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What is the best type of cardio for fat loss and the time needed doing the cardio?

i recommend low impact cardio like walking, running makes you hungrier. BUT it doesn’t matter really whether it’s running or walking, etc. tho because you’re going to be burning calories and losing fat either way. choose what you prefer and what you can stick with.
Just eat better tbh, but if you have to do cardio and can’t afford to eat better (I understand), I would recommend something that isn’t taxing like running on pavement or treadmill, so I recommend running on grass or biking, as those don’t stress your body as much as running pavement/treadmill
First low impact cardio like rucking (walking with a weighted vest)

And then adding a h.i.i.t workout combining sprinting, skipping rope, kettlebell swings etc
Title says it all.
That's a really hard one. Depends greatly on the person. Cardio doesn't really burn fat. In a lot of cases it slows your metabolism and actually makes you more resistant to burning fat. That's why you see so many big ass people who spend so much time in the treadmill. To lose fat you're probably gonna have to isolate and target each specific area where you want to lose.
That's a really hard one. Depends greatly on the person. Cardio doesn't really burn fat. In a lot of cases it slows your metabolism and actually makes you more resistant to burning fat. That's why you see so many big ass people who spend so much time in the treadmill. To lose fat you're probably gonna have to isolate and target each specific area where you want to lose.
you can’t spot reduce fat
That's a really hard one. Depends greatly on the person. Cardio doesn't really burn fat. In a lot of cases it slows your metabolism and actually makes you more resistant to burning fat. That's why you see so many big ass people who spend so much time in the treadmill. To lose fat you're probably gonna have to isolate and target each specific area where you want to los
That's a really hard one. Depends greatly on the person. Cardio doesn't really burn fat. In a lot of cases it slows your metabolism and actually makes you more resistant to burning fat. That's why you see so many big ass people who spend so much time in the treadmill. To lose fat you're probably gonna have to isolate and target each specific area where you want to lose.
there is nothing like spot reduce fat
you can’t spot reduce fat
Yes you sure can. I made my big fat belly disappear one time over the course of a month just by doing sets of sit ups twice a week. Didn't change my diet or do anything else.
Yes you sure can. I made my big fat belly disappear one time over the course of a month just by doing sets of sit ups twice a week. Didn't change my diet or do anything else.
if u build muscles under fat it looks more defined even Eddie hall has abs
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