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What is the importance of palatal expansion ?

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Deleted member 295

Other than having a better smile and having more room for your teeth,what are the direct and indirect consequences of palatal expansion ?
none , wide palate imo is cope, every single model has a "narrow" palate. Mewers some reason use it as a cope as if it will achieve something
What's the name of the guy in the third pic ?
He doesn't seem very good looking to me
a wide palate makes ur smile more aesthetic and allows for your tongue to fit on the roof of the mouth and makes your jaw wider.
THATS AVERAGE if anything

this is wide

and yet his cheekbones are normal and jaw, people say that it makes ur face wider but the only thing which changes is smile, and which is more aesthetic is debatable but in my opinion any set of teeth look good as long as u have a good face. any teeth look ugly on an ugly face, teeth = cope 30mm at least in IMW and u are good to go
I don't understand this. I thought that palatal expansion was the thing mewing gives you, that then causes other changes in your skull. So if palatal expansion is useless, then mewing is pretty useless if you're looking to looksmax, right ?
I don't understand this. I thought that palatal expansion was the thing mewing gives you, that then causes other changes in your skull. So if palatal expansion is useless, then mewing is pretty useless if you're looking to looksmax, right ?
Nope,wrong.Mewing isn't all about palatal expansion
Mewing can fix your bite
Mewing gives you more forward growth
It gives you shallow cheeks and defined cheekbones
It can even fix a crooked nose if it's caused by a facial downswing.
Demonstrated by my results here
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effects of wide palate:

  1. wider nasal passage and thus makes nasal breathing more comfortable
  2. sufficient room for all teeth
  3. wider nasal base
  4. wider philtrum
  5. wider lips
  6. reduced buccal corridors