabial folds
  • Defined jaw angle
  • Proportional chin to lip distance
  • Proportional forehead width
  • Moderate chin projection
  • Small mandibular angle
  • Short facial height
  • Defined vermilion border
  • Clear, defined eyes
  • High zygomatic bone
  • Balanced nose tip projection
  • Visible sclera (white part of the eye)
  • Smooth nasofrontal angle
  • Well-developed cheek fat pads
  • Short chin to lip distance
  • Narrow alar base (nostrils)
  • Smooth nasofacial angle
  • Slightly concave nose profile
  • Subtle labiomental crease
  • Minimal buccal fat
  • Narrow intercanthal distance
  • Visible iris
  • Prominent nasion (nose bridge)
  • Smooth forehead contour
  • Proportional ear size
  • Rounded temporal region
  • Pronounced supraorbital ridge
  • Small mouth width
  • Balanced chin height
  • Smooth labiomental transition
  • Short mandibular height
  • Prominent glabella (between eyebrows)
  • Balanced forehead projection
  • Narrow mandibular body
  • Evenly spaced teeth
  • Proportional eye-to-eye distance
  • Slightly curved eyebrows
  • Visible tear trough
  • Small nostrils
  • Defined supraorbital margin
  • Smooth mandibular contour
  • Balanced orbital height
  • High canthal tilt (eye corner angle)
  • Moderate cheek projection
  • Slightly upturned mouth corners
  • Smooth labiomandibular fold
  • Balanced mouth to chin distance
  • Narrow nasofrontal angle
  • Smooth skin surface
  • Defined lower eyelid
  • Small palpebral fissure (eye opening)
  • Subtle nasolabial angle
  • Balanced interalar width (nose width)
  • Slightly convex forehead
  • Even brow-to-hairline distance
  • Small canthal tilt (eye tilt angle)
  • Smooth preauricular area (near the ear)
  • Proportional facial width-to-height ratio
  • Minimal orbital fat
  • Smooth submental region (under the chin)
  • Rounded chin apex
  • Smooth jawline contour
  • Subtle cheek hollows
  • Balanced chin width
  • Slightly prominent mandibular symphysis (chin point)
  • Rounded nasal tip
  • Well-defined nasolabial angle
  • Proportionate philtrum depth
  • Moderate chin dimple (if present)
  • Slight upward tilt of the lateral canthus (outer eye corner)
  • Proportional facial width to cheekbone width ratio
  • Softly defined jaw corners
  • Smooth nasomental curve
  • Even lip vermilion height
  • Balanced cheek prominence
  • Proportional distance from the chin to the neck
  • Slightly tapered chin
  • Smooth transition between lower eyelid and cheek
  • Well-defined nasofrontal suture (where nose meets forehead)
  • Minimal glabellar lines (frown lines)
  • Smooth buccal (cheek) contour
  • High nasal bridge
  • Proportional forehead slope
  • Rounded forehead shape
  • Well-defined submalar triangle (below cheekbone)
  • Proportional maxillary width
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Rounded nasal alae (sides of nostrils)
  • Balanced vertical facial height
  • Symmetrical cheek volume
  • Subtle chin cleft (if present)
  • Slight outward curvature of the lower lip
  • Rounded nasal dorsum
  • Smooth transition from nose to upper lip
  • Slightly anterior nasal spine
  • Proportional nasal length to face height ratio
  • Subtle philtral columns (vertical ridges on the upper lip)
  • Balanced mandibular arch
  • Defined gonial angle (jaw angle)
  • Slightly concave facial profile
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Smooth brow arch
  • Subtle midface fullness
  • Minimal nasolabial fat
  • Proportionate facial length to nasal height
  • Defined zygomatic arches (cheekbone ridges)
  • Smooth nasolabial junction
  • Slight inward curvature of the upper lip
  • Even orbital width
  • Smooth jawline from ear to chin
  • Rounded cheek pads
  • Balanced nasal ala width
  • Symmetrical lip corners
  • Smooth suborbital area (below the eyes)
  • Proportional cheek height
  • Subtle nasal tip rotation
  • Balanced orbital rim contour
  • Slightly recessed nasal tip
  • Proportional philtral height
  • Subtle chin prominence
  • Smooth nasolabial folds
  • Defined supraorbital margin (brow bone)
  • Proportional facial height to nose width ratio
  • Symmetrical nostril size
  • Rounded mandibular angle
  • Balanced facial soft tissue
  • Defined labiomental fold (chin crease)
  • Proportional zygomatic width to jaw width
  • Smooth nasal sidewall contour
  • Minimal malar (cheek) flattening
  • Balanced mandibular projection
  • Subtle eyebrow lift
  • Symmetrical nasal tip
  • Smooth nasal bridge
  • Slightly convex nasal profile
  • Well-defined mandibular ramus (side of jaw)
  • Proportional lower facial height
  • Smooth transition from cheek to jawline
  • Even zygomatic prominence (cheekbone height)
  • Subtle cheek rounding
  • Proportional distance between eyebrows and eyes
  • Symmetrical nostril flare
  • Balanced facial curvature
  • Slight inward curvature of the chin
  • Defined brow ridge
  • Proportional subnasal angle
  • Smooth lip contour
  • Rounded eyebrow shape
  • Balanced nasal projection
  • Minimal upper eyelid puffiness
  • Defined malar ridge (cheekbone contour)
  • Smooth transition between nose and forehead
  • Even eyebrow thickness
  • Slightly anterior chin projection
  • Subtle smile lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Proportional lateral facial profile
  • Symmetrical upper and lower eyelids
  • Balanced chin-lip relationship
  • Rounded nasal base
  • Smooth facial contour from forehead to chin
  • Soft temporal fossae (sides of the forehead)
  • Proportional glabellar height
  • Symmetrical nasolabial curves
  • Balanced alar (nostril) flare
  • Smooth orbital margin
  • Proportional interalar distance (nostril width)
  • Subtle submental fat (under the chin)
  • Well-defined nasojugal groove (where the cheek meets the nose)
  • Balanced anterior chin height
  • Minimal orbital puffiness
  • Smooth nasofacial transition
  • Symmetrical facial landmarks
  • Subtle dimples (if present)
  • Proportional mandibular width to facial height
  • Balanced philtral width
  • Smooth malar prominence
  • Rounded mandibular notch
  • Even facial soft tissue distribution
  • Proportional nasal width to facial width
  • Well-aligned facial axes
  • Smooth premaxillary contour
  • Subtle mandibular eminence (chin prominence)
  • Proportional nasal length to mouth width
  • Balanced facial angles
  • Smooth periorbital (around the eyes) area
  • Defined orbital contour
  • Slight outward curvature of the cheeks
  • Symmetrical facial height
  • Even philtrum to upper lip ratio
  • Balanced lower facial third
  • Rounded zygomatic arches
  • Proportional facial width to maxillary width
  • Smooth facial soft tissue transitions
  • Balanced facial symmetry in different lighting conditions
  • Subtle nasolabial curvature
  • Proportional nasal tip rotation to face height
  • Defined malar contour
  • Well-balanced facial curvature
  • Rounded chin pad
  • Proportional facial height to orbital height
  • Subtle supraorbital contour (brow ridge)
  • Well-aligned nasal tip and chin point
  • Symmetrical nasal dorsum
  • Proportional facial length to forehead height
  • Balanced chin projection to lower lip projection
  • Smooth nasal dorsum contour
  • Rounded mental eminence (chin)
  • Balanced mandibular contour
  • Proportional nasolabial fold depth
  • Smooth facial profile
  • Symmetrical periorbital hollows
  • Even skin tone under different lighting
  • Balanced facial planes
  • Subtle jawline tapering
  • Proportional nasal bridge height
  • Defined malar prominence
  • Symmetrical cheek pad volume
  • Balanced nasolabial angle
  • Rounded suborbital area
  • Well-aligned chin and philtrum
  • Smooth facial line from brow to chin
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Subtle chin projection
  • Balanced upper and lower facial thirds
  • Symmetrical alar base
  • Proportional nasolabial depth
  • Even facial curvature from profile view
  • Balanced mandibular length
  • Smooth nasofrontal transition
  • Defined nasojugal line
  • Proportional nasal tip projection to facial width
  • Symmetrical facial outline
  • Smooth cheek-to-jaw transition
  • Proportional nasomental angle
  • Subtle nasolabial junction
  • Symmetrical submalar region
  • Balanced maxillary and mandibular width
  • Rounded preauricular area
  • Proportional facial height to nasal projection
  • Well-defined orbital rim
  • Smooth mandibular line
  • Proportional chin height to facial height
  • Symmetrical facial contour in different expressions
  • Balanced zygomatic and mandibular width
  • Subtle nasolabial transition
  • Even facial symmetry in profile view
  • Proportional maxillary height
  • Rounded nasal tip to alar base ratio
  • Balanced nasofacial angles
  • Smooth cheek-to-nose transition
  • Proportional chin prominence
  • Symmetrical cheekbone projection
  • Rounded alar sidewalls
  • Balanced philtral height to lip height
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Proportional orbital height to facial height
  • Subtle premaxillary projection
  • Symmetrical mandibular contour
  • Balanced facial thirds in different angles
  • Rounded malar contour
  • High Trust, Youthful and innocent face
  • Long legs relative to torso length (leg-to-body ratio around 1:1.4)
  • Proportional arm length to body height
  • Narrow waist relative to hips (waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7)
  • Wider pelvis compared to shoulder width
  • High hip-to-waist ratio
  • Wide-set hips (pelvic width)
  • Well-defined hourglass figure (waist narrower than both bust and hips)
  • Proportionate shoulder-to-hip ratio (shoulder-to-hip ratio around 0.8)
  • Moderate clavicle length (collarbone)
  • Proportionate femur length to tibia length
  • Proportional neck length (not too long or too short)
  • Moderately sloping shoulders
  • Proportionate forearm to upper arm length
  • Symmetrical bone structure
  • Proportionate torso length to leg length
  • Rounded pelvic shape
  • Narrow ribcage
  • Proportionate head size to body height
  • Moderate limb thickness
  • Pronounced iliac crest (upper border of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate upper body length
  • Well-aligned spinal curvature
  • Moderately sized scapulae (shoulder blades)
  • Balanced rib-to-waist ratio
  • Proportional hand size to overall body
  • Rounded lumbar curve (lower back)
  • Proportionate chest circumference
  • Moderate pelvic tilt (anterior pelvic tilt)
  • Long, slender fingers
  • Proportionate foot size to height
  • High iliac wings (wider pelvis)
  • Low thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper back)
