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Discussion What remains a mystery in looksmaxxing ?

They are intertwined
I think appeal = balanced dimorphism+ Harmony + high(er) trust
It’s a broad topic, really. As Sigma pointed out, high trust features don’t necessarily appeal to everyone. There are cases where low trust combined with high sexual dimorphism, especially in men, can attract more women. But I agree, in most situations, what you said holds true: a balanced level of dimorphism, without leaning too far to one side, along with harmonious features and at least medium trustworthiness, is generally appealing, I would also say that averagnes plays a big role.
Appeal and harmony are still a somewhat grey area.
I think harmony
= ratios (which are not fixed, but rather have a range) , coloring, ethnic features
all of these have ranges and different sets, they are not all fixed to this exact blue eyed atlantid mogger with small nose and exact ratios.
there is also to say about averageness and striking features. there seems to be an attraction and trust towards average faces, while striking features can be perceived as rare and thus associated with attraction.
for example, blue hunter eyes in itself will not save a subhuman face. but it can make someone with an average appearance appear more striking and stand out.
also body proportions and measurements, niches
fashion niches, for example black people usually do not look good in all white fits, due to contrast and coloring harmony.
balance in dimorphism and androgyny. some feminine features to balance out and not be ogreish, vice versa for a female so she is not a baby skull
some people will lean towards strong or weak dimorphism and look good
like a baby faced guy would not look as good with super big muscles, compared to a dimorphic looking guy
in general, it is a very broad range with plenty of categories.

as for appeal, it depends on hormones of the female (age, menstrual cycle, contraceptives) and culture.
in general appeal requires harmony