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Discussion What guides y'all need ?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 42181
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i ask ai and check something which is not known

nail health and appearance?

Thyroid Disorders and Nail Changes:

  • Hypothyroidism: An underactive thyroid can cause brittle, dry nails.
  • Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid can lead to thick, ridged nails.

    Hydration and Nails:
    • Nail health: Dehydration can cause brittle, dry nails.
    • Nail growth: Adequate hydration is essential for healthy nail growth.
    • Nail appearance: Hydration can improve the appearance of nails, making them look smoother and more vibrant.
do an in depth one
it might not be useful for everyone, but it is helpful

idk for others they might have better suggestions
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
i ask ai and check something which is not known

nail health and appearance?

Thyroid Disorders and Nail Changes:

  • Hypothyroidism: An underactive thyroid can cause brittle, dry nails.
  • Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid can lead to thick, ridged nails.

    Hydration and Nails:
    • Nail health: Dehydration can cause brittle, dry nails.
    • Nail growth: Adequate hydration is essential for healthy nail growth.
    • Nail appearance: Hydration can improve the appearance of nails, making them look smoother and more vibrant.
do an in depth one
it might not be useful for everyone, but it is helpful

idk for others they might have better suggestions
Working on that ,bet
i ask ai and check something which is not known

nail health and appearance?

Thyroid Disorders and Nail Changes:

  • Hypothyroidism: An underactive thyroid can cause brittle, dry nails.
  • Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid can lead to thick, ridged nails.

    Hydration and Nails:
    • Nail health: Dehydration can cause brittle, dry nails.
    • Nail growth: Adequate hydration is essential for healthy nail growth.
    • Nail appearance: Hydration can improve the appearance of nails, making them look smoother and more vibrant.
do an in depth one
it might not be useful for everyone, but it is helpful

idk for others they might have better suggestions
this would be good
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
i ask ai and check something which is not known

nail health and appearance?

Thyroid Disorders and Nail Changes:

  • Hypothyroidism: An underactive thyroid can cause brittle, dry nails.
  • Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid can lead to thick, ridged nails.

    Hydration and Nails:
    • Nail health: Dehydration can cause brittle, dry nails.
    • Nail growth: Adequate hydration is essential for healthy nail growth.
    • Nail appearance: Hydration can improve the appearance of nails, making them look smoother and more vibrant.
do an in depth one
it might not be useful for everyone, but it is helpful

idk for others they might have better suggestions
Keep up with me I am almost done with this
What guides y'all need ? So , I can post more threads about it
something for health, people include a lot about aesthetics but I want to see more on guides that improve health. Astrosky has some good ones we justneed mroe from other users and new innovative methods or topics.
Is this one water ?

if you do something which isnt surface level or dangerous or cope, then yeah
but generally hair loss or hair growth, volume, styling, and health are water, but what most people can use to achieve results without going an extra mile

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