  • Well-defined sacrum curvature
  • Moderate pubic arch angle
  • Proportionate wrist circumference
  • Moderate knee-to-hip length ratio
  • Balanced thigh-to-calf ratio
  • Proportionate heel-to-arch length
  • Symmetrical vertebral column
  • Low vertebral spinous process prominence (less pronounced spine ridges)
  • Rounded anterior superior iliac spine (part of the pelvis)
  • Balanced scapular angle
  • Proportional humerus length
  • Proportionate cervical spine length
  • Rounded acetabulum (hip socket)
  • Balanced clavicle-to-scapula ratio
  • Low pelvis height relative to body height
  • Proportionate metacarpal length (hand bones)
  • Moderate femur head size
  • Low ribcage flare
  • Rounded thoracic cavity
  • Balanced shoulder-to-elbow ratio
  • Symmetrical acromion process (part of the shoulder blade)
  • Proportionate sternum length
  • Low knee joint width
  • Proportional iliac to ischial length (pelvic bones)
  • Rounded acetabular rim
  • Low lumbar lordosis (curvature of the lower back)
  • Symmetrical mandibular angle (jaw angle)
  • Moderate knee-to-ankle length
  • Balanced pelvic inlet size
  • Symmetrical patella (kneecap) shape
  • Proportionate humerus-to-radius ratio (forearm)
  • Low costal angle (angle of the ribs)
  • Rounded pubic symphysis (front of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate arm span to height
  • Moderate iliac fossa depth (part of the pelvis)
  • Low thoracic cage depth
  • Proportionate scapular spine
  • Symmetrical iliac crest height
  • Moderate femur neck length
  • Proportional acetabular depth
  • Symmetrical pelvis width
  • Balanced lumbar vertebrae size
  • Proportionate olecranon process (elbow)
  • Low scapular winging
  • Moderate femur shaft curvature
  • Rounded ischial tuberosities (part of the pelvis)
  • Symmetrical shoulder girdle
  • Proportionate phalangeal length (finger bones)
  • Low pelvic inlet-to-outlet distance
  • Moderate costal cartilage length
  • Proportionate glenoid cavity size (part of the shoulder)
  • Symmetrical pelvic obliquity
  • Balanced iliac-to-sacral ratio
  • Moderate nasal bone prominence
  • Proportionate zygomatic arch width
  • Rounded femoral condyles (part of the knee joint)
  • Balanced sacroiliac joint
  • Proportionate vertebral body height
  • Low ischial spine prominence
  • Symmetrical clavicle curvature
  • Moderate sternoclavicular joint size
  • Proportionate tarsal bone length (foot bones)
  • Balanced thoracic vertebrae size
  • Symmetrical pubic bone width
  • Low lumbar intervertebral disc height
  • Proportional scapular rotation
  • Rounded femoral trochanter (part of the femur)
  • Facial symmetry
  • Golden ratio proportions
  • Large eyes
  • Full lips
  • High cheekbones
  • Small nose
  • Defined jawline
  • Clear skin
  • Straight teeth
  • Even skin tone
  • Almond-shaped eyes
  • Long eyelashes
  • Defined Cupid's bow
  • Proportional forehead height
  • Rounded chin
  • Soft jawline
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Narrow nose bridge
  • Well-defined eyebrows
  • Slightly arched eyebrows
  • Visible eyelid crease
  • Symmetrical eyebrows
  • Narrow face shape
  • High brow bone
  • Short philtrum
  • Short nose
  • Upturned nose tip
  • Balanced facial thirds
  • Small chin
  • Proportional nose width
  • Full lower lip
  • Balanced upper and lower lips
  • Prominent maxilla
  • Short midface
  • Moderate facial width
  • Balanced eye spacing
  • Low orbital width
  • Rounded cheekbones
  • Slightly protruding lower lip
  • Slightly downturned eyes
  • Minimal nasolabial folds
  • Defined jaw angle
  • Proportional chin to lip distance
  • Proportional forehead width
  • Moderate chin projection
  • Small mandibular angle
  • Short facial height
  • Defined vermilion border
  • Clear, defined eyes
  • High zygomatic bone
  • Balanced nose tip projection
  • Visible sclera (white part of the eye)
  • Smooth nasofrontal angle
  • Well-developed cheek fat pads
  • Short chin to lip distance
  • Narrow alar base (nostrils)
  • Smooth nasofacial angle
  • Slightly concave nose profile
  • Subtle labiomental crease
  • Minimal buccal fat
  • Narrow intercanthal distance
  • Visible iris
  • Prominent nasion (nose bridge)
  • Smooth forehead contour
  • Proportional ear size
  • Rounded temporal region
  • Pronounced supraorbital ridge
  • Small mouth width
  • Balanced chin height
  • Smooth labiomental transition
  • Short mandibular height
  • Prominent glabella (between eyebrows)
  • Balanced forehead projection
  • Narrow mandibular body
  • Evenly spaced teeth
  • Proportional eye-to-eye distance
  • Slightly curved eyebrows
  • Visible tear trough
  • Small nostrils
  • Defined supraorbital margin
  • Smooth mandibular contour
  • Balanced orbital height
  • High canthal tilt (eye corner angle)
  • Moderate cheek projection
  • Slightly upturned mouth corners
  • Smooth labiomandibular fold
  • Balanced mouth to chin distance
  • Narrow nasofrontal angle
  • Smooth skin surface
  • Defined lower eyelid
  • Small palpebral fissure (eye opening)
  • Subtle nasolabial angle
  • Balanced interalar width (nose width)
  • Slightly convex forehead
  • Even brow-to-hairline distance
  • Small canthal tilt (eye tilt angle)
  • Smooth preauricular area (near the ear)
  • Proportional facial width-to-height ratio
  • Minimal orbital fat
  • Smooth submental region (under the chin)
  • Rounded chin apex
  • Smooth jawline contour
  • Subtle cheek hollows
  • Balanced chin width
  • Slightly prominent mandibular symphysis (chin point)
  • Rounded nasal tip
  • Well-defined nasolabial angle
  • Proportionate philtrum depth
  • Moderate chin dimple (if present)
  • Slight upward tilt of the lateral canthus (outer eye corner)
  • Proportional facial width to cheekbone width ratio
  • Softly defined jaw corners
  • Smooth nasomental curve
  • Even lip vermilion height
  • Balanced cheek prominence
  • Proportional distance from the chin to the neck
  • Slightly tapered chin
  • Smooth transition between lower eyelid and cheek
  • Well-defined nasofrontal suture (where nose meets forehead)
  • Minimal glabellar lines (frown lines)
  • Smooth buccal (cheek) contour
  • High nasal bridge
  • Proportional forehead slope
  • Rounded forehead shape
  • Well-defined submalar triangle (below cheekbone)
  • Proportional maxillary width
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Rounded nasal alae (sides of nostrils)
  • Balanced vertical facial height
  • Symmetrical cheek volume
  • Subtle chin cleft (if present)
  • Slight outward curvature of the lower lip
  • Rounded nasal dorsum
  • Smooth transition from nose to upper lip
  • Slightly anterior nasal spine
  • Proportional nasal length to face height ratio
  • Subtle philtral columns (vertical ridges on the upper lip)
  • Balanced mandibular arch
  • Defined gonial angle (jaw angle)
  • Slightly concave facial profile
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Smooth brow arch
  • Subtle midface fullness
  • Minimal nasolabial fat
  • Proportionate facial length to nasal height
  • Defined zygomatic arches (cheekbone ridges)
  • Smooth nasolabial junction
  • Slight inward curvature of the upper lip
  • Even orbital width
  • Smooth jawline from ear to chin
  • Rounded cheek pads
  • Balanced nasal ala width
  • Symmetrical lip corners
  • Smooth suborbital area (below the eyes)
  • Proportional cheek height
  • Subtle nasal tip rotation
  • Balanced orbital rim contour
  • Slightly recessed nasal tip
  • Proportional philtral height
  • Subtle chin prominence
  • Smooth nasolabial folds
  • Defined supraorbital margin (brow bone)
  • Proportional facial height to nose width ratio
  • Symmetrical nostril size
  • Rounded mandibular angle
  • Balanced facial soft tissue
  • Defined labiomental fold (chin crease)
  • Proportional zygomatic width to jaw width
  • Smooth nasal sidewall contour
  • Minimal malar (cheek) flattening
  • Balanced mandibular projection
  • Subtle eyebrow lift
  • Symmetrical nasal tip
  • Smooth nasal bridge
  • Slightly convex nasal profile
  • Well-defined mandibular ramus (side of jaw)
  • Proportional lower facial height
  • Smooth transition from cheek to jawline
  • Even zygomatic prominence (cheekbone height)
  • Subtle cheek rounding
  • Proportional distance between eyebrows and eyes
  • Symmetrical nostril flare
  • Balanced facial curvature
  • Slight inward curvature of the chin
  • Defined brow ridge
  • Proportional subnasal angle
  • Smooth lip contour
  • Rounded eyebrow shape
  • Balanced nasal projection
  • Minimal upper eyelid puffiness
  • Defined malar ridge (cheekbone contour)
  • Smooth transition between nose and forehead
  • Even eyebrow thickness
  • Slightly anterior chin projection
  • Subtle smile lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Proportional lateral facial profile
  • Symmetrical upper and lower eyelids
  • Balanced chin-lip relationship
  • Rounded nasal base
  • Smooth facial contour from forehead to chin
  • Soft temporal fossae (sides of the forehead)
  • Proportional glabellar height
  • Symmetrical nasolabial curves
  • Balanced alar (nostril) flare
  • Smooth orbital margin
  • Proportional interalar distance (nostril width)
  • Subtle submental fat (under the chin)
  • Well-defined nasojugal groove (where the cheek meets the nose)
  • Balanced anterior chin height
  • Minimal orbital puffiness
  • Smooth nasofacial transition
  • Symmetrical facial landmarks
  • Subtle dimples (if present)
  • Proportional mandibular width to facial height
  • Balanced philtral width
  • Smooth malar prominence
  • Rounded mandibular notch
  • Even facial soft tissue distribution
  • Proportional nasal width to facial width
  • Well-aligned facial axes
  • Smooth premaxillary contour
  • Subtle mandibular eminence (chin prominence)
  • Proportional nasal length to mouth width
  • Balanced facial angles
  • Smooth periorbital (around the eyes) area
  • Defined orbital contour
  • Slight outward curvature of the cheeks
  • Symmetrical facial height
  • Even philtrum to upper lip ratio
  • Balanced lower facial third
  • Rounded zygomatic arches
  • Proportional facial width to maxillary width
  • Smooth facial soft tissue transitions
  • Balanced facial symmetry in different lighting conditions
  • Subtle nasolabial curvature
  • Proportional nasal tip rotation to face height
  • Defined malar contour
  • Well-balanced facial curvature
  • Rounded chin pad
  • Proportional facial height to orbital height
  • Subtle supraorbital contour (brow ridge)
