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What makes a halo, how to halomaxx?


New member
Nov 30, 2023
Hi all,

Halo and sex appeal are different things right?

A MTN can have sex appeal without having much halo. But what creates a halo? Looks in general, or pretty characteristics? Does HTN get more halo by default than MTN or halo is complicated? Are there different types of halo beside intensity, like the Tall individual being treated special but that treatment is not the same as what prettyboy gets or something?

I want to halomaxx and basically be treated preferentially to an extreme, even if that's not the best way to get sex appeal. How to best achieve it or what creates a very strong halo effect?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Height can be a halo, coloring of your face can be a halo, being in a different location can be a halo
Height can be a halo, coloring of your face can be a halo, being in a different location can be a halo
They don’t directly change your facial attractiveness and overall appeal but they can make you more attractive depending on scenarios
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They don’t directly change your facial attractiveness and overall appeal but they can make you more attractive depending on scenarios
Would you say that halo and attractiveness can be used interchangeably then? With halo being a type of attractiveness.
Would you say that halo and attractiveness can be used interchangeably then? With halo being a type of attractiveness.
Halo is like a multiplier I would say

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