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Discussion What job would you do if all jobs paid the exact same amount of money?

president requires congress to pass laws
Dissolve the Congress. I am in control of the army, we kill every Senator if they don't comply

Also, you can just just promise them some money. It usually works
Dissolve the Congress. I am in control of the army, we kill every Senator if they don't comply

Also, you can just just promise them some money. It usually works
promise them money when everyone is already equal money?
killing senators is not that easy
and also congress is needed too, to use the army
if you live in russia maybe it is different there
promise them money when everyone is already equal money?
killing senators is not that easy
and also congress is needed too, to use the army
if you live in russia maybe it is different there
That’s literally how that works. No one wants to be equal to peasants while having a position of power
It’s easy, you just bomb the Senate while they are in there
The army is gonna be commanded by some random PTSD schizophrenic and it’s gonna function better than it does rn
Yea, in Russia that’s gonna be even easier. President = God-King-Emperor here
That’s literally how that works. No one wants to be equal to peasants while having a position of power
It’s easy, you just bomb the Senate while they are in there
The army is gonna be commanded by some random PTSD schizophrenic and it’s gonna function better than it does rn
Yea, in Russia that’s gonna be even easier. President = God-King-Emperor here
in russia it will work
in america everyone will revolt

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