  • Well-aligned nasal tip and chin point
  • Symmetrical nasal dorsum
  • Proportional facial length to forehead height
  • Balanced chin projection to lower lip projection
  • Smooth nasal dorsum contour
  • Rounded mental eminence (chin)
  • Balanced mandibular contour
  • Proportional nasolabial fold depth
  • Smooth facial profile
  • Symmetrical periorbital hollows
  • Even skin tone under different lighting
  • Balanced facial planes
  • Subtle jawline tapering
  • Proportional nasal bridge height
  • Defined malar prominence
  • Symmetrical cheek pad volume
  • Balanced nasolabial angle
  • Rounded suborbital area
  • Well-aligned chin and philtrum
  • Smooth facial line from brow to chin
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Subtle chin projection
  • Balanced upper and lower facial thirds
  • Symmetrical alar base
  • Proportional nasolabial depth
  • Even facial curvature from profile view
  • Balanced mandibular length
  • Smooth nasofrontal transition
  • Defined nasojugal line
  • Proportional nasal tip projection to facial width
  • Symmetrical facial outline
  • Smooth cheek-to-jaw transition
  • Proportional nasomental angle
  • Subtle nasolabial junction
  • Symmetrical submalar region
  • Balanced maxillary and mandibular width
  • Rounded preauricular area
  • Proportional facial height to nasal projection
  • Well-defined orbital rim
  • Smooth mandibular line
  • Proportional chin height to facial height
  • Symmetrical facial contour in different expressions
  • Balanced zygomatic and mandibular width
  • Subtle nasolabial transition
  • Even facial symmetry in profile view
  • Proportional maxillary height
  • Rounded nasal tip to alar base ratio
  • Balanced nasofacial angles
  • Smooth cheek-to-nose transition
  • Proportional chin prominence
  • Symmetrical cheekbone projection
  • Rounded alar sidewalls
  • Balanced philtral height to lip height
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Proportional orbital height to facial height
  • Subtle premaxillary projection
  • Symmetrical mandibular contour
  • Balanced facial thirds in different angles
  • Rounded malar contour
  • High Trust, Youthful and innocent face
  • Long legs relative to torso length (leg-to-body ratio around 1:1.4)
  • Proportional arm length to body height
  • Narrow waist relative to hips (waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7)
  • Wider pelvis compared to shoulder width
  • High hip-to-waist ratio
  • Wide-set hips (pelvic width)
  • Well-defined hourglass figure (waist narrower than both bust and hips)
  • Proportionate shoulder-to-hip ratio (shoulder-to-hip ratio around 0.8)
  • Moderate clavicle length (collarbone)
  • Proportionate femur length to tibia length
  • Proportional neck length (not too long or too short)
  • Moderately sloping shoulders
  • Proportionate forearm to upper arm length
  • Symmetrical bone structure
  • Proportionate torso length to leg length
  • Rounded pelvic shape
  • Narrow ribcage
  • Proportionate head size to body height
  • Moderate limb thickness
  • Pronounced iliac crest (upper border of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate upper body length
  • Well-aligned spinal curvature
  • Moderately sized scapulae (shoulder blades)
  • Balanced rib-to-waist ratio
  • Proportional hand size to overall body
  • Rounded lumbar curve (lower back)
  • Proportionate chest circumference
  • Moderate pelvic tilt (anterior pelvic tilt)
  • Long, slender fingers
  • Proportionate foot size to height
  • High iliac wings (wider pelvis)
  • Low thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper back)
  • Well-defined sacrum curvature
  • Moderate pubic arch angle
  • Proportionate wrist circumference
  • Moderate knee-to-hip length ratio
  • Balanced thigh-to-calf ratio
  • Proportionate heel-to-arch length
  • Symmetrical vertebral column
  • Low vertebral spinous process prominence (less pronounced spine ridges)
  • Rounded anterior superior iliac spine (part of the pelvis)
  • Balanced scapular angle
  • Proportional humerus length
  • Proportionate cervical spine length
  • Rounded acetabulum (hip socket)
  • Balanced clavicle-to-scapula ratio
  • Low pelvis height relative to body height
  • Proportionate metacarpal length (hand bones)
  • Moderate femur head size
  • Low ribcage flare
  • Rounded thoracic cavity
  • Balanced shoulder-to-elbow ratio
  • Symmetrical acromion process (part of the shoulder blade)
  • Proportionate sternum length
  • Low knee joint width
  • Proportional iliac to ischial length (pelvic bones)
  • Rounded acetabular rim
  • Low lumbar lordosis (curvature of the lower back)
  • Symmetrical mandibular angle (jaw angle)
  • Moderate knee-to-ankle length
  • Balanced pelvic inlet size
  • Symmetrical patella (kneecap) shape
  • Proportionate humerus-to-radius ratio (forearm)
  • Low costal angle (angle of the ribs)
  • Rounded pubic symphysis (front of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate arm span to height
  • Moderate iliac fossa depth (part of the pelvis)
  • Low thoracic cage depth
  • Proportionate scapular spine
  • Symmetrical iliac crest height
  • Moderate femur neck length
  • Proportional acetabular depth
  • Symmetrical pelvis width
  • Balanced lumbar vertebrae size
  • Proportionate olecranon process (elbow)
  • Low scapular winging
  • Moderate femur shaft curvature
  • Rounded ischial tuberosities (part of the pelvis)
  • Symmetrical shoulder girdle
  • Proportionate phalangeal length (finger bones)
  • Low pelvic inlet-to-outlet distance
  • Moderate costal cartilage length
  • Proportionate glenoid cavity size (part of the shoulder)
  • Symmetrical pelvic obliquity
  • Balanced iliac-to-sacral ratio
  • Moderate nasal bone prominence
  • Proportionate zygomatic arch width
  • Rounded femoral condyles (part of the knee joint)
  • Balanced sacroiliac joint
  • Proportionate vertebral body height
  • Low ischial spine prominence
  • Symmetrical clavicle curvature
  • Moderate sternoclavicular joint size
  • Proportionate tarsal bone length (foot bones)
  • Balanced thoracic vertebrae size
  • Symmetrical pubic bone width
  • Low lumbar intervertebral disc height
  • Proportional scapular rotation
  • Rounded femoral trochanter (part of the femur)
why minimal buccal fat and visible sclera
also who tf notices symmetrical pubic bone width
and visible tear trough why
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
  • Facial symmetry
  • Golden ratio proportions
  • Large eyes
  • Full lips
  • High cheekbones
  • Small nose
  • Defined jawline
  • Clear skin
  • Straight teeth
  • Even skin tone
  • Almond-shaped eyes
  • Long eyelashes
  • Defined Cupid's bow
  • Proportional forehead height
  • Rounded chin
  • Soft jawline
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Narrow nose bridge
  • Well-defined eyebrows
  • Slightly arched eyebrows
  • Visible eyelid crease
  • Symmetrical eyebrows
  • Narrow face shape
  • High brow bone
  • Short philtrum
  • Short nose
  • Upturned nose tip
  • Balanced facial thirds
  • Small chin
  • Proportional nose width
  • Full lower lip
  • Balanced upper and lower lips
  • Prominent maxilla
  • Short midface
  • Moderate facial width
  • Balanced eye spacing
  • Low orbital width
  • Rounded cheekbones
  • Slightly protruding lower lip
  • Slightly downturned eyes
  • Minimal nasolabial folds
  • Defined jaw angle
  • Proportional chin to lip distance
  • Proportional forehead width
  • Moderate chin projection
  • Small mandibular angle
  • Short facial height
  • Defined vermilion border
  • Clear, defined eyes
  • High zygomatic bone
  • Balanced nose tip projection
  • Visible sclera (white part of the eye)
  • Smooth nasofrontal angle
  • Well-developed cheek fat pads
  • Short chin to lip distance
  • Narrow alar base (nostrils)
  • Smooth nasofacial angle
  • Slightly concave nose profile
  • Subtle labiomental crease
  • Minimal buccal fat
  • Narrow intercanthal distance
  • Visible iris
  • Prominent nasion (nose bridge)
  • Smooth forehead contour
  • Proportional ear size
  • Rounded temporal region
  • Pronounced supraorbital ridge
  • Small mouth width
  • Balanced chin height
  • Smooth labiomental transition
  • Short mandibular height
  • Prominent glabella (between eyebrows)
  • Balanced forehead projection
  • Narrow mandibular body
  • Evenly spaced teeth
  • Proportional eye-to-eye distance
  • Slightly curved eyebrows
  • Visible tear trough
  • Small nostrils
  • Defined supraorbital margin
  • Smooth mandibular contour
  • Balanced orbital height
  • High canthal tilt (eye corner angle)
  • Moderate cheek projection
  • Slightly upturned mouth corners
  • Smooth labiomandibular fold
  • Balanced mouth to chin distance
  • Narrow nasofrontal angle
  • Smooth skin surface
  • Defined lower eyelid
  • Small palpebral fissure (eye opening)
  • Subtle nasolabial angle
  • Balanced interalar width (nose width)
  • Slightly convex forehead
  • Even brow-to-hairline distance
  • Small canthal tilt (eye tilt angle)
  • Smooth preauricular area (near the ear)
  • Proportional facial width-to-height ratio
  • Minimal orbital fat
  • Smooth submental region (under the chin)
  • Rounded chin apex
  • Smooth jawline contour
  • Subtle cheek hollows
  • Balanced chin width
  • Slightly prominent mandibular symphysis (chin point)
  • Rounded nasal tip
  • Well-defined nasolabial angle
  • Proportionate philtrum depth
  • Moderate chin dimple (if present)
  • Slight upward tilt of the lateral canthus (outer eye corner)
  • Proportional facial width to cheekbone width ratio
  • Softly defined jaw corners
  • Smooth nasomental curve
  • Even lip vermilion height
  • Balanced cheek prominence
  • Proportional distance from the chin to the neck
  • Slightly tapered chin
  • Smooth transition between lower eyelid and cheek
  • Well-defined nasofrontal suture (where nose meets forehead)
  • Minimal glabellar lines (frown lines)
  • Smooth buccal (cheek) contour
  • High nasal bridge
  • Proportional forehead slope
  • Rounded forehead shape
  • Well-defined submalar triangle (below cheekbone)
  • Proportional maxillary width
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Rounded nasal alae (sides of nostrils)
  • Balanced vertical facial height
  • Symmetrical cheek volume
  • Subtle chin cleft (if present)
  • Slight outward curvature of the lower lip
  • Rounded nasal dorsum
  • Smooth transition from nose to upper lip
  • Slightly anterior nasal spine
  • Proportional nasal length to face height ratio
  • Subtle philtral columns (vertical ridges on the upper lip)
  • Balanced mandibular arch
  • Defined gonial angle (jaw angle)
  • Slightly concave facial profile
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Smooth brow arch
  • Subtle midface fullness
  • Minimal nasolabial fat
  • Proportionate facial length to nasal height
  • Defined zygomatic arches (cheekbone ridges)
  • Smooth nasolabial junction
  • Slight inward curvature of the upper lip
  • Even orbital width
  • Smooth jawline from ear to chin
  • Rounded cheek pads
  • Balanced nasal ala width
  • Symmetrical lip corners
  • Smooth suborbital area (below the eyes)
  • Proportional cheek height
  • Subtle nasal tip rotation
  • Balanced orbital rim contour
  • Slightly recessed nasal tip
  • Proportional philtral height
  • Subtle chin prominence
  • Smooth nasolabial folds
  • Defined supraorbital margin (brow bone)
  • Proportional facial height to nose width ratio
  • Symmetrical nostril size
  • Rounded mandibular angle
  • Balanced facial soft tissue
  • Defined labiomental fold (chin crease)
  • Proportional zygomatic width to jaw width
  • Smooth nasal sidewall contour
  • Minimal malar (cheek) flattening
  • Balanced mandibular projection
  • Subtle eyebrow lift
  • Symmetrical nasal tip
  • Smooth nasal bridge
  • Slightly convex nasal profile
  • Well-defined mandibular ramus (side of jaw)
  • Proportional lower facial height
  • Smooth transition from cheek to jawline
  • Even zygomatic prominence (cheekbone height)
  • Subtle cheek rounding
  • Proportional distance between eyebrows and eyes
  • Symmetrical nostril flare
  • Balanced facial curvature
  • Slight inward curvature of the chin
  • Defined brow ridge
  • Proportional subnasal angle
  • Smooth lip contour
  • Rounded eyebrow shape
  • Balanced nasal projection
  • Minimal upper eyelid puffiness
  • Defined malar ridge (cheekbone contour)
  • Smooth transition between nose and forehead
  • Even eyebrow thickness
  • Slightly anterior chin projection
  • Subtle smile lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Proportional lateral facial profile
  • Symmetrical upper and lower eyelids
  • Balanced chin-lip relationship
  • Rounded nasal base
  • Smooth facial contour from forehead to chin
  • Soft temporal fossae (sides of the forehead)
  • Proportional glabellar height
  • Symmetrical nasolabial curves
  • Balanced alar (nostril) flare
  • Smooth orbital margin
  • Proportional interalar distance (nostril width)
  • Subtle submental fat (under the chin)
  • Well-defined nasojugal groove (where the cheek meets the nose)
  • Balanced anterior chin height
  • Minimal orbital puffiness
  • Smooth nasofacial transition
  • Symmetrical facial landmarks
  • Subtle dimples (if present)
  • Proportional mandibular width to facial height
  • Balanced philtral width
  • Smooth malar prominence
  • Rounded mandibular notch
  • Even facial soft tissue distribution
  • Proportional nasal width to facial width
  • Well-aligned facial axes
  • Smooth premaxillary contour
  • Subtle mandibular eminence (chin prominence)
  • Proportional nasal length to mouth width
  • Balanced facial angles
  • Smooth periorbital (around the eyes) area
  • Defined orbital contour
  • Slight outward curvature of the cheeks
  • Symmetrical facial height
  • Even philtrum to upper lip ratio
  • Balanced lower facial third
  • Rounded zygomatic arches
  • Proportional facial width to maxillary width
  • Smooth facial soft tissue transitions
  • Balanced facial symmetry in different lighting conditions
  • Subtle nasolabial curvature
  • Proportional nasal tip rotation to face height
  • Defined malar contour
  • Well-balanced facial curvature
  • Rounded chin pad
  • Proportional facial height to orbital height
  • Subtle supraorbital contour (brow ridge)
  • Well-aligned nasal tip and chin point
  • Symmetrical nasal dorsum
  • Proportional facial length to forehead height
  • Balanced chin projection to lower lip projection
  • Smooth nasal dorsum contour
  • Rounded mental eminence (chin)
  • Balanced mandibular contour
  • Proportional nasolabial fold depth
  • Smooth facial profile
  • Symmetrical periorbital hollows
  • Even skin tone under different lighting
  • Balanced facial planes
  • Subtle jawline tapering
  • Proportional nasal bridge height
  • Defined malar prominence
  • Symmetrical cheek pad volume
  • Balanced nasolabial angle
  • Rounded suborbital area
  • Well-aligned chin and philtrum
  • Smooth facial line from brow to chin
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Subtle chin projection
  • Balanced upper and lower facial thirds
  • Symmetrical alar base
  • Proportional nasolabial depth
  • Even facial curvature from profile view
  • Balanced mandibular length
  • Smooth nasofrontal transition
  • Defined nasojugal line
  • Proportional nasal tip projection to facial width
  • Symmetrical facial outline
  • Smooth cheek-to-jaw transition
  • Proportional nasomental angle
  • Subtle nasolabial junction
  • Symmetrical submalar region
  • Balanced maxillary and mandibular width
  • Rounded preauricular area
  • Proportional facial height to nasal projection
  • Well-defined orbital rim
  • Smooth mandibular line
  • Proportional chin height to facial height
  • Symmetrical facial contour in different expressions
  • Balanced zygomatic and mandibular width
  • Subtle nasolabial transition
  • Even facial symmetry in profile view
  • Proportional maxillary height
  • Rounded nasal tip to alar base ratio
  • Balanced nasofacial angles
  • Smooth cheek-to-nose transition
  • Proportional chin prominence
  • Symmetrical cheekbone projection
  • Rounded alar sidewalls
  • Balanced philtral height to lip height
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Proportional orbital height to facial height
  • Subtle premaxillary projection
  • Symmetrical mandibular contour
  • Balanced facial thirds in different angles
  • Rounded malar contour
  • High Trust, Youthful and innocent face
  • Long legs relative to torso length (leg-to-body ratio around 1:1.4)
  • Proportional arm length to body height
  • Narrow waist relative to hips (waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7)
  • Wider pelvis compared to shoulder width
  • High hip-to-waist ratio
  • Wide-set hips (pelvic width)
  • Well-defined hourglass figure (waist narrower than both bust and hips)
  • Proportionate shoulder-to-hip ratio (shoulder-to-hip ratio around 0.8)
  • Moderate clavicle length (collarbone)
  • Proportionate femur length to tibia length
  • Proportional neck length (not too long or too short)
  • Moderately sloping shoulders
  • Proportionate forearm to upper arm length
  • Symmetrical bone structure
  • Proportionate torso length to leg length
  • Rounded pelvic shape
  • Narrow ribcage
  • Proportionate head size to body height
  • Moderate limb thickness
  • Pronounced iliac crest (upper border of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate upper body length
  • Well-aligned spinal curvature
  • Moderately sized scapulae (shoulder blades)
  • Balanced rib-to-waist ratio
  • Proportional hand size to overall body
  • Rounded lumbar curve (lower back)
  • Proportionate chest circumference
  • Moderate pelvic tilt (anterior pelvic tilt)
  • Long, slender fingers
  • Proportionate foot size to height
  • High iliac wings (wider pelvis)
  • Low thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper back)
  • Well-defined sacrum curvature
  • Moderate pubic arch angle
  • Proportionate wrist circumference
  • Moderate knee-to-hip length ratio
  • Balanced thigh-to-calf ratio
  • Proportionate heel-to-arch length
  • Symmetrical vertebral column
  • Low vertebral spinous process prominence (less pronounced spine ridges)
  • Rounded anterior superior iliac spine (part of the pelvis)
  • Balanced scapular angle
  • Proportional humerus length
  • Proportionate cervical spine length
  • Rounded acetabulum (hip socket)
  • Balanced clavicle-to-scapula ratio
  • Low pelvis height relative to body height
  • Proportionate metacarpal length (hand bones)
  • Moderate femur head size
  • Low ribcage flare
  • Rounded thoracic cavity
  • Balanced shoulder-to-elbow ratio
  • Symmetrical acromion process (part of the shoulder blade)
  • Proportionate sternum length
  • Low knee joint width
  • Proportional iliac to ischial length (pelvic bones)
  • Rounded acetabular rim
  • Low lumbar lordosis (curvature of the lower back)
  • Symmetrical mandibular angle (jaw angle)
  • Moderate knee-to-ankle length
  • Balanced pelvic inlet size
  • Symmetrical patella (kneecap) shape
  • Proportionate humerus-to-radius ratio (forearm)
  • Low costal angle (angle of the ribs)
  • Rounded pubic symphysis (front of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate arm span to height
  • Moderate iliac fossa depth (part of the pelvis)
  • Low thoracic cage depth
  • Proportionate scapular spine
  • Symmetrical iliac crest height
  • Moderate femur neck length
  • Proportional acetabular depth
  • Symmetrical pelvis width
  • Balanced lumbar vertebrae size
  • Proportionate olecranon process (elbow)
  • Low scapular winging
  • Moderate femur shaft curvature
  • Rounded ischial tuberosities (part of the pelvis)
  • Symmetrical shoulder girdle
  • Proportionate phalangeal length (finger bones)
  • Low pelvic inlet-to-outlet distance
  • Moderate costal cartilage length
  • Proportionate glenoid cavity size (part of the shoulder)
  • Symmetrical pelvic obliquity
  • Balanced iliac-to-sacral ratio
  • Moderate nasal bone prominence
  • Proportionate zygomatic arch width
  • Rounded femoral condyles (part of the knee joint)
  • Balanced sacroiliac joint
  • Proportionate vertebral body height
  • Low ischial spine prominence
  • Symmetrical clavicle curvature
  • Moderate sternoclavicular joint size
  • Proportionate tarsal bone length (foot bones)
  • Balanced thoracic vertebrae size
  • Symmetrical pubic bone width
  • Low lumbar intervertebral disc height
  • Proportional scapular rotation
  • Rounded femoral trochanter (part of the femur)
Woah...Thanks for this though. Some of the things in there are really the reason for me looking unattractive lol.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
why minimal buccal fat and visible sclera
also who tf notices symmetrical pubic bone width
and visible tear trough why
I have high buccal fat and it makes my midfacial area look really chubby/youthful; that's why people always think I'm a little kid instead of a 16 year old lol. But agreed with symmetrical pubic bone width, I don't even know what that is and kind of don't want to if I lack lmfao.
  • Facial symmetry
  • Golden ratio proportions
  • Large eyes
  • Full lips
  • High cheekbones
  • Small nose
  • Defined jawline
  • Clear skin
  • Straight teeth
  • Even skin tone
  • Almond-shaped eyes
  • Long eyelashes
  • Defined Cupid's bow
  • Proportional forehead height
  • Rounded chin
  • Soft jawline
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Narrow nose bridge
  • Well-defined eyebrows
  • Slightly arched eyebrows
  • Visible eyelid crease
  • Symmetrical eyebrows
  • Narrow face shape
  • High brow bone
  • Short philtrum
  • Short nose
  • Upturned nose tip
  • Balanced facial thirds
  • Small chin
  • Proportional nose width
  • Full lower lip
  • Balanced upper and lower lips
  • Prominent maxilla
  • Short midface
  • Moderate facial width
  • Balanced eye spacing
  • Low orbital width
  • Rounded cheekbones
  • Slightly protruding lower lip
  • Slightly downturned eyes
  • Minimal nasolabial folds
  • Defined jaw angle
  • Proportional chin to lip distance
  • Proportional forehead width
  • Moderate chin projection
  • Small mandibular angle
  • Short facial height
  • Defined vermilion border
  • Clear, defined eyes
  • High zygomatic bone
  • Balanced nose tip projection
  • Visible sclera (white part of the eye)
  • Smooth nasofrontal angle
  • Well-developed cheek fat pads
  • Short chin to lip distance
  • Narrow alar base (nostrils)
  • Smooth nasofacial angle
  • Slightly concave nose profile
  • Subtle labiomental crease
  • Minimal buccal fat
  • Narrow intercanthal distance
  • Visible iris
  • Prominent nasion (nose bridge)
  • Smooth forehead contour
  • Proportional ear size
  • Rounded temporal region
  • Pronounced supraorbital ridge
  • Small mouth width
  • Balanced chin height
  • Smooth labiomental transition
  • Short mandibular height
  • Prominent glabella (between eyebrows)
  • Balanced forehead projection
  • Narrow mandibular body
  • Evenly spaced teeth
  • Proportional eye-to-eye distance
  • Slightly curved eyebrows
  • Visible tear trough
  • Small nostrils
  • Defined supraorbital margin
  • Smooth mandibular contour
  • Balanced orbital height
  • High canthal tilt (eye corner angle)
  • Moderate cheek projection
  • Slightly upturned mouth corners
  • Smooth labiomandibular fold
  • Balanced mouth to chin distance
  • Narrow nasofrontal angle
  • Smooth skin surface
  • Defined lower eyelid
  • Small palpebral fissure (eye opening)
  • Subtle nasolabial angle
  • Balanced interalar width (nose width)
  • Slightly convex forehead
  • Even brow-to-hairline distance
  • Small canthal tilt (eye tilt angle)
  • Smooth preauricular area (near the ear)
  • Proportional facial width-to-height ratio
  • Minimal orbital fat
  • Smooth submental region (under the chin)
  • Rounded chin apex
  • Smooth jawline contour
  • Subtle cheek hollows
  • Balanced chin width
  • Slightly prominent mandibular symphysis (chin point)
  • Rounded nasal tip
  • Well-defined nasolabial angle
  • Proportionate philtrum depth
  • Moderate chin dimple (if present)
  • Slight upward tilt of the lateral canthus (outer eye corner)
  • Proportional facial width to cheekbone width ratio
  • Softly defined jaw corners
  • Smooth nasomental curve
  • Even lip vermilion height
  • Balanced cheek prominence
  • Proportional distance from the chin to the neck
  • Slightly tapered chin
  • Smooth transition between lower eyelid and cheek
  • Well-defined nasofrontal suture (where nose meets forehead)
  • Minimal glabellar lines (frown lines)
  • Smooth buccal (cheek) contour
  • High nasal bridge
  • Proportional forehead slope
  • Rounded forehead shape
  • Well-defined submalar triangle (below cheekbone)
  • Proportional maxillary width
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Rounded nasal alae (sides of nostrils)
  • Balanced vertical facial height
  • Symmetrical cheek volume
  • Subtle chin cleft (if present)
  • Slight outward curvature of the lower lip
  • Rounded nasal dorsum
  • Smooth transition from nose to upper lip
  • Slightly anterior nasal spine
  • Proportional nasal length to face height ratio
  • Subtle philtral columns (vertical ridges on the upper lip)
  • Balanced mandibular arch
  • Defined gonial angle (jaw angle)
  • Slightly concave facial profile
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Smooth brow arch
  • Subtle midface fullness
  • Minimal nasolabial fat
  • Proportionate facial length to nasal height
  • Defined zygomatic arches (cheekbone ridges)
  • Smooth nasolabial junction
  • Slight inward curvature of the upper lip
  • Even orbital width
  • Smooth jawline from ear to chin
  • Rounded cheek pads
  • Balanced nasal ala width
  • Symmetrical lip corners
  • Smooth suborbital area (below the eyes)
  • Proportional cheek height
  • Subtle nasal tip rotation
  • Balanced orbital rim contour
  • Slightly recessed nasal tip
  • Proportional philtral height
  • Subtle chin prominence
  • Smooth nasolabial folds
  • Defined supraorbital margin (brow bone)
  • Proportional facial height to nose width ratio
  • Symmetrical nostril size
  • Rounded mandibular angle
  • Balanced facial soft tissue
  • Defined labiomental fold (chin crease)
  • Proportional zygomatic width to jaw width
  • Smooth nasal sidewall contour
  • Minimal malar (cheek) flattening
  • Balanced mandibular projection
  • Subtle eyebrow lift
  • Symmetrical nasal tip
  • Smooth nasal bridge
  • Slightly convex nasal profile
  • Well-defined mandibular ramus (side of jaw)
  • Proportional lower facial height
  • Smooth transition from cheek to jawline
  • Even zygomatic prominence (cheekbone height)
  • Subtle cheek rounding
  • Proportional distance between eyebrows and eyes
  • Symmetrical nostril flare
  • Balanced facial curvature
  • Slight inward curvature of the chin
  • Defined brow ridge
  • Proportional subnasal angle
  • Smooth lip contour
  • Rounded eyebrow shape
  • Balanced nasal projection
  • Minimal upper eyelid puffiness
  • Defined malar ridge (cheekbone contour)
  • Smooth transition between nose and forehead
  • Even eyebrow thickness
  • Slightly anterior chin projection
  • Subtle smile lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Proportional lateral facial profile
  • Symmetrical upper and lower eyelids
  • Balanced chin-lip relationship
  • Rounded nasal base
  • Smooth facial contour from forehead to chin
  • Soft temporal fossae (sides of the forehead)
  • Proportional glabellar height
  • Symmetrical nasolabial curves
  • Balanced alar (nostril) flare
  • Smooth orbital margin
  • Proportional interalar distance (nostril width)
  • Subtle submental fat (under the chin)
  • Well-defined nasojugal groove (where the cheek meets the nose)
  • Balanced anterior chin height
  • Minimal orbital puffiness
  • Smooth nasofacial transition
  • Symmetrical facial landmarks
  • Subtle dimples (if present)
  • Proportional mandibular width to facial height
  • Balanced philtral width
  • Smooth malar prominence
  • Rounded mandibular notch
  • Even facial soft tissue distribution
  • Proportional nasal width to facial width
  • Well-aligned facial axes
  • Smooth premaxillary contour
  • Subtle mandibular eminence (chin prominence)
  • Proportional nasal length to mouth width
  • Balanced facial angles
  • Smooth periorbital (around the eyes) area
  • Defined orbital contour
  • Slight outward curvature of the cheeks
  • Symmetrical facial height
  • Even philtrum to upper lip ratio
  • Balanced lower facial third
  • Rounded zygomatic arches
  • Proportional facial width to maxillary width
  • Smooth facial soft tissue transitions
  • Balanced facial symmetry in different lighting conditions
  • Subtle nasolabial curvature
  • Proportional nasal tip rotation to face height
  • Defined malar contour
  • Well-balanced facial curvature
  • Rounded chin pad
  • Proportional facial height to orbital height
  • Subtle supraorbital contour (brow ridge)
  • Well-aligned nasal tip and chin point
  • Symmetrical nasal dorsum
  • Proportional facial length to forehead height
  • Balanced chin projection to lower lip projection
  • Smooth nasal dorsum contour
  • Rounded mental eminence (chin)
  • Balanced mandibular contour
  • Proportional nasolabial fold depth
  • Smooth facial profile
  • Symmetrical periorbital hollows
  • Even skin tone under different lighting
  • Balanced facial planes
  • Subtle jawline tapering
  • Proportional nasal bridge height
  • Defined malar prominence
  • Symmetrical cheek pad volume
  • Balanced nasolabial angle
  • Rounded suborbital area
  • Well-aligned chin and philtrum
  • Smooth facial line from brow to chin
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Subtle chin projection
  • Balanced upper and lower facial thirds
  • Symmetrical alar base
  • Proportional nasolabial depth
  • Even facial curvature from profile view
  • Balanced mandibular length
  • Smooth nasofrontal transition
  • Defined nasojugal line
  • Proportional nasal tip projection to facial width
  • Symmetrical facial outline
  • Smooth cheek-to-jaw transition
  • Proportional nasomental angle
  • Subtle nasolabial junction
  • Symmetrical submalar region
  • Balanced maxillary and mandibular width
  • Rounded preauricular area
  • Proportional facial height to nasal projection
  • Well-defined orbital rim
  • Smooth mandibular line
  • Proportional chin height to facial height
  • Symmetrical facial contour in different expressions
  • Balanced zygomatic and mandibular width
  • Subtle nasolabial transition
  • Even facial symmetry in profile view
  • Proportional maxillary height
  • Rounded nasal tip to alar base ratio
  • Balanced nasofacial angles
  • Smooth cheek-to-nose transition
  • Proportional chin prominence
  • Symmetrical cheekbone projection
  • Rounded alar sidewalls
  • Balanced philtral height to lip height
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Proportional orbital height to facial height
  • Subtle premaxillary projection
  • Symmetrical mandibular contour
  • Balanced facial thirds in different angles
  • Rounded malar contour
  • High Trust, Youthful and innocent face
  • Long legs relative to torso length (leg-to-body ratio around 1:1.4)
  • Proportional arm length to body height
  • Narrow waist relative to hips (waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7)
  • Wider pelvis compared to shoulder width
  • High hip-to-waist ratio
  • Wide-set hips (pelvic width)
  • Well-defined hourglass figure (waist narrower than both bust and hips)
  • Proportionate shoulder-to-hip ratio (shoulder-to-hip ratio around 0.8)
  • Moderate clavicle length (collarbone)
  • Proportionate femur length to tibia length
  • Proportional neck length (not too long or too short)
  • Moderately sloping shoulders
  • Proportionate forearm to upper arm length
  • Symmetrical bone structure
  • Proportionate torso length to leg length
  • Rounded pelvic shape
  • Narrow ribcage
  • Proportionate head size to body height
  • Moderate limb thickness
  • Pronounced iliac crest (upper border of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate upper body length
  • Well-aligned spinal curvature
  • Moderately sized scapulae (shoulder blades)
  • Balanced rib-to-waist ratio
  • Proportional hand size to overall body
  • Rounded lumbar curve (lower back)
  • Proportionate chest circumference
  • Moderate pelvic tilt (anterior pelvic tilt)
  • Long, slender fingers
  • Proportionate foot size to height
  • High iliac wings (wider pelvis)
  • Low thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper back)
  • Well-defined sacrum curvature
  • Moderate pubic arch angle
  • Proportionate wrist circumference
  • Moderate knee-to-hip length ratio
  • Balanced thigh-to-calf ratio
  • Proportionate heel-to-arch length
  • Symmetrical vertebral column
  • Low vertebral spinous process prominence (less pronounced spine ridges)
  • Rounded anterior superior iliac spine (part of the pelvis)
  • Balanced scapular angle
  • Proportional humerus length
  • Proportionate cervical spine length
  • Rounded acetabulum (hip socket)
  • Balanced clavicle-to-scapula ratio
  • Low pelvis height relative to body height
  • Proportionate metacarpal length (hand bones)
  • Moderate femur head size
  • Low ribcage flare
  • Rounded thoracic cavity
  • Balanced shoulder-to-elbow ratio
  • Symmetrical acromion process (part of the shoulder blade)
  • Proportionate sternum length
  • Low knee joint width
  • Proportional iliac to ischial length (pelvic bones)
  • Rounded acetabular rim
  • Low lumbar lordosis (curvature of the lower back)
  • Symmetrical mandibular angle (jaw angle)
  • Moderate knee-to-ankle length
  • Balanced pelvic inlet size
  • Symmetrical patella (kneecap) shape
  • Proportionate humerus-to-radius ratio (forearm)
  • Low costal angle (angle of the ribs)
  • Rounded pubic symphysis (front of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate arm span to height
  • Moderate iliac fossa depth (part of the pelvis)
  • Low thoracic cage depth
  • Proportionate scapular spine
  • Symmetrical iliac crest height
  • Moderate femur neck length
  • Proportional acetabular depth
  • Symmetrical pelvis width
  • Balanced lumbar vertebrae size
  • Proportionate olecranon process (elbow)
  • Low scapular winging
  • Moderate femur shaft curvature
  • Rounded ischial tuberosities (part of the pelvis)
  • Symmetrical shoulder girdle
  • Proportionate phalangeal length (finger bones)
  • Low pelvic inlet-to-outlet distance
  • Moderate costal cartilage length
  • Proportionate glenoid cavity size (part of the shoulder)
  • Symmetrical pelvic obliquity
  • Balanced iliac-to-sacral ratio
  • Moderate nasal bone prominence
  • Proportionate zygomatic arch width
  • Rounded femoral condyles (part of the knee joint)
  • Balanced sacroiliac joint
  • Proportionate vertebral body height
  • Low ischial spine prominence
  • Symmetrical clavicle curvature
  • Moderate sternoclavicular joint size
  • Proportionate tarsal bone length (foot bones)
  • Balanced thoracic vertebrae size
  • Symmetrical pubic bone width
  • Low lumbar intervertebral disc height
  • Proportional scapular rotation
  • Rounded femoral trochanter (part of the femur)
Commendable post effort.
  • Facial symmetry
  • Golden ratio proportions
  • Large eyes
  • Full lips
  • High cheekbones
  • Small nose
  • Defined jawline
  • Clear skin
  • Straight teeth
  • Even skin tone
  • Almond-shaped eyes
  • Long eyelashes
  • Defined Cupid's bow
  • Proportional forehead height
  • Rounded chin
  • Soft jawline
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Narrow nose bridge
  • Well-defined eyebrows
  • Slightly arched eyebrows
  • Visible eyelid crease
  • Symmetrical eyebrows
  • Narrow face shape
  • High brow bone
  • Short philtrum
  • Short nose
  • Upturned nose tip
  • Balanced facial thirds
  • Small chin
  • Proportional nose width
  • Full lower lip
  • Balanced upper and lower lips
  • Prominent maxilla
  • Short midface
  • Moderate facial width
  • Balanced eye spacing
  • Low orbital width
  • Rounded cheekbones
  • Slightly protruding lower lip
  • Slightly downturned eyes
  • Minimal nasolabial folds
  • Defined jaw angle
  • Proportional chin to lip distance
  • Proportional forehead width
  • Moderate chin projection
  • Small mandibular angle
  • Short facial height
  • Defined vermilion border
  • Clear, defined eyes
  • High zygomatic bone
  • Balanced nose tip projection
  • Visible sclera (white part of the eye)
  • Smooth nasofrontal angle
  • Well-developed cheek fat pads
  • Short chin to lip distance
  • Narrow alar base (nostrils)
  • Smooth nasofacial angle
  • Slightly concave nose profile
  • Subtle labiomental crease
  • Minimal buccal fat
  • Narrow intercanthal distance
  • Visible iris
  • Prominent nasion (nose bridge)
  • Smooth forehead contour
  • Proportional ear size
  • Rounded temporal region
  • Pronounced supraorbital ridge
  • Small mouth width
  • Balanced chin height
  • Smooth labiomental transition
  • Short mandibular height
  • Prominent glabella (between eyebrows)
  • Balanced forehead projection
  • Narrow mandibular body
  • Evenly spaced teeth
  • Proportional eye-to-eye distance
  • Slightly curved eyebrows
  • Visible tear trough
  • Small nostrils
  • Defined supraorbital margin
  • Smooth mandibular contour
  • Balanced orbital height
  • High canthal tilt (eye corner angle)
  • Moderate cheek projection
  • Slightly upturned mouth corners
  • Smooth labiomandibular fold
  • Balanced mouth to chin distance
  • Narrow nasofrontal angle
  • Smooth skin surface
  • Defined lower eyelid
  • Small palpebral fissure (eye opening)
  • Subtle nasolabial angle
  • Balanced interalar width (nose width)
  • Slightly convex forehead
  • Even brow-to-hairline distance
  • Small canthal tilt (eye tilt angle)
  • Smooth preauricular area (near the ear)
  • Proportional facial width-to-height ratio
  • Minimal orbital fat
  • Smooth submental region (under the chin)
  • Rounded chin apex
  • Smooth jawline contour
  • Subtle cheek hollows
  • Balanced chin width
  • Slightly prominent mandibular symphysis (chin point)
  • Rounded nasal tip
  • Well-defined nasolabial angle
  • Proportionate philtrum depth
  • Moderate chin dimple (if present)
  • Slight upward tilt of the lateral canthus (outer eye corner)
  • Proportional facial width to cheekbone width ratio
  • Softly defined jaw corners
  • Smooth nasomental curve
  • Even lip vermilion height
  • Balanced cheek prominence
  • Proportional distance from the chin to the neck
  • Slightly tapered chin
  • Smooth transition between lower eyelid and cheek
  • Well-defined nasofrontal suture (where nose meets forehead)
  • Minimal glabellar lines (frown lines)
  • Smooth buccal (cheek) contour
  • High nasal bridge
  • Proportional forehead slope
  • Rounded forehead shape
  • Well-defined submalar triangle (below cheekbone)
  • Proportional maxillary width
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Rounded nasal alae (sides of nostrils)
  • Balanced vertical facial height
  • Symmetrical cheek volume
  • Subtle chin cleft (if present)
  • Slight outward curvature of the lower lip
  • Rounded nasal dorsum
  • Smooth transition from nose to upper lip
  • Slightly anterior nasal spine
  • Proportional nasal length to face height ratio
  • Subtle philtral columns (vertical ridges on the upper lip)
  • Balanced mandibular arch
  • Defined gonial angle (jaw angle)
  • Slightly concave facial profile
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Smooth brow arch
  • Subtle midface fullness
  • Minimal nasolabial fat
  • Proportionate facial length to nasal height
  • Defined zygomatic arches (cheekbone ridges)
  • Smooth nasolabial junction
  • Slight inward curvature of the upper lip
  • Even orbital width
  • Smooth jawline from ear to chin
  • Rounded cheek pads
  • Balanced nasal ala width
  • Symmetrical lip corners
  • Smooth suborbital area (below the eyes)
  • Proportional cheek height
  • Subtle nasal tip rotation
  • Balanced orbital rim contour
  • Slightly recessed nasal tip
  • Proportional philtral height
  • Subtle chin prominence
  • Smooth nasolabial folds
  • Defined supraorbital margin (brow bone)
  • Proportional facial height to nose width ratio
  • Symmetrical nostril size
  • Rounded mandibular angle
  • Balanced facial soft tissue
  • Defined labiomental fold (chin crease)
  • Proportional zygomatic width to jaw width
  • Smooth nasal sidewall contour
  • Minimal malar (cheek) flattening
  • Balanced mandibular projection
  • Subtle eyebrow lift
  • Symmetrical nasal tip
  • Smooth nasal bridge
  • Slightly convex nasal profile
  • Well-defined mandibular ramus (side of jaw)
  • Proportional lower facial height
  • Smooth transition from cheek to jawline
  • Even zygomatic prominence (cheekbone height)
  • Subtle cheek rounding
  • Proportional distance between eyebrows and eyes
  • Symmetrical nostril flare
  • Balanced facial curvature
  • Slight inward curvature of the chin
  • Defined brow ridge
  • Proportional subnasal angle
  • Smooth lip contour
  • Rounded eyebrow shape
  • Balanced nasal projection
  • Minimal upper eyelid puffiness
  • Defined malar ridge (cheekbone contour)
  • Smooth transition between nose and forehead
  • Even eyebrow thickness
  • Slightly anterior chin projection
  • Subtle smile lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Proportional lateral facial profile
  • Symmetrical upper and lower eyelids
  • Balanced chin-lip relationship
  • Rounded nasal base
  • Smooth facial contour from forehead to chin
  • Soft temporal fossae (sides of the forehead)
  • Proportional glabellar height
  • Symmetrical nasolabial curves
  • Balanced alar (nostril) flare
  • Smooth orbital margin
  • Proportional interalar distance (nostril width)
  • Subtle submental fat (under the chin)
  • Well-defined nasojugal groove (where the cheek meets the nose)
  • Balanced anterior chin height
  • Minimal orbital puffiness
  • Smooth nasofacial transition
  • Symmetrical facial landmarks
  • Subtle dimples (if present)
  • Proportional mandibular width to facial height
  • Balanced philtral width
  • Smooth malar prominence
  • Rounded mandibular notch
  • Even facial soft tissue distribution
  • Proportional nasal width to facial width
  • Well-aligned facial axes
  • Smooth premaxillary contour
  • Subtle mandibular eminence (chin prominence)
  • Proportional nasal length to mouth width
  • Balanced facial angles
  • Smooth periorbital (around the eyes) area
  • Defined orbital contour
  • Slight outward curvature of the cheeks
  • Symmetrical facial height
  • Even philtrum to upper lip ratio
  • Balanced lower facial third
  • Rounded zygomatic arches
  • Proportional facial width to maxillary width
  • Smooth facial soft tissue transitions
  • Balanced facial symmetry in different lighting conditions
  • Subtle nasolabial curvature
  • Proportional nasal tip rotation to face height
  • Defined malar contour
  • Well-balanced facial curvature
  • Rounded chin pad
  • Proportional facial height to orbital height
  • Subtle supraorbital contour (brow ridge)
  • Well-aligned nasal tip and chin point
  • Symmetrical nasal dorsum
  • Proportional facial length to forehead height
  • Balanced chin projection to lower lip projection
  • Smooth nasal dorsum contour
  • Rounded mental eminence (chin)
  • Balanced mandibular contour
  • Proportional nasolabial fold depth
  • Smooth facial profile
  • Symmetrical periorbital hollows
  • Even skin tone under different lighting
  • Balanced facial planes
  • Subtle jawline tapering
  • Proportional nasal bridge height
  • Defined malar prominence
  • Symmetrical cheek pad volume
  • Balanced nasolabial angle
  • Rounded suborbital area
  • Well-aligned chin and philtrum
  • Smooth facial line from brow to chin
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Subtle chin projection
  • Balanced upper and lower facial thirds
  • Symmetrical alar base
  • Proportional nasolabial depth
  • Even facial curvature from profile view
  • Balanced mandibular length
  • Smooth nasofrontal transition
  • Defined nasojugal line
  • Proportional nasal tip projection to facial width
  • Symmetrical facial outline
  • Smooth cheek-to-jaw transition
  • Proportional nasomental angle
  • Subtle nasolabial junction
  • Symmetrical submalar region
  • Balanced maxillary and mandibular width
  • Rounded preauricular area
  • Proportional facial height to nasal projection
  • Well-defined orbital rim
  • Smooth mandibular line
  • Proportional chin height to facial height
  • Symmetrical facial contour in different expressions
  • Balanced zygomatic and mandibular width
  • Subtle nasolabial transition
  • Even facial symmetry in profile view
  • Proportional maxillary height
  • Rounded nasal tip to alar base ratio
  • Balanced nasofacial angles
  • Smooth cheek-to-nose transition
  • Proportional chin prominence
  • Symmetrical cheekbone projection
  • Rounded alar sidewalls
  • Balanced philtral height to lip height
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Proportional orbital height to facial height
  • Subtle premaxillary projection
  • Symmetrical mandibular contour
  • Balanced facial thirds in different angles
  • Rounded malar contour
  • High Trust, Youthful and innocent face
  • Long legs relative to torso length (leg-to-body ratio around 1:1.4)
  • Proportional arm length to body height
  • Narrow waist relative to hips (waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7)
  • Wider pelvis compared to shoulder width
  • High hip-to-waist ratio
  • Wide-set hips (pelvic width)
  • Well-defined hourglass figure (waist narrower than both bust and hips)
  • Proportionate shoulder-to-hip ratio (shoulder-to-hip ratio around 0.8)
  • Moderate clavicle length (collarbone)
  • Proportionate femur length to tibia length
  • Proportional neck length (not too long or too short)
  • Moderately sloping shoulders
  • Proportionate forearm to upper arm length
  • Symmetrical bone structure
  • Proportionate torso length to leg length
  • Rounded pelvic shape
  • Narrow ribcage
  • Proportionate head size to body height
  • Moderate limb thickness
  • Pronounced iliac crest (upper border of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate upper body length
  • Well-aligned spinal curvature
  • Moderately sized scapulae (shoulder blades)
  • Balanced rib-to-waist ratio
  • Proportional hand size to overall body
  • Rounded lumbar curve (lower back)
  • Proportionate chest circumference
  • Moderate pelvic tilt (anterior pelvic tilt)
  • Long, slender fingers
  • Proportionate foot size to height
  • High iliac wings (wider pelvis)
  • Low thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper back)
  • Well-defined sacrum curvature
  • Moderate pubic arch angle
  • Proportionate wrist circumference
  • Moderate knee-to-hip length ratio
  • Balanced thigh-to-calf ratio
  • Proportionate heel-to-arch length
  • Symmetrical vertebral column
  • Low vertebral spinous process prominence (less pronounced spine ridges)
  • Rounded anterior superior iliac spine (part of the pelvis)
  • Balanced scapular angle
  • Proportional humerus length
  • Proportionate cervical spine length
  • Rounded acetabulum (hip socket)
  • Balanced clavicle-to-scapula ratio
  • Low pelvis height relative to body height
  • Proportionate metacarpal length (hand bones)
  • Moderate femur head size
  • Low ribcage flare
  • Rounded thoracic cavity
  • Balanced shoulder-to-elbow ratio
  • Symmetrical acromion process (part of the shoulder blade)
  • Proportionate sternum length
  • Low knee joint width
  • Proportional iliac to ischial length (pelvic bones)
  • Rounded acetabular rim
  • Low lumbar lordosis (curvature of the lower back)
  • Symmetrical mandibular angle (jaw angle)
  • Moderate knee-to-ankle length
  • Balanced pelvic inlet size
  • Symmetrical patella (kneecap) shape
  • Proportionate humerus-to-radius ratio (forearm)
  • Low costal angle (angle of the ribs)
  • Rounded pubic symphysis (front of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate arm span to height
  • Moderate iliac fossa depth (part of the pelvis)
  • Low thoracic cage depth
  • Proportionate scapular spine
  • Symmetrical iliac crest height
  • Moderate femur neck length
  • Proportional acetabular depth
  • Symmetrical pelvis width
  • Balanced lumbar vertebrae size
  • Proportionate olecranon process (elbow)
  • Low scapular winging
  • Moderate femur shaft curvature
  • Rounded ischial tuberosities (part of the pelvis)
  • Symmetrical shoulder girdle
  • Proportionate phalangeal length (finger bones)
  • Low pelvic inlet-to-outlet distance
  • Moderate costal cartilage length
  • Proportionate glenoid cavity size (part of the shoulder)
  • Symmetrical pelvic obliquity
  • Balanced iliac-to-sacral ratio
  • Moderate nasal bone prominence
  • Proportionate zygomatic arch width
  • Rounded femoral condyles (part of the knee joint)
  • Balanced sacroiliac joint
  • Proportionate vertebral body height
  • Low ischial spine prominence
  • Symmetrical clavicle curvature
  • Moderate sternoclavicular joint size
  • Proportionate tarsal bone length (foot bones)
  • Balanced thoracic vertebrae size
  • Symmetrical pubic bone width
  • Low lumbar intervertebral disc height
  • Proportional scapular rotation
  • Rounded femoral trochanter (part of the femur)
Long legs and narrow waist is attractive, didn’t read the rest
  • Facial symmetry
  • Golden ratio proportions
  • Large eyes
  • Full lips
  • High cheekbones
  • Small nose
  • Defined jawline
  • Clear skin
  • Straight teeth
  • Even skin tone
  • Almond-shaped eyes
  • Long eyelashes
  • Defined Cupid's bow
  • Proportional forehead height
  • Rounded chin
  • Soft jawline
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Narrow nose bridge
  • Well-defined eyebrows
  • Slightly arched eyebrows
  • Visible eyelid crease
  • Symmetrical eyebrows
  • Narrow face shape
  • High brow bone
  • Short philtrum
  • Short nose
  • Upturned nose tip
  • Balanced facial thirds
  • Small chin
  • Proportional nose width
  • Full lower lip
  • Balanced upper and lower lips
  • Prominent maxilla
  • Short midface
  • Moderate facial width
  • Balanced eye spacing
  • Low orbital width
  • Rounded cheekbones
  • Slightly protruding lower lip
  • Slightly downturned eyes
  • Minimal nasolabial folds
  • Defined jaw angle
  • Proportional chin to lip distance
  • Proportional forehead width
  • Moderate chin projection
  • Small mandibular angle
  • Short facial height
  • Defined vermilion border
  • Clear, defined eyes
  • High zygomatic bone
  • Balanced nose tip projection
  • Visible sclera (white part of the eye)
  • Smooth nasofrontal angle
  • Well-developed cheek fat pads
  • Short chin to lip distance
  • Narrow alar base (nostrils)
  • Smooth nasofacial angle
  • Slightly concave nose profile
  • Subtle labiomental crease
  • Minimal buccal fat
  • Narrow intercanthal distance
  • Visible iris
  • Prominent nasion (nose bridge)
  • Smooth forehead contour
  • Proportional ear size
  • Rounded temporal region
  • Pronounced supraorbital ridge
  • Small mouth width
  • Balanced chin height
  • Smooth labiomental transition
  • Short mandibular height
  • Prominent glabella (between eyebrows)
  • Balanced forehead projection
  • Narrow mandibular body
  • Evenly spaced teeth
  • Proportional eye-to-eye distance
  • Slightly curved eyebrows
  • Visible tear trough
  • Small nostrils
  • Defined supraorbital margin
  • Smooth mandibular contour
  • Balanced orbital height
  • High canthal tilt (eye corner angle)
  • Moderate cheek projection
  • Slightly upturned mouth corners
  • Smooth labiomandibular fold
  • Balanced mouth to chin distance
  • Narrow nasofrontal angle
  • Smooth skin surface
  • Defined lower eyelid
  • Small palpebral fissure (eye opening)
  • Subtle nasolabial angle
  • Balanced interalar width (nose width)
  • Slightly convex forehead
  • Even brow-to-hairline distance
  • Small canthal tilt (eye tilt angle)
  • Smooth preauricular area (near the ear)
  • Proportional facial width-to-height ratio
  • Minimal orbital fat
  • Smooth submental region (under the chin)
  • Rounded chin apex
  • Smooth jawline contour
  • Subtle cheek hollows
  • Balanced chin width
  • Slightly prominent mandibular symphysis (chin point)
  • Rounded nasal tip
  • Well-defined nasolabial angle
  • Proportionate philtrum depth
  • Moderate chin dimple (if present)
  • Slight upward tilt of the lateral canthus (outer eye corner)
  • Proportional facial width to cheekbone width ratio
  • Softly defined jaw corners
  • Smooth nasomental curve
  • Even lip vermilion height
  • Balanced cheek prominence
  • Proportional distance from the chin to the neck
  • Slightly tapered chin
  • Smooth transition between lower eyelid and cheek
  • Well-defined nasofrontal suture (where nose meets forehead)
  • Minimal glabellar lines (frown lines)
  • Smooth buccal (cheek) contour
  • High nasal bridge
  • Proportional forehead slope
  • Rounded forehead shape
  • Well-defined submalar triangle (below cheekbone)
  • Proportional maxillary width
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Rounded nasal alae (sides of nostrils)
  • Balanced vertical facial height
  • Symmetrical cheek volume
  • Subtle chin cleft (if present)
  • Slight outward curvature of the lower lip
  • Rounded nasal dorsum
  • Smooth transition from nose to upper lip
  • Slightly anterior nasal spine
  • Proportional nasal length to face height ratio
  • Subtle philtral columns (vertical ridges on the upper lip)
  • Balanced mandibular arch
  • Defined gonial angle (jaw angle)
  • Slightly concave facial profile
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Smooth brow arch
  • Subtle midface fullness
  • Minimal nasolabial fat
  • Proportionate facial length to nasal height
  • Defined zygomatic arches (cheekbone ridges)
  • Smooth nasolabial junction
  • Slight inward curvature of the upper lip
  • Even orbital width
  • Smooth jawline from ear to chin
  • Rounded cheek pads
  • Balanced nasal ala width
  • Symmetrical lip corners
  • Smooth suborbital area (below the eyes)
  • Proportional cheek height
  • Subtle nasal tip rotation
  • Balanced orbital rim contour
  • Slightly recessed nasal tip
  • Proportional philtral height
  • Subtle chin prominence
  • Smooth nasolabial folds
  • Defined supraorbital margin (brow bone)
  • Proportional facial height to nose width ratio
  • Symmetrical nostril size
  • Rounded mandibular angle
  • Balanced facial soft tissue
  • Defined labiomental fold (chin crease)
  • Proportional zygomatic width to jaw width
  • Smooth nasal sidewall contour
  • Minimal malar (cheek) flattening
  • Balanced mandibular projection
  • Subtle eyebrow lift
  • Symmetrical nasal tip
  • Smooth nasal bridge
  • Slightly convex nasal profile
  • Well-defined mandibular ramus (side of jaw)
  • Proportional lower facial height
  • Smooth transition from cheek to jawline
  • Even zygomatic prominence (cheekbone height)
  • Subtle cheek rounding
  • Proportional distance between eyebrows and eyes
  • Symmetrical nostril flare
  • Balanced facial curvature
  • Slight inward curvature of the chin
  • Defined brow ridge
  • Proportional subnasal angle
  • Smooth lip contour
  • Rounded eyebrow shape
  • Balanced nasal projection
  • Minimal upper eyelid puffiness
  • Defined malar ridge (cheekbone contour)
  • Smooth transition between nose and forehead
  • Even eyebrow thickness
  • Slightly anterior chin projection
  • Subtle smile lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Proportional lateral facial profile
  • Symmetrical upper and lower eyelids
  • Balanced chin-lip relationship
  • Rounded nasal base
  • Smooth facial contour from forehead to chin
  • Soft temporal fossae (sides of the forehead)
  • Proportional glabellar height
  • Symmetrical nasolabial curves
  • Balanced alar (nostril) flare
  • Smooth orbital margin
  • Proportional interalar distance (nostril width)
  • Subtle submental fat (under the chin)
  • Well-defined nasojugal groove (where the cheek meets the nose)
  • Balanced anterior chin height
  • Minimal orbital puffiness
  • Smooth nasofacial transition
  • Symmetrical facial landmarks
  • Subtle dimples (if present)
  • Proportional mandibular width to facial height
  • Balanced philtral width
  • Smooth malar prominence
  • Rounded mandibular notch
  • Even facial soft tissue distribution
  • Proportional nasal width to facial width
  • Well-aligned facial axes
  • Smooth premaxillary contour
  • Subtle mandibular eminence (chin prominence)
  • Proportional nasal length to mouth width
  • Balanced facial angles
  • Smooth periorbital (around the eyes) area
  • Defined orbital contour
  • Slight outward curvature of the cheeks
  • Symmetrical facial height
  • Even philtrum to upper lip ratio
  • Balanced lower facial third
  • Rounded zygomatic arches
  • Proportional facial width to maxillary width
  • Smooth facial soft tissue transitions
  • Balanced facial symmetry in different lighting conditions
  • Subtle nasolabial curvature
  • Proportional nasal tip rotation to face height
  • Defined malar contour
  • Well-balanced facial curvature
  • Rounded chin pad
  • Proportional facial height to orbital height
  • Subtle supraorbital contour (brow ridge)
  • Well-aligned nasal tip and chin point
  • Symmetrical nasal dorsum
  • Proportional facial length to forehead height
  • Balanced chin projection to lower lip projection
  • Smooth nasal dorsum contour
  • Rounded mental eminence (chin)
  • Balanced mandibular contour
  • Proportional nasolabial fold depth
  • Smooth facial profile
  • Symmetrical periorbital hollows
  • Even skin tone under different lighting
  • Balanced facial planes
  • Subtle jawline tapering
  • Proportional nasal bridge height
  • Defined malar prominence
  • Symmetrical cheek pad volume
  • Balanced nasolabial angle
  • Rounded suborbital area
  • Well-aligned chin and philtrum
  • Smooth facial line from brow to chin
  • Proportional facial convexity
  • Subtle chin projection
  • Balanced upper and lower facial thirds
  • Symmetrical alar base
  • Proportional nasolabial depth
  • Even facial curvature from profile view
  • Balanced mandibular length
  • Smooth nasofrontal transition
  • Defined nasojugal line
  • Proportional nasal tip projection to facial width
  • Symmetrical facial outline
  • Smooth cheek-to-jaw transition
  • Proportional nasomental angle
  • Subtle nasolabial junction
  • Symmetrical submalar region
  • Balanced maxillary and mandibular width
  • Rounded preauricular area
  • Proportional facial height to nasal projection
  • Well-defined orbital rim
  • Smooth mandibular line
  • Proportional chin height to facial height
  • Symmetrical facial contour in different expressions
  • Balanced zygomatic and mandibular width
  • Subtle nasolabial transition
  • Even facial symmetry in profile view
  • Proportional maxillary height
  • Rounded nasal tip to alar base ratio
  • Balanced nasofacial angles
  • Smooth cheek-to-nose transition
  • Proportional chin prominence
  • Symmetrical cheekbone projection
  • Rounded alar sidewalls
  • Balanced philtral height to lip height
  • Smooth nasolabial groove
  • Proportional orbital height to facial height
  • Subtle premaxillary projection
  • Symmetrical mandibular contour
  • Balanced facial thirds in different angles
  • Rounded malar contour
  • High Trust, Youthful and innocent face
  • Long legs relative to torso length (leg-to-body ratio around 1:1.4)
  • Proportional arm length to body height
  • Narrow waist relative to hips (waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7)
  • Wider pelvis compared to shoulder width
  • High hip-to-waist ratio
  • Wide-set hips (pelvic width)
  • Well-defined hourglass figure (waist narrower than both bust and hips)
  • Proportionate shoulder-to-hip ratio (shoulder-to-hip ratio around 0.8)
  • Moderate clavicle length (collarbone)
  • Proportionate femur length to tibia length
  • Proportional neck length (not too long or too short)
  • Moderately sloping shoulders
  • Proportionate forearm to upper arm length
  • Symmetrical bone structure
  • Proportionate torso length to leg length
  • Rounded pelvic shape
  • Narrow ribcage
  • Proportionate head size to body height
  • Moderate limb thickness
  • Pronounced iliac crest (upper border of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate upper body length
  • Well-aligned spinal curvature
  • Moderately sized scapulae (shoulder blades)
  • Balanced rib-to-waist ratio
  • Proportional hand size to overall body
  • Rounded lumbar curve (lower back)
  • Proportionate chest circumference
  • Moderate pelvic tilt (anterior pelvic tilt)
  • Long, slender fingers
  • Proportionate foot size to height
  • High iliac wings (wider pelvis)
  • Low thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper back)
  • Well-defined sacrum curvature
  • Moderate pubic arch angle
  • Proportionate wrist circumference
  • Moderate knee-to-hip length ratio
  • Balanced thigh-to-calf ratio
  • Proportionate heel-to-arch length
  • Symmetrical vertebral column
  • Low vertebral spinous process prominence (less pronounced spine ridges)
  • Rounded anterior superior iliac spine (part of the pelvis)
  • Balanced scapular angle
  • Proportional humerus length
  • Proportionate cervical spine length
  • Rounded acetabulum (hip socket)
  • Balanced clavicle-to-scapula ratio
  • Low pelvis height relative to body height
  • Proportionate metacarpal length (hand bones)
  • Moderate femur head size
  • Low ribcage flare
  • Rounded thoracic cavity
  • Balanced shoulder-to-elbow ratio
  • Symmetrical acromion process (part of the shoulder blade)
  • Proportionate sternum length
  • Low knee joint width
  • Proportional iliac to ischial length (pelvic bones)
  • Rounded acetabular rim
  • Low lumbar lordosis (curvature of the lower back)
  • Symmetrical mandibular angle (jaw angle)
  • Moderate knee-to-ankle length
  • Balanced pelvic inlet size
  • Symmetrical patella (kneecap) shape
  • Proportionate humerus-to-radius ratio (forearm)
  • Low costal angle (angle of the ribs)
  • Rounded pubic symphysis (front of the pelvis)
  • Proportionate arm span to height
  • Moderate iliac fossa depth (part of the pelvis)
  • Low thoracic cage depth
  • Proportionate scapular spine
  • Symmetrical iliac crest height
  • Moderate femur neck length
  • Proportional acetabular depth
  • Symmetrical pelvis width
  • Balanced lumbar vertebrae size
  • Proportionate olecranon process (elbow)
  • Low scapular winging
  • Moderate femur shaft curvature
  • Rounded ischial tuberosities (part of the pelvis)
  • Symmetrical shoulder girdle
  • Proportionate phalangeal length (finger bones)
  • Low pelvic inlet-to-outlet distance
  • Moderate costal cartilage length
  • Proportionate glenoid cavity size (part of the shoulder)
  • Symmetrical pelvic obliquity
  • Balanced iliac-to-sacral ratio
  • Moderate nasal bone prominence
  • Proportionate zygomatic arch width
  • Rounded femoral condyles (part of the knee joint)
  • Balanced sacroiliac joint
  • Proportionate vertebral body height
  • Low ischial spine prominence
  • Symmetrical clavicle curvature
  • Moderate sternoclavicular joint size
  • Proportionate tarsal bone length (foot bones)
  • Balanced thoracic vertebrae size
  • Symmetrical pubic bone width
  • Low lumbar intervertebral disc height
  • Proportional scapular rotation
  • Rounded femoral trochanter (part of the femur)
Dam I died Over
I have high buccal fat and it makes my midfacial area look really chubby/youthful; that's why people always think I'm a little kid instead of a 16 year old lol. But agreed with symmetrical pubic bone width, I don't even know what that is and kind of don't want to if I lack lmfao.
Most of the stuff here I wouldn't worry about some are jokes but it's all tied into genetic selection, men wont really care tbh lol
On the internet, I see a lot of different facial features being treated as "attractive" in women. It generally confuses me because there are some men who prefer protruding, round eyes on women and others who prefer deep-set, almond/hooded-shaped eyes. Additionally, there seems to be a split opinion on how defined a woman's face is; a lot of men who likes younger women would find a girl with youthful, rounded features as beautiful, but some men likes women with sharper, masculine features.

What are, in your personal opinion, facial features that can be universally seen as "attractive," on a woman and are most commonly seen in gigastacies.
look up cnp asian
